geste M, 'PN Hu'h': aw.'_"'r,'-~;,.y»; 9i"? ' I',",',',',,",' ""100 - - ..f""l l . I ", h public hospitais' i I . In t en i To": g),te'glrl'r'f'il' because there lt.rt a f sutBeient funds torthe 115 a lack tt th im ort- I co r maintenance of 880 . D, - I" p tlons was the statement mm I,n,t,ittltl Hon. W. J. Hanna brt1 .made to re resenting the Ontario !deput:atlon l', tion The deputa- Hospital Assoc a '.' .' id be l . .1 ed that legislation shou , ition ask 'iiiiiur" municipalities to massed etirziopt the cost of the main- j'ee,",il,1)ut),r patinnts sent by them to 1'1l,')'lfa"is and also raising the general is '" ' . . . . Islam from twenty cents tl day to t1t'ty I rec, ts. . . , l"3}.l:p deputation Included Vi. E. Run: 'lllv Pl'osldt'nt J. w. Flaw-ll", J. E. ':1it'"iin's'inc": J. A. Hutcheson. Brock; l, "lie . iw. Robertson, fttaya ', l, in. ' Smith and Dr. Brandon.) I?" " ' .. Rm. jvather Laban North Hay , . s - ' .- , . . q dburV: G. J. Chown. as l-ouimer. till . I J. .. _ . Fillings and D. Lang-l Kincstort; J. ' . . _ , "ll " Hamilton, and w. Guest. St. 'zl'Ihoma; The Provincial Fh"cretary: ipromiwd that the matter should re- jcmyo considru"ation. l snow STREET CARS. I; ieputations tor and Against Wait on . . _ the Premier. .A deputation representing the 1'Southwe.stvrtt. Traction Company of {the city of St. Thomas and a number; ltr the citizens of London waited on {Premier Whitney yesterday, asking ithat legislation should be passed eu- iabling street cars-to run on Sunday {from London to Port Stanley, via St. (Thomas. The Premier, in the course (?f, his reply. said that the people {of Ontario desired that Sunday fshould he kept free. some on account ,of religious reasons and others be- lcause they considered that there {should he one day of rest during the Eweek. They wanted as little labor on gsnnday as possible. The entire ques- .tion. how' Vt'?', was the number of peo- §ple who would he convenienced and ;who wanted to get out for fresh air 'and recreation. There did not seem 1 'po be a very strong desire for Sunday I :cars in that district. W'hile he had a (strong individual sympathy with their frequest. the Government would have} .to be guided entirely by the consid-l iterations of whether the propotsitioRl, ', was J'tr'rtifltsd hy the demand of a sum.. I .cient proportion of the. people. g " Shortly after a deputation from) ithe Lord's Day Alliance, consisting of! "the Rev. T. A. Moore,'Mr. J.'K. Mac-l 'donald and Mr. J. A. Paterson, ICC.., ,'waited on the Premier. They asked; 'that legislation should be. enacted Imaking it necessary that. by-laws tor Sunday cars should be carried hy a _three-tifths vote. The Premier, how.. ever. made no promise. .