J H... . , "much" F" T w-n' 'iit? Mik, 0. Bf" '" . of" of appeals, reducing the _ " litigation and for' other pm? 0!. P F 5W Ministers have arrived at tho .micluaion that it is advisable by htnge the' date of the close of the nancial year to the tilst day of October, thus enabling the Legislature- immeet early in January in each ear: and proceed with the d-onmtch biminess. 1tou will be glad to know that tin- evenues of the Provim-v are (outsider- [tsly in excess of the estimates and nore than tsutfleient to moot the public xpenditure during tho Wilt" The "tbiie accounts will be laid beige! ' ' ' for, our considoration at a Ill.b,fttfii,"ij',',1i'iml"r, and the ostimatPS for f€i«.;cpmmzyear;ivill also be sulunit- I EAt ,to'MOu for your approval at, an FI' ti,trc,iii,'iiitr/, . t, I ."'T,h'eevtutious, subjects which will I come before you will, rift-o1 assurul. l I Ngceive your careful ('onsidorution. and i lr tr'ugt'that'. your (loliiwrutions may i be for the best interests and wcslfarty l of this great. Fromm-o." ; i .The Proceedings Cloml. l ., 'Thn Clerk of tho llonso ropm'tod ' the bye-elections causmi by tho vim-- Qtion of Mr. w. R. Smyth of Algonm to. the Dominion 1'Ituisu. and the call- bi', g of the Hon. J. s. Duff to thrs Cab., net. Sir Janus Whitne-y intro- Jtt cod the usual bill as to lilo admin istration of oaths of unit-v, which was given its tirst reading, and also gave notice for tho :immiiitinvnt of the usual standing romuiittms. and the House adjourned until .", oilorll. lithis afternoon. when tin) 'lilo) on 'the address will be taken up. , Hon.. J. J. Fox. tho Attorney-(ioni- geral, "gavo notioo of tho tit'st :u-rivs of 'bills to consolidate tho statutrs. the 'first result of tho ('mnmission on Statute Revision. TIvor" inlrmllu'f .tory measurc-s (in not ourrttuin lillely radical changes. '1 An informal reception to 1hr Visit; 301's and members with their wires, fol- ,llowed in the Spenlkor's apartmonts, illight refreshments liq-int: svH'wl. Mrs, tCranOI'd i'scoch-(l. . T,?, Despatch Business. ' I. The session protnists to lw rmnark- fable tor speed and (ll-spawn of busi- ,ness. Although later than usual in starting, the LiOVVi'lilllt'lll is raid to have its plans lord for pt'urngalinn l). ittaster, which will ins-nu a twu-montlis' , 80581011. ". It is not gonvrully known that mo lforty Governmvnt hills liux'u hm n "l 1ready preparml and privtod. Th l Cabinet has not been idle, and tho de.., Tlay in the date of otprettinp,' was due t ij,ii.j,'v,vtiiliij,iift, anxiety to coniplrstr. the ", draft of a'Vt-ry substantial lugislatiw bill of fare. Tho t-ui'licr measures will 'inmude that of law reform. which 'promises to be the Mg thing of the sitting. Hon. Mr. F'oy will introduce the bill very closely along tho linvs . of his resolution of last session, and, 5" after its second ruining. will allow sufficient time to plans" to consilvr (yuch suggestions as may he forthcom- ling. other oarly and important ibills are likoly to iw tliosu "fTru'ting 'the liquor license law, tin- organiza- r. , tion of a system of Provincial police, rand legislation to furtlwr advance ( ' the Government's powe-r policy. ti l By the time the preliminary muas- . tires are dealt with. thu (loulilv- dose lot estimates necessitirtrd by the slohanging of the tinvucial year will Who- brought down. No "an is to be . "lost in this busy session. I _ The Committees. . The committees will Lo organized '. early. The antranco of Hon. James Duff to tho Cabinet leaves tho Chair-i ' 'manship of tho Agricultural Commit-; 1tee.vactlnt, it. is regardr-(l as likelyi ' at Mr. Finlay (l. Macdiarmiii of " Eigin will SliCCt-Od the new; mister as presiding otthir. No othori l'changes in Chairmanship:; 211's looked! Itor. Mr. I. B. Lucas, Ccmtro Grey,': fis assured continttancrtvat the lioad of? ivate Bills;. Hon. w. J. Hanna oft £39 Municipal: Hon. J. H. Hondrio ofi t e Railways; Hon. J. J. Foy of the: Legal; Colonol Hugh Clark, ("antral li' Bruce, of the Printing; Mr. W. ELI .I-onle, North Ontario, of Standing or- l ders: Mr. J. 11. Carnegie. Victoria, of! T Public Accounts. while tho name of! JMr. A. c. Pratt, Norfolk. has been, ytnatrtrested for the Fish and camp . Committee. I Mr. w. ll. ' Hoyle is likelyl he Chairman of' tho Com- tee of the "11010 in tho BC. If. as is anticipated, a special nitteo is appointed to deal with nealth campaign against tuber-, is, it is i'ogardod as probable' Mr. J. P. Downey, South Wel- n, will he named tho Chairman. Dent. Ho ' Dinner. _ ' I