emmmnnnmmmennmnmemmmpmemine. e -- Meeieverectigarsst tss ye= ageagy's 1e o. greesimatt]) Mss E* 0A J : h mm o e P e c uied a > 22 (% $%. %, B |! at Cobalt and vicinity ; and the inve t | | you for » your -- consideration,. at _ the # _ |i gation and working of the Gillfes: mIt} Searliest mon ent,and the estimates for } a 1' bavre been very satisfactory.. ~ . * £, / the --coming ear."wxll also be submitted > :. } The Tinmigestion Question, ' i~w,1, 3'{?'".'_"1",0"' at an early day . ; _ |-- The Minister of Agriculture paid a / The Business Nide: --}visit to Great Britain during : the Pi}**" } Then there was a momentary pause in | }smnmcr for the putpose of investigating | {n, proceedings, his Honorlefft the dais. | ; the conditions surrounding the emigta--, ifhe attendant aides melited awayr, and | _A tion problem. While there he was able | disclosed, as it were,; the Dusiness side ; _ ito take steps for the careful _ super' || of the Legislature as oexpressed by the | 2\'isi0n of intending immigrants to UO+ --| seatless group of Ministers standing on | _ + {tario. -- By agreemeni the distribution | g,, vight and the leaders of the Opposi-- | f lif immigrants has been taken over .1[\" iticm. foremost imons. whom was ibe | / the Dominiou (}qwnnuen{: thus making i]l'on. A, 6. MacKay, who in the course | {it possible for the l'l'('\'lll("'lfll ('U"f':"' | of 'the next two days is to make his / t ment to devote more attention i'u * / | maiden speech du the House as leader | I('.amful selection of "cl(-slmb)u '-uthel'f f 'of his Majesty's loyal Opposition. Gown-- | ; _ 1 _A demonstration farm has beeu esit D« !ml aard wearing the three--cornered hat | e {lished at ].)l'ift\"('.n'ul River, north of the "m-.«-ribm] by custom, the Hon. Thomas j 'h('lg]lt of land, lll.il ,'2'0111.'] ag)-](:'ul"'\l.l'ill i(:)'il\\'ffll'd. N]l("'ilk#f}' of the lz'),'}iSldf«lll"'. a | country. By experiments in C EO ANUUC || took Ali€a®eqt in the new chair, backed ¥ i(flrndll(fff'd_ *Lhm-.'-, n.nl'-p practical mmr: by the arms of the Province, which has 4 . mation will be gained for the use of been made for him. _ In connection with | intending settiers, $ [ the Speaker's chair a pretty custom pre-- f f lmpor(-:m} (l"«"l'lll']('ol"lf.fll.;llld reports 1" : vails. -- When the holder of that import-- j lating to the (llfif'!"n»pnuu ot Q"t't:lll'l']'- i;nnt. office retires hbis chair breomes his | power under the statute will be Iads i personal property, Death called the s éb'?f'""' 'Yyolt, ; last Speaket, the Hon, .f, W. St. John; 3 | Care of the Insane, _ | and 'his chair is uow in the possession of + { j sc' I}liw' widow, j ¢ | ; __At the request of my Ministers, the H o > S | Honorkble Mr. Willougbhby. WPr. Clark, | | Three New . Members Introduced, + \ASuperintendent of the -\"'."!""' f"'," tAh'"; ' The prayers asking that the Legisla-- j | Insane, Torfmfu. and Dr. Ryan, \"_p""i | ture in its duties might be favored with \:Z ; intendent of the Asylum for the I'_"""."', Divine guidance having hbeen read by i [ at Kingston, 1""'?&"3_'"194 during J'h'_" ""' | _ the Speaker, he announced the vacancies & ~ !ccsss to Great Britain and the econtinen$ | / ung elections which had taken place éiu order to investigato 131(..10". m.ot'hor]ag since last the AQ.-:flnhl.\- met. and Thin < inf caring for 'an«] .t.rmhng thae n.n.-u'w.f the three now upporters of the Gov-- f, Their vety interesting report wil be ernment were introduced. Atr. A. K. ,Ia_id before you. * DPonovan, the smccessor of the Hon. (Geo, © ? «Jn accordance with my |reference to | p Graham as member for Brockville, a E: . the subject last year, my Ministers hay'® | _ wias first introduced by the Premier and . considered the question of prison 113"""-; Mr.--J; § Callagher, \.P.P. "Let the f ; with ~a view to preventing competition | _ honorable "member take his seat," said a with free labor, and the Provineial See--| {p, Speaker, after the formal demand ¥ lieee | rctary and other gentlemen proceeded to ' had been made. but the hon. member 3 t several of the prisons in the United having exchanged a handclasp with the . | | States in order to observe the systems | | Speaker looked in vain for a seat. and | in operation there. The result of f}wir | retived 'imo the background. Mr. C. 4 "igit "'i]] be }aid before yoT, ?c'»g'('iht'!' 3]:. ..\[('l\(,'l)"'l)_. L\I.P.P, for t)llfft"]'il], Y as with interesting and valuable inform2-- intruduceq by the Attorney--General, the f tion obtained by them. | Non. J. 4. Foy, and Mr. J. 8. Duit, My Ministers will propose for yout ,'.\l..f'. P: 'for West Sikhcor. anrd Dr. 3 consideration, a scheme of law reform, _ | Forbes todfrey. member--clect for West t with a view to decreasing appeals, ex-- | York, by the Minister of Education,. the ;'4 pediting trials and lessening the cost of ' |10n). f.)r. 'Pym;_. and Mr. A. McCowan, ® |fitigation. § / Z\I:}, .[.. tfor East lf.ol:];. i _A bill to rearrange the constituencies | _ To vindicate the vright of the Legista-- f * 'of the Province, in order, as far as pog. _ | ture to Carry on legislation without Ai-- + Isible, to equalize representation,. will he {Fret instruction from the Crown. the | laid before vyou. | Premier mtrodncgd. the usual biH,. re. . i ' * | specting the administration of oaths of 8 More for Education. ! office, which was read a first time, and J The large increases in the appropri ; having moved the appointment of -- tha $ ations for the teachers' salaries, addi-- ; 08U@l standing committees, the Uouse R --A tional Normal schools. and various other was adjourned intil o O'tlock this af. f educational purposes, have received the | t°rmoon, when the debate on the aq. % s | commendation of the public, afnd yYOU -- i dress in toply to the speech from the ' will be asked now to consider incréeased © _ | throne will be moved by: Mr. 'C. £. # appropriations for urban schools. The --' MeKeown, M.P.P.. and seconded by 2 policy of throwing open the publication > | \fp, A. E. Donovan, MLLP.P. % of text books to public competition has . | ,, f yy° y led to considerable réductions in the . | Notices of Motion, f prices of school reading books, and it : Notice of the following Governmment & (sb confidently hoped that vrednctions i /+ / measures has beeu given :-- C the prices of other books will result"'"}! By the Hon. Dr. Reaume, on Tues. ~g _| from an extension of this policy, > iday next i=~--Dill to amend the act vo & [ _ Bills will be laid before you in amend-- _ | specting the game, tiv--bearing animais : 'meut of various enactments of a public 'and fisheries of Olitario ; bill to amend p nature, now on the statute books, in-- the act respecting the Jocal munlcipga! ; cluding the mining laws, the liquor _ ; telephone systems. license act, the act creating the Rail. [ By the Hon. My. Cochrane. on Fri-- 4 way and .\Iunicipal Board, the public ;dfzy next--Bill to ameud the inltes act; B 7 lands act, the free grants act, the sup-- bill to amend the act to sgpplenwnf tho % 'plementary revenue act and the Ontario | revenues of the Crown : ill to amena & 'shop regulation act. ; the act respecting free grants -- and : | _ Owing to the steady increase of settle., i homestcads to actual settlers ou publte ment, it \has been found necessary to j]anrls:"hil] to amend the public lands _'; ereate the new, judicial district of Fa iny : [fol ; bill to amend the act respecting * River. 'If:" mi:'l.ma :;.n;i .lnpme}as;tesd:-; in the ::' a lt y sSUtri@t : h D :.4 * he ols ;| About Provincial Rights, If:j.pg't ,',":':\é,h '::;t M Fo amond the A conference has been held with the: | Y the Ion, Mr. Foy, on Friday next Dominion Government with a view to {----Bill to amend the act respecting elec-- % adjusting the differences which have ! | tions of membets of the Legislative As-- § e arisen relating to the respective jurig. | If"'mbl." 3 bill to amend the act respecy. '{ dictions of the Dominion and thie Pro. | ;u'xlg .com.m\'grted eclections of members &4 vince on the subject of railway and othep | |Of the Legislative Assembly ; bill to -- S compapies, and it is to he hoped that q, | |amend the act respecting the Legisla-- t44 > | satisfactory solution will be found, | |tive Assembly ; bill to amend the act e ' You will be glad to learn that the ;respectmg the Executive }Jouucl]; bil} revenues of the Province are largely in | |{0 amend the act respecting public of-- g wpycess of the estimates, and more than | ?',"'e'TS : bill to.'ahgc'nd the act respecting cent to meet the public expenditure | | the 'office of Snemfl.:.blll to amend the | fe / g the year. j ' | act respecting inquiries concerning pub-- & l public accounts will be laid) before . | U° matters, f oo = sedaes ; s m