---'"' a '. OPITT + J Q_ J o db 4 Me .t <C"9 + L ..l"-sv».. hy * :" M |PR(IBfiIHi IN OF '\ THE LBCISLATURE, z se en s n omm m moen 3 Little Interest Taken in Final Ceremony. } t | ~--memnames | I ! THIRTEENM.P.P'S PRESENT. | | | | A Number of Ladies Grace the ! Occasion. | --| | &peech From Throne Touches Upon the | More Important Matters of Business t Disposed' of During the Session---- | Hon. Dr. Pyne Pronounces His Honor's Pleasure. | |)n}'\' the presence of the hrilliamly | uniformed soldiers and of the Heut ; | Governor in the full regalia of his of-- | | fice gave interest to the formal pro-- | | rogation of the Legislature on Saturday | | afternoon. Less than one hundred peo-- | ! pie woere inside the Legislative chamber, } and there was an entire absence of the | | beautiful gowns and gaiety that mark-- ' ed the opening ceremony a few months ; a20. Only thirteen members and a | small group of ladies were present to | rise when his Honor _ W. Mortimer | Clark, accompanied by his aides, Major | | Macdonald and Lieut. Young, General | Otter, Col. Pellatt and Lieut.--Col. Hall | | entered the chamber,. Among the ladies | | present were Mrs. Mortimer Clatk, Mrs. ; | Whitney and daughter, Mrs. Thompson, | | Mrs. Pyue, Miss Park (Cornwall), Mrs. | | W. F. Maclean, Mrs. and Miss Craw-- | | ford, Miss Ryan and Miss Lawrence. _ His Honor avrrived at 3 o'clock, sur-- | ! rounded by a squad of brilliantly wuni-- | | formed outpost riders from the Royal | , Canadian Dragoons. His approach was | | signalized by the firing of fifteen guns wan charge of "B" Battery of the Royal | Canadian Horse Artillery. | | _ Mr. Sydere, Clerk of the Legislature, | | and h.is assistant, Lieut.--Col. Delamere, ! | vccupied their accustomed places, and | | the latter read the list of bills passed | i during the session. 3 | _ His Honor then read the address from ( | the throne, after which Hon. Dr. Pyne | i rese and said:-- ' "It is his Homor's will and pleasure | | that this Legislative Assembly be pro-- | | rogued, and this Legislative Assembly is | now prorogued." | _ _The members who were present to the | end were Premier Whitney, Hon. Dr. ! Pyne, Hon. Thomas Crawford, Hon. G, P. Graham, Messrs. A. G. MacKay, | Hugh Clark, McNaught, _ McCowan, | Gamey and Craig, and Dr. Smellie and -- Dr., Preston (Lanark). Speech From the Throne. The Lieut.--Governor's address was as Follows:;-- Mr. Speaker, and (ientliemen of the Leg-- islative Assembly : In relieving you from the arduous la-- bors of the session I desire to convey to you my congratulstions upon the careful attention you have given to the | exercise of your public dutics, and for | the many measures of public import-- ance which have been enacted by you. It is satisfactory to know that in a ses-- { sion in which so much work has been undertaken you have been able to deal carefully and wisely with the several im-- -- portant questions which have come be-- fore you, the result of which has been tue numerous acts passed. ..,Among these measures are: The act is