-" 'ui. - ' rat. WM.» P" n 'fi0ER' .1 Wt": NiRii' F " 'wou '_'. "he ' "iairiii',' and" " 1.raretittt,uttilertty.t1,r _iFiiienrt at 3 o'cloek to-day to give as- tit htve ll clause iyyerted m the bill sent to a number of bills that have "dealing with the subject. . received' their third readings. Mr. Ross stated that his Honor the The House then went into commit-l Lieutenant-Governor would attend the 'tee and assented to a number of pri/ House to-day to give assent to a 'PP: vate bills. ' bet-dot bills that have received third _ Mr. Barber's (Halton) bill respect-' rea Pgfc. . i'n the town of Oakville was referred" COL Gibson per'SCFI Mr. Downey bail: to committee for reconsideration. that ii he would give him the names of A number of residents of Oakville do- companies carrying on a class of fraud- sired this _ ulent loan business to which he refer- ', Mr Ross moved that the House ar' red he would have them struck off 'ourii. at S.30 o'clock ___ the register or otherwise proceeded ,1 Mr. Whitney said that before ,1... against. 3!" Downey marred to com- lHouse adjourned he wished to repent panics which. accepted children's sav- iwliat he had already once said. that he tugs on a paid-up share principle, and Ihoped in view of the vast importance conliscuted the deposits if they ceased of the, subject, that anv railway high. Mimi before the full amount was lation providing for bohuses or grains paid to railways would be brought down ' Better Pay for Inspectors. I at the earliest moment possible. They ' . . . . were now approaching the end oi the Under consideration in committee of session and members should not be Mr. Ilarcourt's bill to amend the pub- asked io vote on matters which' thy; lic schorsls act. Mr. Whitney criticized admit they do not understand it the payment of Public School Inspec- Mr Ross made no reply and t'. e tors, He thought their pay was far House then adburned. ' ""- in!) low, and the men having so much i . work to do could not keep in touch Notices. with the learning and advanced meth-, Mr. Hoyle-Order for a return ods Crt their work. lghgwing the amount of money that Mr.Harcourt agreed thoroughly with lhas been annually expended bv the Mr. Whitney. and/indertook to include'i Province under the mines act for the I a clause Ill. the direction suggested in Emcouragement of iron mining; the a redrail of the bill. inamcs of the persons or companies or Taxing the Circuses. (firTps to whom the money has been (in motion of the Premier the House 'paid. ="-e".h".==etu.i..eer=t..-se.e.. res-wlved itself into Committee of the l Whole, and concurred in a resolution J (Elfll/ffllf'8 EVIDEN . fixing the Provincial licenses for cir- l ' (use; and shows as follows :anr ( -------- elm." with. 'C11i,1a:,'ii1',"1',i wild "'6? .SPECIAL VALUE IN THE SHAN- s in" line in mg one Ylr" e s low), trave ., , ling uch :0 cars or over. $100 ; under NON LIMIT FOR HIM. :0 cars. $50; for exery dog and pony ------r- ylvrw and t:_'(iined animal show, $15; Near His Other Operations and He for cacti additional side slimv, $10; and f Wanted to Keep His Men and :nr may other >hnw such sum as nmv l . . . lie tlcir-iIIiiiierl by the Provincial Twas: i Mills Busy-Cap. Sullivan Still izrer for even day upon which the ' Missing. \ll'm' l, llu'llwt'fl to he tv:hilrited. f -.-------- 'l-v 4"w' ..\ . "r-sry 'e . ' Ilr. Whitney criticized the measure Mr. John Charlton. ILP., gave ew.- r",,ss Mills: 54!} "ttempt to take from the dence before the Public Accounts Com- inuiiicipal'ities srimie of Ithe; proper lmiuee at the Legislature yester- Iath ant. give iiem to tie rovirw . F _ "rt P Mr. Ron explained that the inearsiiie day respecting the . pyrchate m "5.19.1 practically take "Hum", from the lilie Shannon timber limit. In rr- mrnuicvpnlities. The Old uniform fees ply to questions by Mr. Latchford, Mr. --- tillll'jgti'l by the l'rr-vince "ere being Charlton, whose firm purchased the RT?" t't. _ . . _ FRIDAY, MAY 22, 190: .NI:- l'i'au'furd thought the measure rimit for' $9,000'tr0ht C83; John 59,]. ---r---- 'uno'nzzml to a tax upon the people. be- livan, stated.that his. {FLU fctlon W?.S SALARIES "incl- the 1}];"13gcr- may} raise their that the estimate ot the timber, on HIGHER rutt"s l" "W" Ill" TEN. (which the cut was based, was 1.500.000 Thr, l,i'd "3' -'"""""'l in without ifeet. There were special circumstance: M INSPECT t "wmtr-utivuu,nt, . which rendered the limit of value to his Ilr. Rm", bil! to irmeml the act for ':iiG. They were operating on (chug he ll!'.fiTi)\('lllt'llt of pub)» highways Ilnnitq near by, but wanted work to, _-------" T -.-- ; an: _i-'soit'ti' It r, with, one amendment lkeep their men' together until the work . "WV"?! "1" l W _l""""-_'".'" ttrt" Kl" rc- on the other land was ready, and they Public School OfficersWill Prob-l "rpnu-li.' the t)r'i/y/cti,r'i1,cei" of Phllr also wanted logs to keep their llllil run-- . , 1" KEN-'1." "t 'llsprltes M? Ween the niii without delav. The cut hail ably Receive Better Pay. I :niiniy Councils and. inun~hips. . aniEumcd :0 about {1373900 feet. or 11W: i Fraudulent Loan Companies. i as much hs the estimate of their ranger. _ _-------------- 'll, , "T _ F.-, 1w . y -q' l James Paton. V ' N /" ',",',"'r1m"'""" i,t.li'l \\1llll Cru. li/ri' Col. Matheson sought Comprirat1_ LOAN COMPANY FRAUDS. "in i in l think-nil the. :min ("worm _t1srures of the productiuii oi/tther. hm.j I 7011- uit, ' m"t limits the amount Its, and me" 1sul1 a q110ta'_ of Ht-' o_'_.--- _ 1i(\1)1|'~1l< in he receised by a loan. 000,000 feet from 16 square m,jp.l' - "'|lllll.'ill)' in '//ue,,ii1triiet',1,,t,e 1"j'T1,t Di (which. the Colonel thought. shower) . t' tun actually 1).ll('lll "Ht iiiiiin- 'th fr. -. 5m. l Col. Gibson Promises to Put a .-'.r<-il [H'Y'lliillt'lll capital. the i'ewrvc twig.I'vgggozhfsgtnitrggg I I l Mn"; _ ,. . . null. and Il'c cash actually in hand. l 1 . is' . . I i Stop to Violations of Act Ilr. bouncy drew attention to the, hadhhegia'clmexams-iit):.t~.,:i:sat\v:i1reell:liA' r,i,tcrwr, "5 Willljilnlf'h' "inch accept-, lin the view of the department-there is.-ic,' --------- ----- "'1 t'.w "WV-1" cu' children jil smii',l {not much left on it, which witness ha: . l'lllillllls. In; l understanding that thought was" the case. having nh'mhmhi The Confiscation of Deposits by Com. 'd-cy ""1171 ret"."" a p:tilyp share 1n to the conditions, until he had sent 125' panics When Payments Cease (,ri,'y1,i""y)', Ile,,')." grim". '/J)"1dlt, Iansrer. Mr. Charlton said lull . 'tel "' 1lepiusxllr't ". I. Itrwevr'r, lt $350 was too low a price for (he Will be Put an End to - Lieut. ',fv11/'tT, ""3""1, My": t,t'e-v flan?" (limit, but. with the conditions that stir . "t in tle <ii'n \llpll Mer1, the ciiii mst tiaunded th n , . 7 s a all 'dli- Governor Will Attend and Assent All _tly' {IV-11135 and 11'" tlc) rtrttlrtl. . lllIllUl'Rl thinlgaiheart Ittli'ei Jr/il,"".,:,,,'),',",) to Bills To-day. (iii. (Mimi; said that such il. him, lsliould have concluded there Wil; no! no" \\i>l'iill lie fraudulent and directly lnluch oi anything there, and that in» _-------.------- - T"lll|'i'l'.' to the provisions of the (sin lpression could only be rectified by a. "'rl't'I'HUW" .nct., find .he asl.osd ML, thorough examination. such as his firm The Legislature sat for two hoursll).m'r~p_\ till-tfl\("vllllll. inioriiianloii also had made before buying it. q _ _'." .. lay and while at worl.'lle f""mdme> f,'yd-)rylf.1".1,t suc.n a d" in reply to Mr. Davis. Mr. Chant vt" and a ha/i ye:,tert ' vb ' " ear- tu?.its. lie undertook that Tlmc late said he had bought the limit he thougii' the House assumed aver) tl,) upp steps would be taken in. v1s1t lllcllljil] July last. having had an option I" l ante. A number oi Government ctr- his" It. ff:,"':)).";)',!.") such ilidv1'iij,t, from Sullivan for about thirty day . , . axon o e act. l r. ownev sat l ".- , , I. ders were attended to, including 1? would obtain the iiiiorniation'and pre- gm latter had at first asked $io,ooo ir ' Harcourt':, bill to amend. the.pu 'f-sent it to the Attorney-General in a .Further discussion took place or. schools act, under which discussion 9v few days. Capt. Sullivan's absence. On assemb- curred relating to the salaries if, Ill- Royal Assent To-day. linrlz. Col. Mathesoln ll'.(l\'§'d that a 5ka " e', _ f the oust _ . eia re Tort " sttl9tlttttet- as iii that j,'ls',,1c,,t,1rs,' flit}: sii,trfiociie,tll,ev of the Mr. Ross announced that his Honor an "a" of the House "sf: for Llagree as o - ' - 11,_y,1hs.ee_to" At---------,