®e and Russel) "and ex--War ~is ""K18: Urauhart, who sald he wfiu eared e f s of Grey. spoke in favor of . for the people who%in nuni-- 3 ) |trol. -- Lo s Te t . cipal _ ownership, declared that if the 9 | j ------~ Trading Stamp Bill ~~~ Gas Company had not & legal they had f : % $ P +oR . s BA ai' & practical. monopoly. 'Mr. Marter and | _A meeting of the ?eela.lv. commit-- Mr.: Carscallen spoke in favor of the T \'tee appointed .to consider: the --measure élause being allowed to pass. "~ * 11 |\introduced by Mr. Graham regarding . Mr. Henry O'Brien, solicitor for the. | ] \trading stamps was> held © yesterday. Toronto Electric Light Company, ask-- j -- Mr. _ Graham . explained . that -- his ed that, inasmuch as the clause was 1 |; measure had for its object the empow-- aimed at the Consumers' (Gas Com-- 15 j |\ering of municipalities to prohibit the pany, it be so stated, and the electric [ use of trading stamps within _ their companies be not included. Corpora-- J | boundaries. Messrs. W.B. Rogers and E. tion Counsel Fullerton replied that the | \M. Trowern, representing the. Retail electric companies had evaded the non-- | Merchants' Association, who were pre-- | amalgamation clause, as they had the 1J sent by invitation, 'expressed them-- | same directorate and officials, and he t selves as heartily in favor of the mea-- | did not think they should get any fur-- 19 | sure. 'The committee decided to report | ther protection. SAE [ | | the bill, amended, so that the trading,. | _ _Mr. Conmee, the author of the act { ; tamp companies should have until Jan-- complained of, declared the latter cov--| C uary 1, 1902, to go out of business, and éred all the relationships between the | 9 also a clause allowing merchants or city and the company, and the city was I B manufacturers to issue coupons . re-- trying to secure an unfair advantage. | | _deemable by themselves. On a vote being uaenflthe"clam was | p | » k carried by a large majority. T 'tne Speaker's Freception "The tiause m The same--Bill providlnt' f » The annual reception and at--home of that property owners adjoining sub--| } % Mr. Speaker Evanturel was held in his ways should bear a portion of the cost apartments in thke Parliament buildings thereof was opposed by Messrs. J.. W. U last evening. 'The artistic rooms were Mallon, Hugh MacMath, R. W. Pritte $ thronged by a happy crowd, who thor-- and A. T. Hunter, on behalf of 'l"('-'l'?'l | f oughly enjoyed the informal and open-- dents near the -- Lansdowne avenue | q5 hearted hospitality. Premier Ross, the cvrossing, and was thrown out by the | || members of the Cabinet and all the committee. TRX N) Lken aaky: | members of the House, Mayor Howland The committee reported Col. Mutrie's . and many prominent citizens were pre-- bill providing ' that valuations -- for | sent. _ A splendid musical programme county purposes may be made by se-- |; was rendered, in which the following 'Tecting certain parcels, say 5 to g per ' took part : Majors Manly and Boyd, cent. of the land, instead of examining , $ Capt. Wyatt, Messrs. Lawrence Boyd, the whole ; Mr. Brower's bill allowing |\ 8. Beckett, T. L. Ward, Rochereau de townships to revert to the old ward la Sabricre, Chas. Musgrave (planist) system, and Mr. Preston's bill, as i t and Dr. Richardson. Sergeant--at--Arms amended, providing 'that the assess-- Uk Glackmeyer was an efficient master of ment may be taken in all cities between ; ceremonies. 'May d--and Sept. 30. Mr. Tucker's bill j | mmmmmeazemnaeeammmes to compel h'awtkcrs todpa)i' a li(:gnset fgr p taking orders for goods throughout the ' | MaY BUY.GAs comrAany. country. for future delivery, and Mr. i1 1 M P Eilber's bill providing for the addition | City is Freed From the Operation of of 10 per cent. to taxes returned on the Conmee Act by Action of Mu-- May 1 as unpaid, were thrown out. | nicipal Committee. f P d | ' In the Municipal Committee yester-- | CHANGED THEIR MIND. , | -- day, after a lengthy discussion, the | s e f %* clauses in the City of Toronto bill pro-- | Private aurls Committee Approves ; §l4, . 1 viding that the city be exempt from | 'Bh.i ln'l'on St&tlo:' Bill on its| | j the operation of the Conmee act were | ',"' ty atie il adopted. This action, if approved by the . n kthe Privete Bills--Commitlcs. the | House, means that the city may go into |Station. street bilJ, which was thrown ' the electric lighting and gas business out on Tuesday, was reconsidered. Mr. on its own account. Mayor Howland, A. B. Aylesvy ortb. for thg GT.R., said he 4 | in explaining the city's position, said thought the committee had not ; the intention was to get over the diffi-- ;consldered the question on its mer-- } culty in the way of Toronto installing |its. They had looked upon the bill read §1 its own lighting plant. He gave an ac-- lthough it were a measure dealing with | \| f count of the city's troubles with the the establishment of \a cab stand at; ' Consumers' Gas Company, and said |8tation utrget. wherea's it was simply | that the Conmee act provided for an | desired to give the railway powers to | | :gelt; wc;ht:ieflfltg;tl camplnleg- to';dl::w- 'make regulations regarding the stand, | -- y, costly arbitration, and ending, oF i1d "fih"s{uw"g ;::t C balrgaln EteP all. 'bw}hll:!:v:hould have the same force asl on. Mr.--Gibson said he had seen it | w , | -- suggested that the city take over the lng;m:go&eCOgu:;sg&fgul},etx't:':lc's'tron::_; $ company and issue its own debentures ers. Station street was a public p,l':eo.- to the stockholders, f N 'which the. public had a right to use J:o sen;lble man in the city would 'vtthout' being bound by regulations of J$ ,:ll oi :s" offer," the Mayor re-- any railway company. -- If such powers K e | were granted it should be by general