& portion of this ampunt will be the Detroit River. Applications had' 12 5 ed in the supplementary estimates of , beew,made by "%':de."" fii'}"e pey mc * | f the present session. No time is to be| that the license be cancellied or not re-- newed, and the matter was receivin lost in commencing the erection of the + a "Clog | i building, which, it is expected, will take the fullest consideration of the ov». | about two yeax!-:s to com};lietg, un%e lim- ernment, M seot mediately on the appropriation ng ration. -- i passed the work will begin. In regard Extension of Registra .on €*.; ! f to the creation of the new office of Dr. Barr (Dufferin) moved the second | | Principal of the University -- College, reading of his bill to extend manhood I provided for in Hon. Mr. Harcourt's suffrage registration to towns, villages > & tbill, a rumor has been circulated to and townships as well as cities. --He w the effect that the position will be a argued that the time was ripe for this < salaried one. This, it is understood, is progressive step. o & [ not intended, as the position will prob-- Hon. Mr. Gibson said neither the, s ALbly .be filled by one of the professors, House nor the country was prepared for. and 1+ is hardly thought advisable to the bill. There was no demand * attach a stated salary. throughout the country for the exten-- T6 In the House yesterday a good deal sion of this act. . No one would pre-- fa of work was accomplished. Two in-- \ tend that in rural municipalities the | teresting bills were discussed at some present machinery was not a highly sat-- -- $ ~ $ 'length, viz., Mr. Wardell's measure re--| 'isfactory method of settling the voters' it f {arding alien labor and that of Mr.' list. \ *§s umsden relative to habitual drunk--' Mr. Whitney thought that perhaps | ards. A number of public bills were after the issue of a writ for an election 4 E* advanced a stage. the Judge might sit a few hours in each -- y j municipality for the purpose of putting . & Exportation of Gas. on the voters' list the few who through | | o Replyving to a question by Mr. Thomp-- their own carelessness or for other rea-- «& oo son (Centre Simcoe) respecting the cx-- sons failed to get on at an earlier & F portation of natural gas, kon. Mr. period. -- That was, he thought, as far Davis sald:---"ApPpllcatlon was madle as they could go in such a matter. i $ February 22, 1805, by the Standard Jil | The motion for second reading was -- [ & Gas Company of Essex, Limited, and | «declared lost on division. f? the Interior Construction & Improve--| i 'menthCompany, for a permit authlorlz-'l To License Engineers. ® |ing the latter company to lay & S ngle t t 2. for narural Sas of ol from a polht im ad Th serond resuing of ing binl ropine f \of natural gas or oil from a point in} s 5 and erty in the § 'the Town of Sandwich, across the bed protection of life and property in/ PA Nss . |of the Detroit River, to connect with | use of stationary boilers and engines, : f lu pipe line in the City of Detroit. 'The| |and the exa;lninatio? tz'\'nd licensing of |application was granted, and a license persons in charge of ?é" d that th y of occupation issued July 27, 1899, the Hon. Mr. Dryden considered LNAl Lile | monetary consideration being $1,000 ?,"'eg';',;"?,','tfof,':, ctélg f:fiaorll;z 'ftigtm\;hif;r" § er annum. & * + | § * "ADp!lc;ntion was also made by Don-- proper inspection of boilers, would be' ald McGillivray on September 20, 1897, as far as they could go. for the right to lay a pipe line from Mr. Whitney thought there would be| P a point in the Township of Malden some hardship in compelling every' across the Detroit River to a point « person who had charge of a stationary f the American side. The-- appiication engine in this Province to take a course was not granted." entitling him to a certificate. _ Many . ; & small sawmills and factories could not,: : Who Has Jurisdiction ? | afford to pay a certificated eng#ineer. M Mr. Thompson, in moving for cor--| The bill passed its second reading, and [ respondence respecting the exportation will go before the smail special com-- 3 h of naturkl gas, said it was at one time mittee who considered the same bill und«zrst:ood that the Provincial Govern-- last year. $ men ad no jurisdiction in this mat-- * y lter. He had been, however, informed Alien Labor '?' Ontario. y \that the Minister of Justice had given Mr. Wardell (North Wentworth) mov--| his decision, that apart from the ques-- ed the second reading of his bill to' tion of ownershin of the bed of the ri-- prevent the employment in Ontario on ver, this Province was solely vested in works authorized by statute of_ citi-- | thet right to prohibit the exportation of | zens of countries ivihlch exclhude Ca.ina- es natural gas. dian labor. Speaking to the motion, f s Hon. Mr. Gibson said he had no objec-- | Mr. Wardell said that under existing § tion to the motion. He was not aware conditions too many Italians and other he that the Minister of Justice had 'takenl foreigners were employed in the coun-- a the position that the prohibition of the try, with the result that many. Cana-- is > export of natural gas was in the hands' dians were deterred from obtaining ~Siy '« % thc;' t frovlnclal Gover?ment. He employment. | t o > A oug t was a matter of purely Do--| h | : hok j.gt 'minion jurisdiction. _ The Government Would Hamper Industrics. + l $y ~> had proceeded upon the line that what-' The Attorney--General said that so e <> > ever control they might have the right far as the Legislature was concex'ned1 e . to exercise in the matter was in con-l they had gone as far as their powers| Mess : :. nection with the mechanical plant or |allowed. If further steps had to bv' ts o 4 appliances necessary to,be.laid over a 'taken the duty would devolve upon f Sfovemment property W}lch was abso-- the Dominion Parliament. The bill| 8 Autely necessary to car'y on the opera-- would have the effect of hampering and [tion of gas transmis810®, ) A license o choking off the development of new ln-! ' t , dustries in the country, especially the |