\.. f * w s SsSATURDAY, MARCH 23 s " y NOn . I | { | | | 4 i 4 ' Government Will Ex-- pend $200,000 on a Structure. MR IX AT ' BEGIN AT ONCE Preliminary Sum to bs Voted This Session. LN ALIEN LABOR BML «i. ~ 4. £ ds 1 -i | Intcresting Discussions on !mw:-rnliI Measares--The Ancient Order ol! Foresters' Bill Amended. A ' | ! While the bill for university alid was not mentioned at yesterday's Session of the Legislature, and no public an-- nouncement has yet been made, it is understood that the Govesnment in-- tends to go much further than appears on the face of the measure introduced on Thursday night. It has been de-- cided to erect a commodious and sub-- stantial building on ColNlege street for the science department of the univer-- sity. The building will cost "&kbout