per of 'practically out 1'2 railways. . ' itions otm 4 .auly'makuothermnd- industry in this country should --& ments to the act. sure success. *# . The AttornJy-Gene?l--'ro u:;nend tl'i\e * Ontario election act by providing pun-- The Legislature's Duty. ishment for personation of deputy re. With those facts, what was the duty turning officers, miscounting of bal-- a of the Legislature ? They htaddln %; lots, fraudulent returns, etc. past spent considerable sums to deve % the fruit, dairy and other branches of Income From Chinese T" agriculture, and the iron industry by | At the evening session the estimatés bounties. Was this industry worthy of were taken up. Colonel Matheson, on their consideration in a similar man-- 'an item under immigration, criticized ner ? We could produce 190,000,000 the amount of revenue, $4,137, receiv-- pounds of sugar per year in this Pro-- | ed as 2 per cent. of the per capita tax vince. To do that would mean that eollected on 350 Chinamen who entered $3,000,000 or $4,000,000, which is now \ Ontzrio in the last seven years. He paid to other countries for our sugar, \ thought the number of Chinamen for . would be put in circulation here. We whom allowance was made was too had passed laws to compel the manu-- small, and said that British Columbia ' facture of sawlogs and pulpwood in this reéceived $47,000 revenue from the Do-- | country ; but at present we had to ex-- minion from this source last year. | port our beets to the other side to have The Premier replied that it would be them manufactured. The Government a very difficult matter to ascertain how kad, therefore, decided that some en-- many Chinamen entered Ontario, as couragement should be given. _ Their the tax was collected at the port of en-- plan was to set apart $15,000 per year try in British Columbia. | for three years, to be paid in bounti¢s, Discussing the special grants for ag-- half a cent per povuad for the first yéat. riculitural purposes, Colonel Matheson iquarter of a cent for the second and thought the utility of a remount sta-- third years ; $4 per ton to be paid the l tion would be enhanced by giving prizes farmer the first year for all beets, and | to young men for riding at the Horse for the other two years $4 and such a6-- | Show. ditional price at the sameé price as | , would correspond to the Froport!on of | Character of Country Fairs, saccharine matter above 12 per cent. | he Bo far as he was personally concetn-- | ,-1:[:{5 lff'dgboétc %ggmm% t""dt:c'z: dt To ed, he was anxious that the industry | & on * o district ag-- C |\ricultural societies. Many of them apould go forward, because he believed were not giving proper return for the that the development of the agricul-- 'grunu. and the quality of Exhibitions tural resources of the Province had only | | was depreciating. Hon. Mr. Dryden just commenced. They had been talk-- admitted that many societies had taken ing of new Ontario, with its boundless up the circus feature too targely, but resources and its illimitable possibili-- thought the success of the Winter Fair ties, but they should not forget old On-- at Guelph was evidence that a pro-- | tario, and must see to it that its pro-- perly conducted Exhibition woulid be a gress was not allowed to lag. He be-- great success. 'lleved that the industry had a bright Mr. Duff (West Simcoe) considered future in this country. that some improvement could be made ' The bill passed .its second readlng in the management of the farm and | without discussion. experimental -- departments of -- the Agricultural College. Mr. Monteith ! Bills in Committcoe, ) (South _ Perth), as a." graduble | | _The House went into committee on of . the college, said the age at \ Government bills, the following being which students were admitted might i reported :-- be raised. He thought that while theory 'Mr. Harcourt--To consolidate and was all very well, the greatest succéss amend the acts respecting public should be laid on the practical side schools, the Education Department and of the work of the future farmer. \the high schools and collegiate insti-- On the public works estimates Hon. tutes, all of which have been previously Mr. Latchford, in reply to Col. Math-- C \ explained. A -- further amendment, eson, salid some changes were coniem-- however, was introduced in regard to plated in the chamber with a view to the high schools act by providing that improving the hearing facilities, par-- | the inaugural meetings of Boards of ticularly in the Press Galiery. On the | Education be held on the third Thurs-- item of £52,750 for the Cobourg Asy-- day in January. lum he explained that the building was, now in a forward condition and should s Repeals Scrap--iron Law, be completed by Octol:er. & Col. Matheson questioned the detail The Premier--To amend the suppleé-- of $1,000 for a site for superintend-- mentary revenue act of 1899. This re-- y a Matene . ent's residence a®d asked that the item peals the so--called scrap--iron assess-- stand, which was agreed to. ment, and makes it clear that mutual The' House adjourned at 10.30. insurance companies are not assegs-- able under the act. Notices of Motion. Hon. Mr. Etratton--To amend the On-- % 4 tario companies act. This providés Mr. Conmee gives notice of a bill to that the annual meeting of companiecs amendtthe act respecting master and ol business in Ontario, and whose servant. ] gha':':holders reside outside of the Pro-- Mr. Ross will move that on and after | vince, may be held at the place where Monday next the Government business | the majority of such shareholders ré-- shall have precedence, with the excep-- ' side ; authorizes the Provincial Secre-- tion of private bills, 'tary to give to new companies namés