"the moderate estimate of one f pous" 5 te. AMfdavits, . us feet per mile. To this should be a"od cha m" 380. 4 | 87 eight billion feet on land under license, E+ p,;_g.mlm5m g:znmf: making thirty--four billion feet in all. the G';avemme:; ;, :pr::: o ed zgl:c:m new Ontarto, exp: £ =s | Estimates Below the Reality. '10,, that the Government had gone out. \_ The Government report of 1893 em-- of their way to give away the resources braced an area of 20,000 square miles .of: the Province, The Government "Bfl under license, then ° estimated | to easily make Mr. Clergue a Rockete have <on it _ ten -- billion . feet, or Vanderbilt, but the forward policy As a fact, since that estimate, of development should be for the peo-- based on 1887 examination, ten ple, and not for the grafters and cater-- | billion feet had been taken. Mr. Charl--' |\waulers. _ (Opposition applause and | ton said he had personal knowledge ll-.uchter.) Proceeding, he referred to | that large quantities remained uncut, several items on the Government's pro-- | estimated at eight billion feet. A Unit-- \gramme, and in particalar expressed | ed_ States Government commission in | some doubt as to the policy of bonus-- I 1880 estimatéd Minnesota's timber at '\ing the beet--root esugar industry. He ten billion feet. Since then twenty bil-- \was under the impression that the Am-- ' lion feet had been cut, and twenty bil-- evican -- manufacturers . of beet--root | lion more feet were left. (Laughter and sugar machinery had something to do k cheers.) He reminded the House that \ with it, and he was very much afraid j in addition to the three billion feet re-- that unless the Government were care-- 5 f ferred to by the hon. Treasurer as ex-- 'ful the capitalists, and not the farm-- k isting in Nipissing, there were thirty ers, would benefit. He then referred to 2 townships south of that portion which the afidavit read by Mr. Graham, and P were rich in pine timber. spoke of Bossard, who subscribed to it, | Worth $100,000,000 to Ontario. | as a worker of the Liberal party, and a self--confessed "liar and perjurer.' | He )oa(?&r)'gximated the value of the 26,-- / PDr. Jamieson himself thon produced an 000,000, feet as worth to the Gov-- amMdavit, amidst laughter from the Gov-- ernment as it stands $91,000,000, and ernment side, and commenced to read M & the Crown dues to be collected from it. The afdavit was to the effect that (€ the 8,000,000,000 feet on licensed lands the subscriber, John H, Vail, formerly | would not be less than $9,000,000, mak-- of London, now of Detroit, was bribed, | ing an asset of $100,000,000 in pine | with others, by Tom Lewis, hotclkeep-- | timber alone, leaving all the other tim-- | er of that city, to go up to St. Thomas | ber, land and minerals in the hands of 'and commit personation in favor of Mr. l the Government. (Cheers.) He esti-- | Macnish.. This, he swears, he and his . mated, without reference to regrowth companions did. } [or reforestry, that on our record of | ;qua'ntltytcm: ol!:l buereal sold during the Hon. Mr. Gibson Speaks. Pnb sranbg ral Government the The Attorney--General, who followed, 1 supply would last 150 years. Mr. Charl-- was received with hearty Government | ton _ said 'that in the six_ years trom applause. -- He had not, he said, in-- | 1867 to 1872 inclusive 5,6066 square ltended to add to the arguments from ! miles were sold, and_ in the 28 years the Government side of the House or| | of Liberal rule 4,846 miles had been | to deal in a general way with those of ; sold. > fuar* the Opposition. But his department, Squandering the Timber ! | had beelr)\ sut}:'jected to 'tx;nore or le? ct!':- | ticism by on. gentlemen, an e 1# . » The former Governments sold | at \ would deal briefly with that phase of| the rate of 944 miles per year, and the the debate. At the outset he wished | s Mowat--Hardy--Ross Government at 173 to refer, though he had not heard the| miles per year. (Ministerial cheers.) remarks, to some strictures which had, These estimates all referred to timber fallen from the lips of the member from / south of the height of land, but con-- East Toronto. That hon. gentleman siderable pine was still supposed to ex-- seemed to have the faculty of using ist northward,. as the Hudson --Bay extremely strong language when occa-- | Company once had a mill on the Moose sion required rather moderate terms. % River. _ Respecting the areas of the (Government applause.) He (Dr. Pyne) north, Mr. Charlton pointed out that had used the strongest possible lan-- Nipissing _ contained _ 27,000 _ square guage in political condemnation of the miles, 1(;3300 explored ;. Algoma, :65,-- | Attorney--General, because he had con-- 000, 20, explored ; _ Thunder _ Bay, | curred in the views of the officers of the 81,000, 15,000 'explored ; HRainy River.. department in regard--to an. application i 19,000, three--quarters explored, Total for increasing a reward offered by the ' | area, 140,000 square miles, less than city authorities for the discovery of a | half explored. Col. Mathecson had es-- party or parties who had murdered a | timated the pulpwood on Mr. Clergue's woman in Toronto. The department concession at ten cords to the acre. On had freely given or offered the assist-- this estimate the Treasurer's estimate ance of the Provincial fletectives to the , of 288,000,000 cords would be more | city police force.. . When the city, Mr. | than doubled. Mr. Chariton said he | Glgson proceeded, the large and im-- i had been over the height of land at | portant chief city of the Province, with I different points, and hbad personal | a large and efficient force of. police and A knowledge of the existence of larseg having control of its own administra-- tracts of valuable farming lands. He | tion of justice, thought that the reward | concluded with a strong prophecy of of $250 whlc? it had offered should be the greatness of the Province. | increased to $500 4t should have raised the reward itselft, ~(Government ap-- plause.) -- He pointed out some of the dangers and difficulties surrounding the | offering of large rewards in connection hi cssc M R m ces se us kess se m """"""_'E'_;_'_":::