had been cut by HWeense--holders who had omitted to make any return to the department. it * 7\ SATC alsity atie op halts un T wl have nary state a rs an w ve. IJ RDAY BIARCH 9 it looked into. ; | * ns i e er Mr. Wardell secured an order for 3 & sopies of correspondence between the ' I Government and any party in regard " to the employment of aliens on railway Ti sonstruction work in the Province, and 7 yA of any report in relation thereto made to the Government. 38 lNFORM ATl N s Particulars of Directorates. & e Ar. Carscalien moved that the Inspec-- > tor of Insurance and Registrar publish in bis annual report the names and re-- * PR C . sidences of the President, Vice--Presi-- Q t A dcnht& D.i:ctorls) i and Genter'all')lmmr : or Managing Director of all insurance uestions a'nd ADSWQI'S companies doing lb\;sineuu in Onm j j He thought such information wou May be Prmted in the of value, parugu'larlyb l: cases where| | the companies doing business were in--' House Journals. 8| corporated under other than Provincial| i e f \| charters. & ; The Attorney--General said that the 1 information referred to was received by the Inspector of Insurance in gathering TIMBER DUES NOT P AID } details for his annual report and could| * no doubt be included in that return. | | He did not agree that it was' of --any um asstbinsntcatetiteamen | great value, but had no objection to the f | motion if it was put in the shape of a Allegation of Mr. Allen of Hastings| recommendation to the inspector. This | was agreed to. e «A Quiet Day in the Legislatare-- Gas Export May be Stopped. * Second Readings. e * The following private bills were given «. Srimctngiraintnylitingnanece | a second reading :-- > c mautho{lzceh:'he xggtor and church«-- x K wardens 0 st urch Cathédral, The Legislature held a half--hour Hamilton, to sell a portion of the land session yesterday and disposed of a adjoining the church, formerly used as number of small items on the order) a cemetery.--Mr. Carscallen. $ paper. | Respecting the Town of Petrolea.-- 0 t | Mr. Pardee. n motion of the Premier, seconded, Respecting the Supreme Court of the by the Attorney--General, Mr. Carscal--| Independent Order of Foresters.--Mr. len's resolution. to the effect that all| w'l':.:z;uble the Incorporited Bybod'of questions asked by members and '"l the Diocese of Huron to provide for the answers by the Government be printed election of Select Vestriles or Boards of as part of the journals of the House, Mg'xen:!ent.--;(r.s 'Leys. ies was referred to the following select specting the Sisters of 8t. Joseph committee :--Messrs. Gibson, McKay, :nt."hm: Diocese of Hamiiton.--Mr. pick-- Chariton, Carscallen and Whitney, who To amend the act incorporating Les will report before the session ends. Reverends Peres Oblats de L'Imm scule s * Conception de Marie, common!y known Timber Dues Not Returned. as the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.-- Mr. Ailen (North Hastings) secured Mr. Latchford. _ > an order for a return regarding details The House adjourned at 3.35, of the amount of timber and sawlogs| Notices of Motion. eut by license--holders on the road al-- .'The following notices of motion were lowances in the Township of Grims-- ven :---- thorpe in 1899 and 1900. _ He explained p:l' l;cgaldweu---'ro amend the munici-- that there had evidently been a mis-- WMr. Hislop--To amend the ditches take somewhere, as the Reeve of the and watercourses act. township had informed him that from Mr. Russell--To amend the municipal three camps cutting timber last year act. the share of dues which should go to Mr. Foy--To amend the municipal the municipality had not been received. act. Hon. Mr. Davis sald that he would Mr. Auld--To amend the Ontario hamlthe tkn;itt'er looked lndto and all the game protection act. ds s as or brought down. A Mr. Whitney explained that, as he The Bossard Documents. t understood the question, timber over Mr. Carscallen will move for an Or-- an4 above that on the road allowances der of the House that the affidavit and (el n s f the promissory notes made by Albert