h ~ ' " nGn 'a P a y _ 42 t * ¢ '3 _ #. ¥% P 2 'cnnya MM and that-- Honorgable A. 8. Hardy. 78 and agents of the Conservative candi-- a.nd,nonm:-s'zk . J."Davia were at my date interviewed me, stating that the [ hotel when treating was going on. This Conservative party would be in power \was what they said Mr. W. D. Mc-- and I would have to look to them for 'Pherson was> particularly -- anxious an extension of my license; and, fur-- about. They also told me the story that ther, that Messrs. Randall & Ross. Shuetz, Boll, Wancke and Polomskie liquor merchants, and other influential were going to swear to at the trial, Conservatives controlled the License and that if I told the same story and Board of Commissioners of the said dis-- asked for the protection of the court I trict, and could procure an extension of would not get into any trouble, and said lcense. In view of said circum-- that if I did not I would be fined and stances I promised them my support, sent to jJail. with the understanding that I was| "(0) I did attend the Liberal conven-- openly to pretend that I was support--| tion to nominate a candidate to contest ing the Liberal candidate. They also the said electoral district as a sup-- told me to try and work in with . the porter of Mr. George Moore, whose f Grit organizers and get all the money name came before said convention, and I could out of them. J subsequently en-- took no part in the election of Mr. | deavored to get money from Mr. James Louis J. Breithaupt, having left the Vance, one of the Liberal organizers. said convention before Mr. Breithaupt f but was told by him that he had no was made the choice. f money for corrupt purposes. "(10) That I only attended one or two "(4) That the statement in my evi-- public meetings at the Reform Commit-- dence given at the election trial that lee rooms,. which were open to every-- Vance gave me ten dollars to treat the body, to hear prominent speakers mak-- | boys is incorrect, as, after hearing Mr. ing addresses on the political questions Vance's explanation of the circum-- of the day. and that I never went over t stances at said trial that 1 gave him the lists with any person. f back $9.85 in change, I remember now "(11) That I am a Swiss by birth and to be correct. understand the En:llahhla,nlgtulage yet L imperfectly, and only when s spoken "(3) &A l:yst:rlougdstmn::r to th | in its simplest terms. x That a few days prior to the: p election day a stranger, whom I do not Pald for His Evidence. $ know, handed me a sum of money tied "(12) That in consideration of my § up in a parcel, the exact amount I do \making the affidavit and giving the $ not know, and said, 'Do the best "you evidence at the trial as before. men-- i can with this,' or words to that, effect.| tioned, the said Edward Scully and } That any money paid out was to parties \William Reade, apparently acting on : I knew to be Conservatives, and would behalf of the petitioner and the Con-- not be affected thereby, and where this servative organization of North Water-- was done I did not say to any of the loo, further Agreed to pay me the sum parties what the money was for. of one hundred dollars. A day or two "(6) That my license was not extend-- afterwards the said Scully came to me ed at the expiration of the said two land said: 'One hundred dollars is too months, but was subsequently granted \much; we will help you in your busi-- after the said Edward Scully paid me \ness and see that you get your license, | a visit and promised me that if I would \and you ought to be satisfied with fifty £ make a certain affidavit or declaration. \Aollars.' I sald 'All right.' Scully then which I did, as to the election, and showed me a bank check for fifty dol--| give evidence at the trial, he would lars, signed by the proper officers or\ through prominent friends get an ex-- B P - 1 was tension of my license, which was car-- the Conservative Association, as 1 NAT ried out. Mr. Willliam Reade, barris-- informed. Scully then sald.h nevis Of ter, was not present at this interview. check _ will be placed in the Tim. unti but subsequentiy, in company with said John H. Stumpf and held by """vm be Scully, swore me to the affidavit. ' after the election trl'al. 'wheg follow-- "(7) That at the time I made said handed over to you." 'The s:ym f and affidavit at the request of said Scully} \ ing I met the said John H. ".nP Tight Y did not understand its contents, be--| he informed me that it was All "'8 .. ing occupled with my hotel duties, and | as the check had been plac | was informed it was all right, and af--| hands. I gave evi-- terwards was told that having signed. "(18) A few days before g: said the affidavit If I did not swear to its: dence at the election trial t emlnent correctness I would be prosecuted for Stumpf informed me that & t{r?'en the perjury. v Conservative :'%'1' tca':: n%':_dmae in case Instructed What To Say. fh:f:e':.'e'::*:: the question at t,hee tr::'l' "(8) That the said John H. Stumpf whether I had received 493 M°NMTY e and Scully individually saw me on dif-- giving evidence,. Stump came | he trial, if everything erent occasions about my evidence, and that after the '@et my fifty dollars. Instructed me what to say, and inform-- out right, I would g€¢ lyuked Stumpf \ed me they had been told by Mr. W. After the trial was ove}li' said he would |D. McPherson what I had to say. They for the AftY C01875-- phr it. 1 saw him . told me to be sure and say that I was ask Doctor Lackner (;:en he said that f \I. delegate to the Tiberal convention, shortly afterwards, :'d They had spent \and attended the Reform rooms fre-- Dr. Lackner had ""d that I would : quently when the organizers were there so much money alre 3; of the money| and went over the voters' lists with have to wait until ;otr)n n deposited on' them. I was further instructed by came back that had bee | said Scully and Stumpf to be sure and the election protest. | $ connect Alexander Smith, Vance,| O'Gorman and Lewis with the pay--