: t was "time" | o. and thing to relieve such hardships. i,oalcllt\lfl to. / th es, and (Government applause.) ~-- Not only in secure every poss! e advantage which 68 this regard, but also in regard to local uld accrue th h a railway under rates, there was considerable. com-- ggv ernment conwtud giving trans-- | grlalnt. The same railways, it was 'l"l t facilities with new Ontario. (Gov-- > |leged, which were carrying the products | por t applause.) e { 'of _ Ontario's _ western _ competitors ernment APR!ACSE: | "flll'o\tll'h th:rk P{ovince ;o'r the :ld- Dr. Pyne's Criticisms. e t O O eennein hme ons 0 At & t Toronto) taunted the | \less _ rate than they charged ag';rm;t(mh not believing : their | io dn ue on es 0 ngogresuuanestrer | C 1 k e $ o charges had not been contradicted, a lurpl\&l.ndlfitfl,m':g:e' o? :g":g"':. and the unly conclusion to be reached #ion to + »A ommissions was a shifting of responsi--| was that the allegations contained a M a made the Government a certain element of truth. While ex-- pility, and in »» ' "erawl--under--the--barn Government. | panding on this point Mr. Pettyplece hter.) . The people's money had said that the rate on certain classes of (Laughter.) . s goods from and to Sarnia, some 160 odd been squandered on ctomglzelonat :.); ;nlleu g'om Tor%nto. was 50 per cent. cause ;he governmen * a* £ | ower than on the same class of goods 4j o govern. Proceeding, Dr. to and from Forest, 23 miles this side f;';,':ff':ig; mutual preferential trade of Sarnia. It would seem, he said, that would do much to populate this coun-- an article in The Toronto Globe to the try, and if the Government were in effect that the railways simply fAigured earnest they could now memorialize the upon how high & rate the tratfic would Dominion Government to use their ef-- stand, and then made the people of the forts to bring this about. If this were | Province bear the full cost, was not far accomplished hundreds of thousands of | wide of the mark. agriculturists would flock lntc: Ontario. I & _ The Liberals of this country were | Ontario Should -- Move. against that policy, and one rea-- It had been proposed in the Dominion son, _ he thought, was _ because House to appoint a railway commis-- the present Premier of Canada sion, but that matter had been shelved had had great opportunities to secure for a year. In the meantime they it. which he did not avail himself of. should Investigate for themselves in' In taking care of our unfortunate Ontario, and determine for themselves classes the Government were only doing whether the rates charfed in the Pro-- what every civilized country did. They vince were unreasonable and exorbit-- should 'provlde for the epileptics, and he} ant. He expressed the opinion that the weuld like to see a vote made for that day was coming when the peoplo of the this session. (Applause.) He referred to Province would, through the munici-- Belgium and Sweden as two of many palities or .the Legislature, ask the small countries which, with limited railways to contribute something in mineral areas, were, he contended, far the way of taxation to the funds of the ahead in the way of development of this Province. The State of Indiana, for in-- Province. Jn this.connection he refer-- stance, with 6,000 miles of railway, col-- red to the charcoal industry of Sweden, lected $2,000,000 of taxes from the com-- and expressed the opinion that the On-- ganle-. the rate of assessment being tario Government had not gone far 25,000 per mile. DIlaUp,'on this line, enough in encouraging this industry. Mr. Pettypiece made a reference to the University Aid bill proposing an expenditurse of $1,-- e 000,000 for the improvement of high-- Referring to the Department of Edu-- ways, particularly those roads leading cation, he made special mention of the| to markets. If it was true, as had university, the needs of which, he said, been stated, that the railways figured were most urgent and should be looked: out how much the trafic would stand, after by the State. If the university then it was just as true that according were properly equipped in a scientific to the measure of benefit accruing to way teaching and research would go the farmer shippers would suffer, and on, which would return tenfold in a the railways would in the end obtain few years. He %gested that a bonus the benefit of that $1,000,000 expendi-- . of $20,000 to $25, be given to all uni-- ture. Reverting to his suggestion that versities to compete in the line of pro-- the line to North Bay should be pur-- l ducing and transmitting cheap electri-- chased, he said it could, ao loubt, be \city. At Niagara Falls great devel-- done for $15,000 a mile, say $3,500,000 opment had taken place on the Ameri--. in all. The interest on that sum at 3 can #id¢, but none on the Canadian per cent. would be $105,000 per year, side. Why wasn't there a refinery there' | and the road could, he thought, be| to reéfine the nickel matte now shipped leased to one of the great companies by the Canadian Copper Company to for that amount, with the Government: New Jersey ?° He favored the build-- controlling the road and the rates.' ing by the Government of a railway in-- The road might, however, be purchased to new Ontario ; and he would go fur-- ' at a lower yate if it was found that ther, and thought the Government | the amount paid for subsidies could should go into the pulpwood and -mel.t-.! be deducted. He believed the people ing business. -- He belféved in going the' of the Province would approve of such "whole hog or none.". He gave the a plan. If necessary, a Department of Premier credit for forgetting more at Railways could be established with a $7,000 a year than some of the railway properly appointed Minister, and such Presidents knew at $60,000. . (Laugh--. A deurtment. he thought, would be as ter.) The Government had spent 'é'. um::'y'"gtyho:ndo:vme::)fi:z':t "t':;::l!;d 000 last year in commissions to obtain chn . (Government applause.) in any event information that the people knew a M c e p eoereawen 1 .nn tinnnnmony