Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1901, p. 3

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f (Rppimuse) . rre woure like in thi@ con-- * 3 o4 o right they would | ener-- \nection to remind. hon. gentlemen of ight, a.;4 a right | they would ;exer-- 49 ltilile Opposlltli:g_gft; llétle bit oapollti:ta'l s s in tixnls ul 9l / story. In 18i e Conservative party \ls-- A Cha ' orit s C in the Dominion swept the country.| 1'80 at . Fay l'lm. F.r & They defeated the Liberal party, and In this connection he desired to call | the cry wont up in the Province, "Re-- | the . attention af the Comnissioner of | member Mowat," just as 'they were \Public Works and the Provincial Séc-- now -- saying, "Remember _ Ross." retary to the fact that capital was be-- * What happened ? In -- the Pro-- ing. made by residents of townships in 'I',iirtlgall elections of 1879 the a'cort@in constituency represented by a rals swept the Province, a * f £ 7 Sir Oliver M(?wat came buckc to '::e | supporter of the Government ; that the ; House with a majority of thirty--two. |peéople in a neighboring constituency | the largest in the history of the Pro-- could not'have any good roads because vince. (Government applause,) He they had dared to exercise their rights ' did not desire to make rash prophecies, as British subjécts by sending to the out he believed that history was going on ns Prarafien / onl _0 onl _ t to repeat itself. Th > 4 'g / . S Tood "cor%'z(a%%:",:mfa:;': Speaking of Mr. Pattullo's referencés plause)----and they were proud of the to the West Elgin eléctions, he declared ] position which the Liberal party hat that the Opposition would speak theirl "faken. (Renewed -- Governiment ap-- mind on the matter. He further con--. plause.) In the Dominion House they tended that it was not the duty of his | * had as leader a man o,} national repu-- party to take any 'proceedings against tation, a great Imperialist. In Ontario Mr, I¥m. Smith 'of South Ontario, as they had a man of equal ability and had been suggested. If action was judgment, and were proud to fight un necessary it should be taken by the : der his banner. (Government applause.) proper officers of the law. _ He criticized In following a TLiberal leader and work-- several points of, Mr. Ross' speech, ing for Liberal principles they felt that which, he said, qqntalned, among other they were doing something for Ontario things, the admission that the sawlog | ' to better its condition and make it the policy had been taken from the Opposi-- most happy and prosperous Province of | tion, the Dominion of Canada. (Long--con-- |__ Mr. Ross----I gaid most emphatically tinued Government applause.) that T did not admit it, except for the sike of argument. # The Opposition Leader,. Mr. Whitney, proceeding, criticized ' f s $ the Premier's references to the amount ; Mr. Whitney, who followed, consider-- spent by Ontario on education, contend-- is hinie drferanice. a strange medits. n 2 in ie Sigis of New Tork: and > * | ately as in the ® e o ew York, an gie g;t&eereh(t xths;te ntrli l:gn:\cl':):isot:hl;etatl:::; j.;)pokte;' ofPa m'ass:"?fsllter%ture sea:, out | -- . ge % y e Provincial} Secretary wi re-- 3 Ontario Government could do no wrong. | rard to the amounts expended by the i (Opposition _npplause and laughter.) He IGovernment on hospitals and charities | * u:ok exception to the hon. gentleman's and other institutions. He also referred 4 ye (ercnce to the masses in this coun-- to "syndicate matter'" sent out to the f 394 Henmonge * about . masees and 1e Artnnteny oul. not 8 word, way sald e 3 an ng Premier, but not a wor was said t gifi:{?s ir(\oggg:gfi;nw::;l;)eiaa\;ll;en):er{ vt;gxl'; i Ef::;l;x"g his hon. friend the Attorney-- | + the hon. gentleman, he continued, would Mr. d'bson--Yor: need not-- worry | any business man, contend that the about him. He can take cara of him-- \taxing of insurance, loan companies self. (Government -- applause and and banks did not fall on the policy-- laughter.) | 1 holder or the investor? What, then, be-- h ' f chme of the contention that because Tribute to the. Attorney--General. | | these c 1 asses. r e c r f P sotrene at mvasiraned 0 |wheseuio ie Adt LCE * + the Government that direct taxation will be more than a match for all the \ was coming, and so had other parties. syndicate paragraphs _ that can be The (Globe newspaper in 1880 had warn-- found. . (Laught Tt ic ed the Liberal party that the day of ol s o n o o ecied. ho | Akation Mess at hand: -- the . mast-- | Treasurer, Mr. Whitney continued, had mum of expenditure had beéh reach-- referred to the amount of money sPSHt ed, and unless they took stock of their tgoqkwp fthe peorie o ONtAr! L. Rotter ] | assets and liabilities direct taxation ,,,;','f{ i?\ s:l;':lghnlgxliii ?'fi';'n;'ee:fit;fit- ' would soon be here. He agreed with tiary some me gb" wfi : cts":he A:l- ' the hon. gentlieman that no community ministrat o io Bower." s (Opposit ' in the world had ever received such a alp;;l:\;:e i;m -{w'fi',d ,l';',',"c:"\,aéls{',&'}e;'%'} ' fina::citaldstsitex?gnt ;;3 tl:e 0?3 recc.;!t\itly London a.nd Toronto h'ad'sald that tliés' ; presente o the «House--(Opposition > 4 / ' l'arxgl;aerzl--';atndth gogat:gg'lg"g: 3'1::' ;ln'% §r'\)ll:?lrdh2(:it cfifx?flaesda?;w':{nf'fieb}':gqtet;;x]:ggtl 2 h a > rérrevi::x's yehail;s Drt:f'l etz:'grr:sentth grétt;:; i \\?gttgg; 3ns§"§§§k§°oft2'§ec§3t'"exp@f{l 4 & iC 7 ation by Hon. Mr. Davis as to tenders ;';'0_;)1(1'1'9'0" h?od '::} &ag'("og\""fllés b?ag- xrc.:r\n l tor the sale of timber berths. He would 3,000,4 Pm g t Drpieeith ns on n en-- not and could not make any direct | tirely refuted by the report of. the charges unless he had the materials at ( Royalt Commission. The hon. gentleman hand, but the presumption was that ' (Ml'. Pattu"o) had attacked the will-- the t;-'ends of the GOVernment had had ;{nztmess ofi membcl:uot thg Opplosi§mn \time to examine the berths o concur in expen ures for coloniza-- e 3 i l ltion roads and other necessary works in de):l:l ?:vt'.ls:atl s make almidet oistntt

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