Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1901, p. 8

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» panies into the ndm uh.""fi 8 ¢ ® instance, he found t Canadra est intention of-- establishing & ranch | 43 Company, Senator Geo. A. Cox, Presi-- the: application might be-- favorably. dent, invested in the stocks of the Can-- considered. ada Central Loan & Savings Company, Notes. |of which the same gentleman was I're-g lsldent. Legislation of this character| A deputation from Tottenham, Wead-- |\ was simply playing into the hands of| ed by Mr. William Wright, Sim-- 'men wheo desired to control all the fin-- !coe, waited upon Mr. Harcourt this | ancial companies of the Province {aflornoon and asked for a grant to-- _ Hon. Mr. Gibson--The bill was simply wards a high school. + ( |a re--enactment of powers that had ex-- l W. . H. G. Roblin of Ameliasburg has listed for the past 40 or perhaps \been appointed Clerk of the 4th Divi-- f years. :)1'011'1' lCourt.DPlfince Edw'ard é:ount(s;'. vice 4 | & R A am elong, -- resigned. eorge f f Everything Mismanaged. Hartwell of Oakville has bren appoint-- g | _ Col. Matheson, continuing. accused \ed Balliff of the 2nd and S5th Division i the Government of having mismanaged Courts of the County of Halton. § everything, and declared that as soon |__A deputation from the Townshin of 4 as the people had an opportunity of Eastnor, Bruce County, introduced by 4 | expressing themseives at the polle they Mr. Bowman, M.P.P., waited on the | | would be driven from power. (f);.po. ,Pr(mh'r .\'('-'terdfly afternoon and ask-- | sition cheers.) |ed for assistance in -- some drainage | _Mr. Pattullo (North Oxford) moved works, by the completion of which it f | the adjournment of the debate, and is hoped to make 15,000 acres of land the House adjourned at 9.30 p.m. fit for cultivation. _ Already $7.,000 has heen spent, but $£13,000 more is needed. | The San Jose Scale. The Premier asked that the Township | | h a * &¥ s | The Department of, Agrlcul_tnro la E%'n¥;e$ ::,,';.f_ %(".:'2"'8_21{';'9: ;0:: | taking energetic steps for the checking Cook, Messrs. J. E. Campbell, Dr. Sloan, of the San Jose scale, and to that end, James Hunter, Peter Robertson and ' through a committee, will be in a Wm Chiqhnlm. e ¥ | position shortly to fill orders for crude * 7 k | petroleum and whale oil soap of a very * o o i oo e 1 o o oo ,y_o-ul clasg for treating infected trees. SURPLU® IS XOW 22,580,000, IEAm;lit:ulll.'onslx'x :houlg_ be sent to Mr. lae | George E. Fisher, Freeman, Chief In-- % We re c | spector. Mr. Fisher has just addressed This Year's Estimates Show a De-- a circular to the fruvitgrowers of On-- creased Expenditure~Details of tario, in which he speaks thus of the the Financial Statement. :}33?6;1(;'3:2? imminent from the San The following is a summary of the' | f "During the past year the increase financial statement presented by the | & ;t:'d ;'pread of the Sain Jose scale in Premier :-- 8 Province have been very great, and & ® A in sections which are ggxegully in-- 4 The de}ailsl%lthe' e..tmt)a'lfit:d.r.e:cipts fested, such as to cause considerable for the year are as follows: s f alarm. -- Many growers now realize it | Bubsidy aiiririkrrkrer1risseess«+.{1,100,877 i to be a very dangerous enemy to fruit | l'"fi";' {:l' cda"!'?" hfil,:! trees, and one which should be vigor-- $ MHHLOG . .......¢. .. : c $240,000 h x ously fought. The rapld increase, quiet Interest on Invest-- and far--reaching distribution, together Meuty ..............+ 50,000 | I with its habit of getting hbeyond the savennme in en 200,000 reach of remedies, make it exceed-- Crown Lands Revenne .......... 1,020,00) Ingly difficult to combat. Orchards in Public Institutions Hevenue .+ / MhIQQ which onl{ :(1' s&n?:l por':lon of the trees !.':.',',"';:::;':'l "gi':,','{',}'i;"" * Depart-- 6+ 4 welrs marked during the inspection of s P i ririrss +s Peassasszr>e im s®Onp 1809 now have the scale on every tree, Carual Hevenus --.............. .. "2110,000 and many trees that were then but Successlon Duties .............. _ 250,000 f slightly infested are encrusted. All Supplementary RevermAie Taz.... 230,000 vrchards in such gections are more or 'T:n'ern and Brewers' Licenses .. .5-;3.0:;2 f less affected, snd growers have seldom L']'!" in Paxes Ufi ie 4 0d | aiscovered the scale in them tit they Py ameapentcuiuemielt" /. have found it ofh the fruit. Consider-- Assessments, Drainage Works.... 5,000 able quantities of badly--affected fruit | Assessments, Insurance Compan-- were discarded as unmerchantable, the MCS, ! kirk. s«ias 1i¥ s ies ¥ae sir't s vi+ s¥lk $,000 keeping quality being seriously im-- Asseasments, -- Removel of Pa-- 56 paired by a severe attack, and in some tienis ........................."_---"4'._(_)(" ;':g:: {,2:;];1:;,,:&:'2; 'Z::o.sfl""l gathered Total esiimated receipis......$3,795,872 Ranching Lands This Year's Expenditure. | j | & o The following is the estimated ex-- § |__NMr. Southworth, Director of Colon-- | k Cc "CDY : «ue \ization, continues to receive tam)"(:_ penditure for the present year: ,:nns from all parts of the United ;.'lviill(:'ovc-rnnmm cases¥rsvirs ks t'.llfiiof}zg .Btate 7 C ITIBIAU@HM .222 s se y s e e se s en e s »e e 32, in' .t\':v\?rglnt(r':;"i]:da ':'(;1'; 'ii't'fshtmxfi;rl,?ir('.g? #cgmlu:ls(mtlon of Justice ....... 47.7'5)0';'53 j o y r ) a uk w e e w n n en n n n n n n n y n en ® 0, las |tion comes from Idaho. _ Mr. South-- Eublic Institutions Maintenance.. -- £30,256| |worth has replied, as in other cases, HRIEUAUION! >++--+ac?¥rrks«rsm83rss's 4,823 'tl_mt the Government regulations pro-- AZNMICOUIRNGA | .........kk.es is .4. .8 202,842 | vide only for the selling of 160 acrea. Hiospitals and Charities ........ Ji)'.?.:)-'l_l_ There are, however, some districts cast Rv'mlrs and Maintenance ....... "84!.-:.40 of Port Arthur which contain broken Public BuNAIDE8 ....«+++++<+--++«+ -:48%"2-3 lots of greater extent, If proof is Pablic \\'urks mas omm 8808 furnished of financial ability and hon-- | Colontzation ROAdS ...+»»»+»+**+** y j y wiges it t uit ancasueia e P

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