3 A death at such volunteer. which utter-'3 A". midi-tgratuit-dit that'he ha d t l tunstely occurred in many cases. his bt ' . , next of kin should stand in his place. tpuut,rl't"2"t2'f, Peet?, ',v,l)tiiti.'l so far as the grant of land was-com f "h .i: hm use co 1'l 'Gif I cerned. The other persons who were no thoug t t er I ould be riots; the: T eligible tor the grant were those who and they WNW! beconstdered It o I were actually engaged in defensive ser- next wise ot the bill was reached It vice on the frontier ot tttta Pr6vittoqt all: £33? $23.35??? "mine" '"/r1N,elfan,, of the grant were that. , who while belonging to Ontario enlisted uld in companies or contingent" in other lands so located under this act sho . be' exempt from all settlement duties 'ltr?J,,1,'rtt W3"? t,ltC,ttrg'ged to be an Provincial and municipal taxation n co ege a e me. (exacept for school purposes) for a per- 1 Col. Mathetron--Htut he a vote here' iod of ten years from the date of such Inow ? location; provided always that it such Mr. Graham-die will have. and I land he transferred by the original lo- know where he will place it. (Laugh- catee to any other person within the ter.) said period of ten years. then any act _ The Premier said the claims of such now in force, or any regulations made men would9o, be considered at a later thereunder, in respect of settlement du- stage. l ties and Provincial and municipal taxa- -Mr. Kribs Mouth Waterloo) thought tton, shall apply thereto. as if this act some recognition should also be given' had not been passed. our t'"i'e?/srg' whfsggrved in the North- west trou es of . Att to Settlement Duties. . The Premier understood the services One objection that might he taken. of those veterans had been recognised Mr. Davis remarked, amid be that a by the Dominion Government by the r large block of land might be taken up "d',l.t"ieu',ug,'i"t'i,ouot that something Pd held In perpetuity without per): should be done in the way of rewarding arming any settlement duties. wit ' out being liable at any time to tint:- thtd,rnaPf'd','.'Jg,e,f, 'ull,,')), to Mr use»: at he thought. had been t e. . . ' . . mam-m} our Province in the past. ittl Graham, said that the question of pro- :uoereus at least where it was not viding free lev'books in whole or in administered in the public interest. part to the mom of public and separate 'iitliti',' House might feel that every lati- "schools was a question that had been t e should be given in every direction. t'1er1ttlr the careful attention of the 2 would be a matter for the House to 'lGovernment for Some time put. ecide whether they should go the ' swhole length or not. The Government's; ; Sale ot Timber. proposal was that for ten years those Hon. Mr. Davis, in answer to Col. . to whom the land was given under this Matheson, said that owing to damage bill should be exempt from all taxation try ttre, the danger of further loss there- of every kind except the school taxes by, and after thorough examination by and settlement duties. " the land is the forest rangers. the Government had $tttt or betore ten years have ex- decided to sell by public tender tim- p red. it shall come under the usual set ber limits in Algoma covering 112 tlement and other regulations or tnxa- square miles. Tenders would be re- tion. At the expiration of. that limo ceWed at the Crown Lands De artm t " would be for those then in power to up to March 15th next. At are 3:13:5- say whether that exemption should be time tenders would be received tor some continued tor a longer period. One lots in townships where licenses had could imagine that in certain cases it been surrendered. These were chiem. might be; a desigble t'l1m?8itto es, 03c in the County of Victoria and the dis; mg aso ma he it won e trict of Nipissln . Notices " getrhsentsl it continued longer than tendeirs had beef: sent to ?,.gtl,'gt,,'g . me. mcn n Canada and th ' . ' d2f t'.r,',r/tiAltgr, fixed [38 simian:I and to Crown lands ageitgntted States gran a acres. an prov e . that not more than one location of 160 I No More Factory Inspectors. acres should be allowed to a square The Premier replyin to M P mile. The concluding clauses stated raid " was not we tr r. restou. that all applications shall be made the Government to d"J,'.7ilt, '/Lt,e','gg'c,',f l33.3"?h§¥°u.':'{:t".'l.'2u'l'llif251% of ftaetory ittapetetortr. r any person from the Province ot on, o"orruf/',rg"'c1egt, melted for returm, of tario acting as nurse. chaplain or Red relatin in ouuc ' reports and "PTS Cross Commissioner in connection with 'dill',,',',',',',),' 'r"'o'?1l',2,'l.t/,' between' the the South African war during the at, nero C'rown Lands and the Years 1809 and 1900. 'if/G" 313:3"?('1' lp Cgmgany and Mar. . o Ke o ew Other Veterans' Claims. Ff! w. Langley of Toronto. 17,ih,t,"tf 3 Mr. Carscallen (East Hamilton) ask~ (','i,,.,t,ha2,tt,tetl"'trt,ien'at,t,,tg',e agreements red itt the ngmbber of those entitled to possession of facts a??? {23:33: h; gran s can e given, and also whe- I . O . ther men who served with the Imperial (tteg/lg.:',"',',?,':,',',")',':,',) and could not, tlrcfgdn anada during the troubles ( Hon ii/ '01". l,'lld""eJtregttt; 0 an afterwards continu d o ', . . - _.., ' . urns reside in Canada would receive giant's. 'il'i1ul1,?,td'/ig,"r/gttdip, n. Ho reminded Mr. Davis replied that it was some- tho Sturgeon Fall P I' atrreement with what dtmeult to estimate the number . Iadopted unani I, P. D Company was lit 1 'e, " would be a thousand or i '/iirG'iiGi. mous y and the mm" on e ess. "n..."