t . ' ' _ i . it is ex ted that the 'Premleru will TH tutiiDAY, FEBRUARY 2i, present a 'ffrt favorable timutctaroub. -- -cc:zx,=:.'L"C===-=-=a-------- look for the present year, as well as recount the ' successful ttttaneiat man- agement during the year 1000. The . estimated expenditure tor this year is' T $8,T82,000, and it is understood the . receipts are expected to reach nearly 83.800300. while there is at present a I l T cash balance of $1,033.000. With the I l enlarged bani: balances ot last year it ' l ' ls estimated that the present surplus of ' assets over liabilities is in the neigh- borhood of $2,500,000. Hon. Mr. Harcourt introduced bills to consolidate and amend the acts're- gni . f o tario'ts was?" se r'fif"fitl""t'd"i'rtttTtit,a',it pu cscoos an le, 3 scoos' Reeo ition 0 n Tcllel y?t',"e'tn" have not yet _ (ills, ' . _ e n e . . . Veterans semces' i Mr. Carscallen introduced a hill to provide for the protection of life and ---------'- property in the use of stationary boil- ersd te, enginesi and the s,1'"t'gl'eeugl , l an censing o persons n c arge ot THE BILL IhTRODUCED. them. The bill provides that only cer- tilled engineers shall have control of machinery mentioned. those in charge ------_- of agricultural machiner ', and boilers: _ under tttteen horse-power {sing exempt- Exemption From Taxation For Tea ed. . Ye--m"qet sne'eeh To-day - Land for Volunteers. . i Smallpox Cases of the Yeatr-.Nertetg Hon. Mr. Davis introduced the bill E to provide for the appropriation of cer- tain lands for the volunteers who serv- ----.". ed in South Africa. and the volunteer, militia who served on the I In the Legislature yesterday Hon. frontier in 1800. in intro- Mr. Davis outlined his measure for duclnx the bill he said' they all knew the appropriation of land tor Ontario ggzgrggnitg'e :3 'gurl',', Afr-113:. an men who served with the contintrents in this Province fl,' exhibiet Xgelr :3: in South Africa. and for those. ot the alty and devotion to the Crown. They l866 veterans who served on the iron. ('t/lethigii"t,t,liitg,'tTifot, Tl'?, 0:? 2t . . . an roug va or an ero sm tier during the year mentioned. In to British arms. The militia were un- general terms. the bill provides for the der the control of the Dominion Gov- granting of 100 acres of land to men 'l2fl're't'tti, tan: thhel 'it'l2iuf, the war . . _ - " a o e mpera vernmen who served In the i'.tul? African con therefore he supposed it would be "0'21 tingents. or those who served as nurse, per to assume that any cash 'iaiiiki-i chaplain or Red Cross Commissioner, ance by way of pensions or gratuities, or to the next of kin of any such per-I to thotte who acted BO nobiy on behalf sons who so served and have since. ('vul"e,Vt,e"a,g,v.ogl,f Er,l't',"gvge,,t,t, died. Regarding the 1866 veterans. it, Governments. However. he thought the is provided that only those who were l/rg",,",'?,',),',"',',,,',,',' 13h?" billl. thattgome "if. . 'gn on s on . gven to ose vo- 'ttut'2U',e't'e'red, tll/Ili,),'",',", semi? unteers who were enrolled in our own on t e rontier 8 a come under t e Province in some way by this Legisla- provisions ot the bill. The order paper ture. would meet with the unanimousi contained a notice by Mn Whitney, approval of both ttidetg of the House', asking for copies ot correspondence be- and the unanimous endorsatlon of the' tween members of the Government and Province. l any ftd','ft? /p,t';','/t', grants for the Jie.- Terms of the Bill. I vers t es o create or Lin atom on. Mr. Harcourt had intended 8to take the The tttmt clause of the bill providedl opportunity of making a detai.ed and that the Lieutenant-Governor in Court-. definite statement ot the Government':, Il by proclamation might set apart, policy on the question. He deterred certain lands held by the crown in! this, however. owing to the absence of the unorganized districts for the pur- the leader of the Opposition. and the Four!" making grants to tho- en-tt statement will likely be made next n t e South African wthr who- ..Wft, Wednesday. The Premier will deliver crushed in our own -Province.» Those his budget speech this alternoon. and a?" a would be both in the free grant will be followed by Colonel Matheson. a 'g,rt,'g',y,"',,ote,tt',1t,.'ritj',tgc',t'g' the tintutcial Clitic of the Opposition. tahe up land. Evidence will be re- quired that the applicant for such a grant was enrolled in Ontario tor ac- tive service in South Africa during the years 1899 and 1900. In case of the