39., North Bay to Thoratoe. The 9:229: 's'2.'t/urt ttlt good" bacmngi'thuge l ve the de utation to understau . l .. ' an / _ n . can to on w ', " ghoul mung be taken this session. "my." Mr. Shaw reviled- He astt- ' 3 Mr. John Loughrin. the member for ed that if money be muted it be to, iNipissinz. Introduced the deputation. whichever railway began constructioni and there were present Meet. John ttrat. ( '. Armstrong and Antru* {#5333 The Premier's Reply. ( ltr,,'.'"",'; we 1lueft"r'J.' l Herbert The Premier, in reply to the deputa- i riGG, Mayor Rowland. John Shaw. tion. said the Government were verY. G F 'Marter M P P. Dr. Pyne, M.P. much interested in that 1e,'edttrv,s'le'or,'d P. E C Baiiey "chi.' Robert Davies. were thirteen mili'on acres of good Alex. Nairn D 'dGiii'. D. A. Jones. J. land there. feet of pine F i;ic'G"Gi'tui;,' W ii.' Jennings. L. V. T and an unlimited quantity ot spruce. iiciiritG and othe'rs..of Toronto. The Government wanted settlers there Mr. Loughrin. in introducing the de- " quickly as I,t','t"ei rlt,e/p'glo',t,'ir,tit putauettt, reminded the Premier that his the Mayor 5 gll,e"h T98; mr 'lll%'li, announced policy was one of developing '3'" ownert-Ih J,',' tr, r'. Mo" onstfeuionl the newer districts. and unless he Government +13 "12"" of Giii, to granted aid to a railway up there he .i'or gttlersnv'i on" dythn; A1931: Cen- would nat be living up to hits promise: 31:1 'a%','Ulll"" "are. have nit yet ma- 31,2} 1'i""1rt',"o',1'a,te'." sf/J""tl,fa,,'lfr' tured our scheme." he said in conclu- Ill','.',.,' were doing very well and were Mon, "hut I think you can depend upon content. only they :vere afraid that " early action wits a 2T, totgsttifrg 'J,'fl they did not get a. railway they W013". 'tgla'zcougtg ',','G't'r",',ii' 5mg," pro- l:;%°1;:.'2°;r;.:i':".:":%c::::?.e:°";'::::;.I ",'.hyr. More gm r',"i'"'tf,"lg.1r" indicate was no frost to injure the crops, and mg what we ntcn . tender garden stuff ripened. In aa====a====== Per-iv to "on. Mr. Davis. Mr. Arm- strong said the prospects tor settler:I this year were better than ever. Wheat trom that trstriet formed part of the Canadian exhibit which took the grand prize at the Paris Exposition. Mr. McKetvey said the Govern- ment had already surveyed 31 town- ship! of good agricultural land in that neighborhood. They might have sur-S "Wed five times as many more and still been on the sunny side of the 4.nth parallel. They would get railway com- munication in the near future. The . Province ot Quebec and the c. P. R. were now taking steps to extend the c. P. R. on the Quebec side. Cost ot the Road. Mr. Bailey. who traversed the coun- try thoroughly as an engineer. said it would cost from $17,000 to $20.00" per mile to build the rai'way from 1 North Bay. He had found nickel. can per. lead and silver on the line. of rail- way. and every island in Lake Tema- "ml was full of minerals. Mr. w. n. McMurrich. President of the Nipissinx & James Bay Railway Company. said the time tor action had now come. and he hoped the axes would be heard before the charter ex- pired on July 1. Mayor Rowland said he thought the iimo was past when Governments were expected to practically build railway" and then give them away. ' He thought it a private company did not see at to bu.ld these lines the Govern- ment should step in their place and become the owners of the line. Atter Mr. Marter had spoken briefly. Mr. Hugh main and Mr. H. P. E'k-l ardt. as merchants of this city. spoke of the trade which Toronto now gets and will get from the north. ' Mr. John Show said that as ho un-, dorstood aid was asked for the Nipiss- in: a James Bay Railway. as tho ru- ggesentr the ot the Toronto & Huuiwon y Railway. who also hold a charter. he asked that the latter be considered. "Have you any money t" the Premier asked.