,,_,_ "V .. , " ., . Petitions For BNP%.llltiE 3 . to ask it the Premier was Several important petitions were told l st'fm','i"itroet,atf whether the probabilities on the table. The County Councils of were that there would be another ses- Essex and Bruce want the govern ot alon of the House. The removal of Division Courts extended. The Coun- ' any uncertainty one way or the other all of Bruce asks for the abolition or might have a. perceptible effect on the grand Juries. Elgin County wants a. length of the session and the nature reduction in the cost of jury service. of the proceedings. There had been a Mr. Crawford presented apetltion from great many contradictory rumors te-. i the City of Toronto asking authority to garding'the mutter. Gentlemen ot apply technimal srhool debentures to character and standing. exceedingly tho amount of $76.000 to the furnishing , close to his hon. friend the Premier. of the institution. A variety from the l had not hesitated to my. in private usual was lent by a petition from Wei. i conversation. that there would not,' ington County Council praying that b be another sesuion. [These ronve:'sa-' the Government do not grant aid to ' tinny ware mere rumors, of room's. all); public highways. Drudwessm' of his hon. friend in 1 . . . ' :had declared. without binding himself; Nipltaslrttr't' Needs. .10 the ('oursr of action he then out- Hon Mr. Latnhfonl was waited on [ film-i, that ho did not expect there yeurtcrduyr afternoon by two deputa- /would be " dissolution of the House tions from Nlpitrtring. Messrs. John ',withln a certain time. He (Mr. whit- Armstrong and Angus McKelvey of {now merely threw out the animation. 1'hormloe asked tor $10,000 to be ex- . land had no right to complain. and pended on colonization roads m the would not do so. if the Premier did not Te-misr-aming district and for assistance desire to reply. He slmvly desired to in building a pontoon bridge over the give him an opportunity of "lievlng Blanche River in the same neighbors the publlr mind on the 'l'WSUOU and hood. Mr. Latchford informed the de.. making smooth the way ot the sessiwn. guiuiion that the estimates contain . . T ..t7Mtft for roads. He will have an en- t NoElection This Year. Killer-"r report on the bridge problem. _ _ Tho Prsmier answered :--"t presume Dr. Irwin, Rerve of the Townships. of that my hon. friend desires to arrange, Dunnett and Rotter. and Alex. llam- if there is to he no general election at illon. lumberman, both ot Warren, ask- once. tor a brief and easy passage for oil for trisistance for tho. building of a tho Government during tho no." 1" 0': loch-up at Warren. Go days the liouro may be in session. N" t We have no present intention of groin: . o PN. to the country until another session of The dumand for land in the Tamin- tttru gm..." hoo hes.rt h..." T (""1an a". coming country continues unabated solutely hind m.v.celf i no Minister woui' and " is probable thar four or ttve do that '. my law-1w t-ssor did not. Hut morn townships "ill be opened for tytt- I an: srrt'ukinsr 1-itltout any reservation tit-mom this spring, in addition to the when l any that Parliament will pro- stVi'" nor: available. babiy run its full term. I do not know: Til-Pro nrt- now in existence four that it is necessary that we should say charters for railways into Nlpisuing' anything further. if " is going to be "strict. of which Mackenzie & Mann a brief and (may session, well and good. we understood to control three. which I suppose that when we meet again ' . I 1 no shall imm- to "1an ur. for the Itind- tll ermre July 1st next. These He, ' woos our {rivnoia or the Opposition may Ah? lines projected northward realm?" ' ~mow to in. But we shall be In the ithPl)' from Haliburton. North Bay and: running 0n the home stretch. and first t"lt?urv. The fourth is the Toronto; at tho winning post. too." 1'Governtn-nt if,' iiudson Bay, in the hands at Mr. . immense.) John Show, Mr. W. n. Brock and . . others. i My. t'nrscaltert't, Bill. The Bureau of Mines is in raceti'nt . '.p. , - l ot the f lowln r u ries :--From e WM?" "fr".'i'lrnr 1),h'J,'tdpe1,f,,"i,",d1ot,',1',1,1 J';: 'l,.,',,',',.',',,)," 'l,',',',?,',',',',,,,'?")),'),',',',',,:;;?,' Cleve- .fir,1". n " , "" tl _tl,"s soc - PY,' n L - lend, Ohio, for supplims of pyrite? and pocutlorts, the thett oru hich is to com- harvta and from Messrs Sirin & ' pel tul 1mey/es to ','ey.y.? a "at"- Boon-icing l'rllnos. {loinwa'rc County. f mom ot unvnunrd halanuu in their "ynnttsivlari!a, for motytrdettiU'. Pro- possession prior to three Years from :duu'rs ot ihosé minorais might find it dittt". a _ ',radvttnttureouts to communicate with the 'i hr: Hun-e adjourned at ".90. above parties. Notioti of Motion. I ttee=egrg.t"e.==rd"d'.hede= The following notions of motion Wtii'i- " ANT All) you RAIL" .\\. " on :-- . - ' glitz Taylor-Hill to amend the muni- Premier "on: Aunt-e. a Tomi-cam- vt f'lrmim't. in: oet"rtahfon That Somethi-E i Mr. C'onrvru---r',iil to amend the me- Wlll be Done Th'l Fear. chaniCs' lien "ct. ', f t l, Mr. Rnss--An not to amend the sup- A large deputation, representative of I 'tIli.,',',',-'.')):.:),'.?,; revenue act. t the north and of Toronto's business in- Irr. Jessop (Linroln) wants a re urn . . . as and phoning tho results ot the inspection tttrests waited '.'" 'Ill,',",,",',' slicer of ot the fruit trees in Lincoln County Hon. E. J. Davis, Lomms on 'ln bonnet-titan with the San Jose scale. Crown Lands, yesterday morning. and asket that assistance be trivert toward the construction ot a toitwtMr from