-le-" "ee""-'""'-""'"'"'-'-"""""'-"'""-'"" ' l position 'deiiwered"w' lit-Tm; ' , We . "i??,?, T T'Y appropriate terms. ' while _'. the It." '.7:/ . '"m'i' ' _ . , Ba lthanpt (North Waterloo ' speech of Hon. Mr. Ross. who close who Bacon ed the address. also refs; ' ed the debate, was a dignified and im- red to the ing away of the Queen. pressivO utterance. The particular He represented. he said. the most Ger- features of all the addresses were the as: 'itll' ",,tl'rei,'lfi'/, inmgntggisot af,',',',,",,- ' eulogis'tic references to the Lieutenant- constituency under the British its:l . Governor. the fitting manner-in which are 32"" In); whatt the German.. the em ire's bereavement-th dea ans ans 0 t a . constituency the Quito-was referred to "Jd a: were as deeply grieved and felt the _ utes to the value of the Canadian sol I sei'/t'soPt'id"et',','gee' keegllytas hilly "Sb" .. F , . W e at: dlers who served in South Africa. and ""35 the case. ttUr 3150 rejoiced at thei the acknoivledtrment of the services of Mention accorded trt'ihmitiittf"iii' the Speaker Evanturel at the Paris Exposi- 53:3")? of Germany. who . had neg- tion. At the close of the debate the to be git-'33:: 1;!"th 'f, Leggdm order ( House adjourned until Tuesday next, trrandrnothee--the ruler at?! the Jul', i when resolutions on the death of the "mate" empire. It WG-9 Pittaititttr to 1 Queen and of sympathy with the Royal mark the evldences of warm friendship . family and allegiance to his Modesty tMtn the two great, nations~the the King will be passed. tr',",.',',?,',',,',',',',',', the Teuton. Continuing. Mr. Address in Reply. , _ by "dtl'llata,'i,e/'i'ir1't1eto 1t,u't."drt,1t,',' Dr. BrMituiurpiuaiagury, who mm," War. and to the benefits which had ac- ed the address in reply to the speech crued to the Dominion " a Conv- i from ittht', throng ventured to any the 1,l',tl',f'e"i, t,P,u'ie,""t', the Government's ppos on can not very well com- . 3" to a iculture. plairrof the bill of fare provided for ,li'ti'iii,l.',i,,f'd,ii,i,t','ri?i, the i'd'vtit,'f,',rett"o",' the House. Passing on, he referred I fl,'let,tl,1'i1', mineral resources and the when? "t,1"iciaei1'igf,ef.,1"a,ri"'tl.it In 1"gf/Pd'"ldetge,U/g,twdttt,titt ' . - - a on .. - nounced Queen Victoria as. in his opin- le, remount station: in 'lruf'Cit,'titi _ 'auhtg',"e',tc'tf,'x,1,i."%,wg'd,hn "a: it',e/",tregi,."t2ott1gg,P,e,t, "2""! the' tell how great had been her 'io,l'tli1,e,'lt', Sande for. use In. 'iuT'ed1'gPug "Wigwam the empire: and the whole Big?) in the United States. It had wnr . t was a "ma er o the great- es mated that , " est satisfaction that her work was to Produced in Canada "2:93:32.- 'ite',.,,',",' . he continued by one so capable as King bell'; and the establishment of remount 1i?,',re'il new; gl',1','uu""" In #:2231223? r,t',1d, brirur to thu After a reference to the valorous ser- He quoted a repor: gggmof atr'3t,r'gl',ei vice of the Canadians in Africa, the 'ig,'.'yih',",,r the qualities of Canadidn . 'et,tltrretg1,htn2f.'g%,. 'ph/UQ'?";',' t'l,G'eht,nUPt'id1tt n,',',",',',,','",,,',','.',','?,' '/2f,'; give 160 acres of land to the surviving thitt country were bought for use 1 i volunteers. He rejoiced in the pros- England as carriage. 'bus and lull 1 ' , i perlty of the farmers, and then refer- horses. He concluded h ' l F' I red to the proposal to assist in the es- reference to the efforts Jpyleert,'e',.t,,t tablishment of the beet-sugar industry ment to advance th i ern- [ in Ontario, saying that such an import- Province by all nt,tlunte,rgt1", of the ant source of revenue to the farmers power. " n their, l . should be encouraged. The lumber in- l duetry was in a thriving ',i,tnfittet'i axed Canada and South Africa. i not the least important was t e tra e Mr. W I in tanbark. The new Temagaml for- paid a 'l2lt,'e'reCtU,'ut "d,",',',',',"', remarks ' est reserve would give access to a most Lieuteriant-G r en? his Hon": the . l beautiful region. That lake contained he said w owe nor. e whole House.) '" 1,400 islands, the forest was virgin 'Oliver 310:8 tinned in the hope that Bir and the timber exceptionally rich. A carry out 'lid gl'?, 1d long be spared to ' railway was much needed in that dia- lave of th ut es as the representa-' trict. The great territory to the north, Jud g. n h eh Crown in this Province. 1 which was now attracting so much de- for th g y ia well-known attainments; velopirur capitol, only a few years ago believeed ttf,,t,theth,,oge, duties, they all! 22%;? g,tt.'t"Lrtt,r,'it"ipe tht',,' tl the min}. as In 'tUQft.r""t2hrtlU,'.i' Sir Oliver Mowat. The reports of the. le, She members of the Opposition exploration parties would show an im- Sign: 8130 in congratulating the mense new area of good farming land. the 'o'kdd?urt,tf,','itg, him hack trom The necessithy its; gttl was: '2,','gt'g, the Paris J'h1'i2flt"/l'n"."' "M"', lduties at great. but e oug e o . e aso com- shtould glove an jij,'j,ii.untgp.ut,l,.2d/'dt 31113232121 21eunnovg, sent: seconder of o the 'overnmen . r. - .. e manner in 'angler", J.'"',',', a. cgmgimgzit (33:23:; v"2rtte'uCr"ifd"ge1,ttg1, tt,,',"i','it'ett'if,; pea er or s se mene t em f,t','le1'lr"Jti Nl',,", Psrt-lig ei',',"'th"'l,'i '/5lnatnhuedl'dratetht'leteJgid in ignition they an o em er oss. em Be o er Ma- the foremost statesmen of the Domln- gray: their words in that connection [ ion. . ound a responsive chord in the hearts of in present. With regard to this great and momentous question he did not propose to offer any words, as he