.. .mwmthenw a' , "RI. J F/ttii. "tTFii "1 ' 4 tltlMiiri,'ttJ1',tl'lSt t,hl,"'i,tiittrt't 1'llh ' 'ii5iirhAtitdt" GE _Segrggb t owners fully endowed. with. saga ty "m rut, mks another - in ttM; h and Wisdom combined wittrdevotion to rection. Th. increasing now of - I _ duty and sincere regard for the welfare lation to New Ontario is . matter of _ ot the nation. Under her benettcent congratulation. _ c'i may we have long enjoyed the price- I congratulate you on t? great ex- less privileges of self-government and pension of the mineral in ustry. The . the fullest measure of civil and reli- manufacture of pigoiron in the Ag.) slau- liberty. An d deeply as we feel 'vince is now firmly established and III in common with the whole empire the materially aided by the discovery of loss of one so great and good. we re- large bodies of conveniently-situated Joioe to believe that under her illus- hematite ore in the Michipicoten region. , . trious successor. King Edward VII Phe making of the tlttt open-hearth, [ these privileges Will not be impaired steel in the Province and the estatrd l nor our constitutional rights in my ilshment on the upper lakes of the flrtrt Mtqhtest degree curtailed. You will be) line of steamers to carry the ore from . asked to "we" in fitting terms your our own mines to the shelters of our feelings with respect to the Queen .OWn Province are events teitrnitleant ofi whose career has closed so tr1orioute1y substantial progress. Nickel and cop- " well as the King Whose reitro h" , per mining is more active than at any Just begun and whose authority as lov- previous time. and it is gratifying to lug subjects we heartily acknowledge'. know that additional works for treat- . ment of these ores are being erected in Provision for War Veterans. different parts of the Province. l The valor displayed by the Canadian l ' 'snd,ittiyv, contingents engaged in the Work of Exploration. out African war has mitiected the) Actin on the a highest honor upon Canada. and en-) Gtfe'tl,',",',d'ft by ttll/Irie,,,'.'),,'?)',',,",',,,')',',', :titles them to some token of your ap- for exploring that part of the P e preclatlon. To this end. a bill will bei (Vince lying toward Hudson Ba ro- submitted for your consideration au- ploratlon parties spent the rel ty' ex- thorizing the Crown Lands Department of the summer in investigatii er parrt tto set aside certain townships in the agricultural, forest and minengl t e unorganized districts permitting every 'sources of th tr re- l . I ) e several districts assign- volunteer enrolled in the Province who ted to them. The result t servedjn South Africa to choose lik", iquiries will be laid IS',',' o their, en- acres, to be held upon the most favor- I During the past ea re you. able conditions compatible with the iguana have been {It}; extensive alter.. settlement of the public domain and necti . ertaken in con- . on with the buildings at C b Ithe development of the district. Pro- to meet the ur e t d o our; :Vislon will also be made for the rct-og- tional accomm gd Il emand Yor addi- T gnition of the survivors of the volunteer I am pleased t0 'atfon for the insane. :militia who were actually engaged in alterati 0 n orm you that these idefensive service ot ti ft. "V d .', _ ons are well advanced tUtd 1866. 1 1e 10mm unm. "J/k, Ioi'tntllit' be completed before the , It is gratifying to he able to state v e current year, thus pro- "hat the agricultural classes during the 21ieig,mplt {salutes so far as the it'ilst year have enjoyed unusual pros- treatment fr h e accommodation and .perity. Improved methods of farming our 10 t is unfortunate class of and a more thoughtful application of 1u'f,Phten at present require. I the principles of sound hustrandry,wlth,' present ention ite again invited to the a general adoption of cold storage by} courts it ative Jurisdiction of the dairymen and fruit growers. have 'd,'l'Je'n/l, the Province and of their , greatly contributed to this happy con-i ti ve Judges, and to the sugges- dition of affairs. ons of experience for further pro- I motintr the emclent, prompt and inex- . Beet Root Sugar Industry. I $25111"; administration ot justice It has been found by various tests 1i,t1l"lr,'l1,te,t/,'t Fligvlnce. conducted by the Department of Ar! commission ae ll en before the Royal riculture that the soil and climate 'lil report upon 3:): nted to examine and f Ontario are admirably adapted for Jlll the Province ',lfil/"t'1e1'h'l,en,t, laws of l growth of t_utrtu' beets. You will bel and l i e laid before you, I asked . . " slation (lealln wl to consider " hethel farmers phases of tr th some trhou.1d, not be encouraged to give such submitted g,.ue,cuir,.'a,,l taxation will be in)???" agention to beet raising as will or your approval. us y t e establishment of fac . . for the nroduction of beet roott swat? M Important Measures Promised. y grant ng such aid for this urri ; ensures will b as may be deemed expedient. p pose ing in the Ll'JUeu'e1t"'g'rttr,t1,//,"htg: The lumber trade is in a prosperous ways; for the encouragement C gh- condition. and the revenue from woods trade in dressed meat for th IN ot the and forests ' F mark . e European . cogttinues buoyant. employ- st. for abolishing tolls ment being abundant and wages high. highways and bridges; for ("on public The continued investment of capital in t'ourutring technical educatio rtter tn-, the erection of sawmills affords satis- consolidating the laws Wit}? and for factory evidence of the wisdom of re- to public and high scho l respect (wiring that logs out on the Crown do- liquor licenses. . 0 S. and to 3;"). shall be sawn in our own coun- th'P,Uv'edcei,cao,.ute,t: and reports' of . . _ a epartments w Preservation of tho Forests. that??? as? yotu in due mu"?- be sub- " m ' The preservation of our forest wealth are 'irl'lk'l'Q ",h//," the current year continues to engage the attention of. asdis consistent ('htt,"el,'heit,t,t'"2'r',j'g, y _--------_--':w' rv ce, ' 'au",',,,',? an early date be placed ' --_-__---- ___-__-.--.--------