® I T ut % """7"'-| industry being tempted ¢ 'one place [Doruod for the mnnlclpli:"cio'ncomed. to another by a bonus. _ _ _ P | pealed so far as T°"°"t°h t the clause Mr. Matheson favored the bill going' l l It is further provided t' " shall notf to the committee, because there ought + containing such provis ie light com--| to be a general law governing the ' apply to any gas or electric regfule a to granting of bonuses. He would limit: 1 pany that has neglected c;rt any por--| the bonus granted to 20 per cent. of the ' | supply gas or electric ligh %ower ig.i municipality's revenue. . The bonus tion of the municipality. any to should prevail if the sentiment in its lg:ven to any gas or water corlnp of the favor was five to one, and provided that ' require security for the supp yh bill the vote in the aflirmative was half of ' lsame. . se csowons " fnake tt) South | the total vote. | reataine the 4 se s Iinad by a Clov-- Mr. Preston (South Brant) admitted oo csn snt . Jar" Fay pon yc'l ut the that the bonusing power had proved ; {ernment bill. . Mtf. HoS portn:le nfe am-- advantageous to the City of Brantford, uy tmpine Appdibartihad ue wolliped lauded | but said there was a growing feeling erdments proposed, and "";flp bility of impatience against bonuses in that when he referred to the a l')|savote city. That had found expression in the ; of abolishing the, Mavyor s dguhet thex:e adoption by the Council, composed tol e rovevar very serious maiters dealt the extent of two--thirds of Conserva-- | were several very serious matters S Cer tives, of a motion in favor of Mr. Pat--' l"'lth in the bill, and there \\;reMum-- tullo's resolution. He did not know | clauses which ought to 8°,t° tde to the that he was prepared absolutely to| t d mpiichies mmendiments 'lo" the act close the door to municipalities wishing . k s "tnel ihese reau tOd a great to grant bonuses, but he did not feel| end sald Hhat thest requlr; th tg tfxe that he could support the bill. It seem--' deal of study. He hope Ida tne ¢6d like turning back the hands of the committee would closely consider of clock to revert to the legislation of clauses reducing the q"a'mcati?'" c 1888. He did not know that any harm | Mayor and Aldermen. If any c a.(rl\lg would result from continuing the pre-- | was to be made it should be in th"-T r-- sent tentative system. ection of an increase. He \\'a; t:r){ The Attorney--Genera' pointed out| cnough for that. _ He believe z_xt that private bills seeking the bonusing they had gone too far in the matter l" power. were becoming very common. lowering property qualifications. _ The and it seemed to be unreasonable to | Attorney--General said that he was fl,'f' 'compel municipalities to come to the: l | pressing his own personal \lg": on i ? | Legislature for powers which they, ! question and he did not know tl "HOP."S | would get simply by making applica--| ions of his colleagues. 'The b it't':'le | tion. Moreover, the manner in which | | |referred to the Municipal u.'.';"'lfl s | the municipalities came had begun 'to | | Mr. «Foy's bill giving the C o dM-- | assume very objectionable features. Immigrant Aid Society the same p.'l \ They would take & vote of the people vileges of tax exemption was also rea | and pass by--laws without a particle Ofl | a second time. | authority, and afterwards come t'\o t'he ipal Bonuses. | Legislature for ratification. _ Again, ! ' Munic they would tie the hands of the Legisla-- ' | Mr. Pardee_moved t:': "f{;'efl.': !;ehidlrrlf 'mrn by inserting in private bills | of a bill having for its C | clauses which the municipal act did | enactment of the provisions of 1888 not contain, and were deemed to be ob-- | with respect to the granting of bonuses jJectionable. With respect to ithe | to industries by municipalities. He ammount of the bonus, the Legislature ' said the bill gave the municipalities would be considered wild if it pormit-! ' practically the right to do as they saw | ted a municipality to grant so large a| | fAt with their own money, such liberty | sum as 20 per cent. of the revenue. ' . \being hedged around by proper safe-- The bill was read a second time. | | guards. I 'The Attorney--General approved of Loan Corporations. | the bill going to committee. The| Mr. Carscallen's bill to restrict the | measure would require some provisions | borrowing power of loan companies by to meet cases where bonuses took the| eliminating the unpaid balance of lform of well secured loans by munici--| stock in estimating the amount of de-- palities. There would also need to bfl! bentures which Ih?)' may issue was safeguards, making it clear that the ; sent to the Legal Committee. The At-- benus by--law would only be effective| torney--General assented to this course, where the majority in its favor was although he was not to be understood overwhelming. as concurring in the principle of the ' Mr. Whitney congratulgte? the Leg-- bill. islature upon showing y its present action that it was clothed and in its' Police Commissioners. right mind. They were now returning Mr. Brown's bill to repeal the section I to the condition of things in 1888, from of the municipal act placing police ! which they were induced to depart by ; forces in cities and towns under the | gentlemen who had a dislike to any-- control of commissioners was allowed ' thing that savored of protection. He:| to stand until to--morrow. was in favor of surrounding with rea--| | scnable safeguards the right to grant| | Barberry Shrub. benuses, but thought the bill contained ; Mr. Taylor's bill to prevent the plant-- 1 too many restrictions. The provision | ing and cultivation of the barberry to restrict the amount of the bonus toi hedge was read a second time and sent one--tenth of the annual revenue of the| to a committee consisting of Messrs. ¢ municipality would largely neutralize} Dryden, Carpenter, Little, Duff, Pardo, the effect of the whole bill. _A 25 per Pardee, Robson, Monteith, Matheson cent. limitation would be better. and Taylor. Mr. Miscampbell looked upon the |__Mr. McKay's bill to amend the assess-- bonus system as being wrong from first lment act, Mr. Mutrie's bill to amend to last. and instanced the case of an the municipal act and Mr. Dickenson's