Mr. Foy--No. 148, sec. 'WM ' "man 4 m \ s W * l l f) provides that the Council consist m'n'}}t&cmfl&p&%flofis of the Mayor and three Aldermen from made where a by--law is (to be leach ward. . Mr. Foy wants the Tor-- passed for the corstruction of any gas onto system of a Mayor, four Control-- electric light or water company lncor-' *lers and three Aldermen to be applied porated for the municipality are to be to all cities of 100,000 or more of a po-- altcred by striking out the word pulation. It is very questionable if '"municipality'" and inserting "any this is desirable. The experiment has municipality having a pb'pulatlon of not been a very great success, to say less than 100,000," thereby restricting nothing worse about it, and will not the provisions at'present applicable to last very long, but will probably give any city, town or village to cities of the way 'to something more workable and stated population, and further'provld- simpler ir)_ details. ing that the clausé containing such pro-- Section 76 of the act provides for the visions shall not apply to any gas or property qualification of the Mayor electric light company that has neg-- ::lcdugllld::nt\:n'i";l;?etfime(jadmeat t? this lected or refused to supply gas or elec-- e Council of an i -- city by by--law to abolish the propert!): }{;'c fightAc.ons part of the --municipal qualification of all candidates for the The corporation has power to require position of Mayor and Alderman other security for the supply of gas or water than the qualification of being a person and it is proposed to give the samé qualified to vote at municipal elections power to any company supplying same in such city. This is clearly a retro-- within the municipality. This had bet-- grade step ; but presuming it is a ter be carefully gone h;to move in the right direction, why should A very wise amendmont' is the clause the right be conferred upon cities only ? to be added to section 586 proi;iding What about towns and villages ? that no dead horse, offal et'c shall be To entitle a person to vote in cities drawn through thé streéts d'\'xring the at 1:restentu}:e m\:st be possessed of pro-- hours of daylight. perty to the value, or rated at the The final section all will agree with, ::i':%o:'fn s;;;)o. lf is proposed to cut emergency Councils to make grants to 1t s proponessood to 'smend Section 95. the soldiers serving in South Africa, zjvhlch"provld'e;s for the election of the Danger of Smallpox. f O x i Byienactin fl':t Monday in Janu Dr. P. H. Bryce, Secretary of the ary, by enacting that in cities having a p population of 100,000 or over, by by--law rovincial Board of Health, was on passed not later than the 15th of No-- eaturday morning . notifiecd | by _ the vember in any year, the nominations Health Officer of Portland, Maine, of can be held on the third Monday of De-- the discovery of a case of confluent cember and the elections, where neces-- smallpox on the steamship Vaneouver sary, on the 1st of January, or, if a after its arrival in port. The discovery Sunday, on the second day of the was not made until most of the pass-- 'month. engers had left for home. One of them \ Section 276 is struck out, being the is a Toronto man and others come from provisions made for a Board of Con-- other parts of Canada. Having been trol, and new sections proposed, making exposed to infection it is desirable that the four Controllers elective by the these persons should be traced and ntepayershat large, the same as the made to undergo vaccination. P Mayor, each ratepayer to have the right 'to give one vote for each of four pir- Ergyintial Appointments. |sons for this position. The casting James Mitchell of the Village of jvote, or dual vote, of the Mayor is done Plevyna has been appointed bailiff of jaway with. It is hard to say what et-- the O6th Division Court of Frontenac 'Kect such an elective Board of Control | vice John Critchley, reslgngd. William | » in s |\ Henry Spencer of Bracebridge has been | wo k > mo';'ledt)?aar'neeve'xl:hlgcaAlldf\rtr'?lz:zntl:'esol{}:yl;?'I appointed Police Magistrate wlthoutl 'and Controliers, as 'represemlné the salary for portions of the district of| whole city, and not a part, would hold Muskoka and Parry Sound. Alfred a very strong position--probably too Carss of Wabigoon and D. F. Cough-- strong. It is asked that the power the lin of Mount Carmel have been created police have of issuing licenses to the notaries public. owners of horses, cab carriages, carts, New Companies. trucks, sleighs, omnibuses and other vehicles regularly used for hire, should The Pic Copper & Gold Mining Co. be amended by striking out the word of Lake Superior, with a capital of reghularly. Some explanation for thts $1,000,000; the Electrical Maintenance change will be in order. & Construction Co. of Toronto, with a To section 349 is to be added a section capital of $250,000; and the Woltz for the prevention of sparring exhibi-- Manufacturing Company of Toronto, tions and boxing matches when an ad-- with a capital of $40,000, have been in-- mission fee is charged, except on a per-- | corporated by letters patent. A by--law mit from the Chief of Police. 'of the Metal, Shingle: & Siding Co. of Under section 357 the Councils may Preston, increasing the capital stock pass by--laws for preventing persons from $10,000 to $50,000, has hbeen con-- :'lr'om throwing any dirt, filth, carcasses firmed by the Government. of animals or rubbish upon any street, +5 64 »» road, lane or highway. It is proposed Speaker's "At--home. to add glass, handbills and paper. U Speaker Evanturel will be at--home on der section 566 the municipality may Wednesday evening, '4th April, from pass a by--law for the manufacturing 0.30 to 12 o'clock. and supplying light and heat. Further It is understood that the Huron & power is to be given by adding the Erie Loan & Savings Company of _Lon- El e e e es ie ols § o e i _ omm