t ' ' or Wait to amend "fieF,2'd,'lfi" V i, 7.71"» ' _ a.r'Sttattlt1 _ . hr "exenuttintr - e defended the 'aipf r"e no of TI ' "at... Wall and vehicles. new. " the Government. 'yy3, tttrttitrf be," _ ' - and other farm products, the Justification in the" hirium- ie. t ' ttroperty of the owners or tenants of cultivation sndenllchteutnont- charac- r"' y ' (suns. from taxation. terising the young mem and women of " f ' Private tmu-Mr. go'rnt---An act re- the Province. The contention of the Ott- " t specting the Village of igerrtetrviile. Mr. position that the Experimental Farm 5 = T Geriman---Retoectimr the Town orNits- and College should be Mtit-tnstahtlmr a ~ gar-a Fang, Dr. Pvne--To o"pip,'re,'fft'f,' was held .up to ridicule. " unreagom " l, , one o . . - "d ' _ fltrtsg',t'e-o-.'rotenee'ffi"l'l' the erection swordsman 't'Jure,',o,'l 33:}. an ~ of summer hotels at Cobourg by cer- lar educational institution that had 'es, tain exemptions. Mr. Barber-To con- ever been made taelt-ttuBtainintr. Re- : It solidate the tloatintr debt of the Town plying to the charges of the Opposition. ' ii, of Brampton. Mr. Richardson-To the truth of which he denied, i,' ' ,. confirm by-law No. 740 of the Township l that the Province was drifting toward . st' l , of York. Mr. Mistcamptrell-To author- 1 direct taxation, he asked who had done 'irTJ," , ize the sale of Knox Church, Toronto: more to bring about smell a. state of '? Mr. Conmee---Act respecting the Town affairs than the hon. members of the f at" Port Arthur. . Mr. Malcolm-Act Opposition and their friends in endeav- . '.1)ectlng the Town of Kincartilnc. Mr. tiring to cut off sources of revenue from ' 2x"tatetat2, 'it',',','.',',"),',"', thei t'."I'ia/l.- the Provincg, and, "gg,',",','.', toi theGot- "I ' _ . re e o to. own o turn R. A t'. tempts of t e late .onservat ve ov- T , fiuittorx1-To authorize the transfer nf 'ernment at Ottawa to obtain control of «.3 Presbyterian Church property at O.q- the revenue from liquor licenses and to F" suede as a burial ground. steal from Ontario the rich and fertile ' . To Enforce the Rules. Crre'1tgl'."' affected by the boundary "'13efore entering on the orders of the . 7 day," said the Speaker. "I desire to Mr. Duff on Education. draw the attention of the House. and Mr. Duff (Com. West Slmcoc) follow- '. no: 't't',1e"e,'1vtel.e '"ipiJ't'r'1ti'""put/', ed, depreciating the habit of Liberals of reads as follows . 1%en the irii/VriiG 11t1s,1n5, the large expenditure of the N adjourned the members shall iiiG their Ontario Government by the fact that v ',iirt'i until the Qpeaiter has left the certain expenditures of the late Con-. am": and the tenth rule reads as fol; serrativc Government at Ottawa were r lows : 'Every member desiring to speak ills" cialrger. Phey ought to confine the into rise in his place. uncovered and .-cu. s on to purely Provincial matters. 1 _ _ " ' ' ' He explained that John Bandtield Mac- address himself to the speaker. Dlll- donald' l ' 3 800.000 uh' l l. ing the August seesion. a. large num- iiii, did S IT' :3 Ie'. ' ' , in ch i k, ber of new members being in this if" d tneo. 1'l)fgu""v"ll, in Mt oo House, I did not think proper to on- t '3de e c. rr, u 215e,rf,o'-'?,, tit- th force this rule. but. this being the '50- l a" e Mr. Ross edutationai policy ti cond session. I intend to do so. Such and evolved the f/y/tttint rather vague expressions as 'Gentlemen, I thank you _ lemedial ttutrgestiurc--- se, public for a patient hearing,' or the appclla- school should be. an institution within. t tion of 'trentlemep' within the precincts itself, t? such an extent that the chil- ' of this hall. .a.re unnar1l'amentaly "f" dren will be tuted---thaf those who do ' _ prission.s which cannot be received ill not wish to take a higher education 't, . the future. should be titted--in the best possible r. l Tho Budget Debate. . manner to fulfil the duties of life, tah- J . mg into consideration the fact that ltr,, Mr. Ilislop (East Huron), who requm- I they were obliged to leave school at. an ." F ed the donate upon the budget, pointcU Icarly age." Mr. Duff went on to criti- "d J out that it was not to be supposed the clze the cost of the management of the "d policy of the Government would meet farm in connection with the agricul- - Q with the unnualified approval of the tural college at Guelph, and asserted , Opposition. who for twim.ty-s"v"n long [that colonization road moneys should rt years have been trying to obtain t-on- 'be expended by the municipalities In- T, trol of the reins of government. Hc nd- i terested. He referred approvingly to mltted that during that long pcriod tht- I Mr. Stratton's remarks upon the manu- ' . Government had made mistakes, and lecture of Ontario's raw material in' , had not always done those things which the country,and stated that not a pound _ they ought to have done. This souti- of ore or a stick of pulpwood should be T ment was applauded hy the Opposition, taken out lnaraw state. He hoped the _ . but Mr. HlS'le, continuing,dtsclatid that Government would announce a. policy l l the Government in this i'cspcct wore along this line. In conclughg he dealt , only human. and went on to compare with the bye-elections "a revived the S'Wi their record with that of the Oppo- change that strange deputy returning , sition, who had doling their long exile !ott1eertg had operated in East Elgin , in the arctic regions of Opposition to a ' . * far greater extent done that which they Work for Canadians. " on ht not to have done, which the . now _ . , regretted. and the memory of' 3'1"", l gingarwell taunted the Opposition they would fain blot out, and the as- P1 ealing in generalities and falling sertion was received with much an- l r',"//,'/,'/ti',',td1g1v, improved methods for , plausc from the Government benches. i'fdll? "E,', ntr Pt as?" of the. F20: v" He congratulated the Government up- of 1"idhetf/7t,f."ie, l t"at!" M n 'l, 'll 4' on retaining the contidene, of the poo- im um, th ' di av ng one muc. o pie, founded in the wise and economical I l e t. con tion ot the agricul- administration of the affairs of the Pro- Fire industry, and thereby contributed ' Vince, under which the expenditure had lingely towards the solution of the pro- Increased less proportionately than in lem ot keeping the young men on the farms. On the other hand, the gami-