'v not, or when they do it for that matter, t fee, license fee it might be called, as to protect the fisheries and to appoint | the Dominion Parliament may choose such officers as may be necessary for 63 " or as may be fixed by the Dominion the purpose. So that it will be neces-- Ei Government by order in Council. It eary to sappoint officers to carry out xt has been pointed out that the Dominion the law of the Province, but it was de-- . i Government might so use or abuse their cided that the Province would require« f power as to practically bring the two very much fewer officers, With re-- Governments to a deadlock ; the Pro-- spect to the patrol vessels to protect v'ncial Government having the right the fisheries on the high seas of Can-- to issue licenses, the Dominion Govern:-- ada, the Dominion Government -- will s ment may by imposing so heavy license . maintain the service. _ Although they fees as to prevent people taking out give no undertaking, they still preserve these licenses> practically render the their patrolling power over the great judgment void. The Council points lakes for the reason that difficulties out that there is no reason to assume might arise ; international quesitions that so arbitrary an act will be resort-- may crop up for which the Dominion ed to by either the Provincial or Do-- would be held responstble, and it was 3 minion Government. therefore desirable that the Dominion . Arrangement With the Dominion. retain the control of the patrol vessels £ 3 for the purpose of protecting both At an interview which he had with Canadians and Americans from those the Minister of 'Marlne.and Fisheries | men who are disposed to conduct v ' the contention was made that it was illegal fishing. Beyond that the Minis-- . quite consistent for the: Province. to ' ter of Marine was not then prepared f | have authority to issue licenses for ; to go, and that is his present attitude. |\ pound nets, and that the right to per-- ; Therefore it is possibhle and quite prob-- mit the use of shifting nets was still ; able that the Provincial Government< reserved to the Dominlon Geovernment i will have to protect the inland fisheries, urder the clause allowing the Domin-- ; and for that purpose to appoint per-- } ion Government to impose license fees | sons along the great lakes for issuing for revenue purposes. He--bad asked | licenses and to carry on the work. It 8 the Minister of Marine. to take the | will be necessary to employ a certain , opinion of the Minister of Justice on the i number of persons in the fAsheries f point, as he was very strongly of the | branch to conduct the business which opinion that no such power remained in is now carried on at Ottawa. Just their hands. On a subsequene day he what that will require is at the present 4 kad the honor by appointment of meet-- moment unknown. -- There is a very ing the Minister of Marine and Fish-- large staff at Ottawa with large sal-- eries and the Minister of Justice, The aries, but the Provincial staff will be on Minister of Marine did not at that inter-- a smaller scale so far as salaries go view press that contention, but took an There is at Ottawa a deputy cormmls-. entirely contrary view of the matier .sioner with a salary of $3.000, quite a after consultation with the Minister of number of officials at salal:len'ot $1,800 p Justice, and he decided to leave the one $1,500, $1,400, and so on clear down to branch of the fisheries almost entirely $500. 'Just precisely what the Provi under the control of the Province. A cial staff will be cannot be said tm o. | rartial arrangement was then made, sent, ibut will be knov t s? t y m;o? | f about which there has been a good deal perhays at-- the "it)t\"n wl o (Ater date! said in the newspapers, placing it up-- ceesm'n if it is h o ang s:cuon Of. the on a broader footing than it really was. he ible t bri evgr o 1 asg ed, he would & Some hon. member has spoken of a '.E:)a f ';' ring down some informa-- # rmodus vivendi; that a joint arrange-- Ll n. In the meantime it \\-11_1 be neces-- ment was arrived at between the Pro-- sary 10 ap-puh;lt some one with experi-- f vince and the Dominion with respect to ence to organize the branch and make the cfficials. 'That was not so. The preparations for issuing licenses at the Dominion _ representatives _ conceded beginning of the year, and for that $ 3 that they bad no right to collect the purpose at the proper time he would license fees, but it was arranged that move the resolution of which he has ltihey should gollect the fees for the given notice. censes already issued, and it was un-- derstood that Provincial officers would The Regulations, ' | not interfere with the holders of He proposed to meet the question of licenses that had been issued by that regulations somewhat in this way :--It j Government during this year, that is, will be horne in mind that the ac.t of $ perhaps as far as it went, that they 1897 is a very full act ; the difficulty in | should pay over to this Government bringing it into force was this, that a f | any fees which will be received by them great number of sections wex:e ultra | during 'the remainder of the year or vires of the Legislative Assembly, a d \ lwhich were received subsquent to the they could not well ask t'he Li)? t n ' date of the Privy Council's judginent, , ant--Governor to bring into o i Patiop ' & and-- that the Province, on the other | by proclamation an act cont x;e!"atlon hand, should not interfere with the large number of clauses 'h% r;lmg s holders of licenses or leases they have ultra vires. ~The Governme"t f(l hat issued so long as they observ-- one way, the proper wa '?0 Ifit that ed -- the general law -- and -- regu-- submit 'the matter --t );'h" use ty ; lations. He did not go any further, eliminate al o the Hause |to j ate all such sections as were of a,n.d could not go any further. . Some-- that. character. Hon. members w 1d t thing was said as to what extent the observe that in orde:: that th y vul)uht Dominion would still undertake the have ful control of their ow e);im is + other regulations respecting fisheries. provision is made for att \h;' c Stroh Urder the judgment of the Privy Coun-- term: o o eh 7 dn s and conditions to the licenses ¢il the Dominion may employ men and which would be agreed to by th + officers to enforce the law and regula-- cepting the licenses amne¥ll C Per. tions, and under the same judgment haps in the way of n.'con't t' n.'rt per:- the Provincial Governments are bound, recti@s rtoAIs when the Dominion Government do 5E