Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Aug 1898, p. 5

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m' ¥ 4 P f Has Reen No Wedding, -- ..%v" ir. --cW. H. r s 30 onM:he'vO;E; m}é:)gge sfieao?e&em% t 'co|un-ted against them, quoting from the craved the leniency of hon. members ; eolumns of The (HMobe to prove the cor-- and extended his congratulations to the | rectness qt this position. He regretted Speaker upon his re--election, _ He re-- | that the hon. member had also cast a gretted that the hon. memiber for West ; reflection upon the Judges of the land, Peterboro', than whom no man is more | but was promptly met with a denial popular, had found it necessary to re-- | from Mr. Stratton, who explained that call days that are happily gone by and j in his argument he contended that the to refer to awbuse of the members of Government had rightly oonvened the the Government. . He recalled the vile-- Legislature to deal with the question ness of the abuse which had heen heap-- of the constables' vote because there ed in the past upon the memory of the might possibly be a narrow--minded or man who Ilies in his grave at King-- partisan Judge who would place the ston, but he desired to hear argument ; | same construction ujon the law as hon. rather than abuse, and did not desire ' gentlemen opposite. . Mr. Hoyle then himself to violate this principle. Reply-- referred to aleiter written by the At-- ing to the exception taken by the hon. torney--General, and> which was made l member for West Peterboro' to the use use of in the campaign;intimating that of the cry "time for a change" against the manufacture of binder twine at the ~ the Government, he reminded the House Central Prison would.be continued and that hon. gentlemen had themselves that the cost to the;farmer would prob-- originated the cry, and referring to a ably be reduced. He asserted that the | popular story which did good service twine had not been--manufactured there | during the last campaign in iMustra-- since the fire, as promised. tion of the way in which such a ory The Attorney--Genaral--The factory may be misleading, admitted the excel. was burned down. 2 // lence of the story, but contended that it Continuing, Mr. Hoyle insisted that .__ was not applicable, as the marriage had the letter was writter with the full not taken place as hon. gentlemen on *+4 > a knowledge of that<f@ct arid that the the Government side of the"l{'louse pledge had not beén warried out. Re-- seemed to think sometimes. was ferring to the development of the min-- Just because you believed that you were ing industry he clalimed that the credit married to the Provinee that you came l for suggesting a mining policy was due so near getting a licking as you did to Sir Wm. R. (Merédith, and warned on the 1st of 1M.arfh.',';-.sald Mr. Hoyle the Government that if greater energy in an impressive tone, addressing the is not displayed in tHis direction their hon. members sitting on the Speaker's | successors will, when' they come into right, who greete@®@&hegally with hearty | omfce, remedy the 'defect He com-- laughter. Continging, Mr. Hoyle said | mended. the Govermnen.i for having that, although not a--farmer, he is a inaqugurated a system of reforestry director of a farmers' institute ; he and then passed 0;1 {o discuss the. law | con mended the *york performed by regarding corrupt practices and elec-- | these institutions and declared that the tion prote@ts. Many hon. members, he C ue u:x&xfiseg»:lst'p who visited the said, had been elected by the votes Of C "' , 7 . children bent upon?:»h'&%'é;v :tm :2:.223 *px (t)}\": electtl)rsltbutthhad tot o Thore outnt rate. The chief comment which he had t l" again nI e courts. C There ought heard from . t /WAG that they had o be :l(;rlne .eglslstion whereby some & mmlflcentlwlluni;ch Provided by the :-re:pon tfa l,(;erl?on.\solme person -- of Government, . although . one y igorous ..tz'u;s. s'.ouh e required to file the farmer from Brockdu'eolbued That Tye be. ' p'e tion #o 't at there rplg'ht be some leved he could farm as ol as th way of recovering costs when order-- did at the college. (Opposition Me)!_' ed by the courts. Replying to the hon. piause.) _ Respecting the appointment member for South Oxford (Dr. McKay) of a roads commirsioner, he candidly ho Do Senite, ARt iO mterence admitted that had he been in the House in the petition against the return of at the time he would have voted for Sir John Macdonald to the constable his appointment, although he doubted vote and challenged hon. gentlemen on whether the results of the appointment the Government benches to show that had been a source »of congratulation, thers "tA as for some reason or other which he oi h aae' S uie Ge l abtuired. (the could not account for, after the mgg-- hon. gentleman he was mistaken as to nificent address delivered by the Roal his facts, and Mr. Stratton read from Commissioner and the excellent ideas M onep ifanenal "a ooo t O A At--1 for the construction of public roads torney--General, whereupon Mr. Hoyle' ' which he offered, the farmers appeared j withdrew the statement. f \ . to think they knew as much about o tul oafilock Mr. Hoyle had not fAnish. 1 rcadmaking as the Commissioner. Mf. | on his sDSBET ' Sm estorened fhe cotmion that the b un Htovie Septmpen on aa ' 8 r is thoro $ to d@ischarke his dutics '::d 'élsg's";'::t;gf Mr. Hoyle continued the debate when mirable course of lectures. the House resumed at 8 o'clock. In reply to the quotations from various | ; Claims a Majority. isnde{)tendex;lt papersdmtargle uTae of by Mr. Replying to the hon. _tra on, he quote m The Weekly Peterborough, he denied that the ue . boifitiement of the Pairont o the Lig J ernment had polled a popular majority l lémls He was free to con't' 5o that ' itz gs last general election and con-- 2man)" of their economic reto:x::q 'tvt;:.': ' G(;\v\ that all the votes not cast for l ' substantially the same that had been ernment supporters should -- be \| | urged again and again by Sir William s c oc i 2

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