= »@es | and who would render good service to 27 ud 98 * Canada in tm.ilI:'lon'f1 h:(l; mour}(;es known. dand 7 C t 8, 1898. Referring. to Lor nto, whose name 5 Partiament Buildings, Augiulsa.ture this kas been mentioned as Lord 'Aiber-- The session of the Legis | deen's successor, he was confident that, . $ afternoon and evening was 9899""-3*"3'9'] * _ although perha};n: b«utt l;;tlfle ll(;?r?wn'dhe * j » . The debate on | would to the st o s ability dis--| C Ne members sessllon ras resumed by charge his duty as administrator cred-- | the address in reply w ® itably. He congratulated the leader Mr. J. R. Stratton, who was »follo"ie_d of the House uwpon t{\; res}x'zlt of his a.p-' t le, North Ontario ; poal to the people. ith his colleagues k M'essr?).tt Hoay .e McLaughilin, Stor-- upon the Government side of the House, : Lumsden,. Ottawa ; ks he paid but little attention to the abuse | mont, and S. Russell, East Hastings, heaped upon their leader because} all new members, who made their hon. gen'tlen;len topposi:e' had cot:-j fiall p g cers demned in the strongest terms possi--' maliden efforts amid encouraging cl; i Pie 'Mis. predscesgon Jt. almost 'similar ' from their fellow--members. . Mr. Hoyle terms. He rejotced thai his leader| § offered an amendment' adding to the had showi-n that hg has lost none of . ~ ~Tak ® red (by hi der words the fine intellect that he is possessor es amendment mored })y l::: l;: ::a.nd ae-- of, 'or of that readiness to detect the %. > respectfully expressing the hop veak points in the armor of his op-- Tess i sire of the Legislature that his Honor ponents, nnd'tlhls supporters were de-- Tess --Governor will "without lighted with the way in which he had . the Lieutenatn't to put S.ond to such defended the position of his Govern-- e' delay take steps to p C at ment. His hon. friend the leader SsY an unusual and undesirable state of af-- of the Opposition also had every rea-- * fairs" as now cxists by virtue of the son Lintr('?-xi'ratultt]te hitrin;sel'f'u'pon the 3 p ommis-- appeal that he made to the country, and a Minister of Agriculture a'nd Ct'm a that the appeal was made at the time it 3 sioner of Crown Lands, who were de-- was, for the cry that it was time for feated at the polis, retaining their port-- ? cphang h::di selze;d tthe popula; mind . s ce ht kx » protests n e Dominion election, and the -- foiilos pending the trial of the p position made it one of the prlno%gl they have entered. arguments in the Provincial contest. * Before proceeding. with the business (Applaut"(t'i]) Ttlllxe ('f;flfltden("' nihig Prov. ( * f --y--General, refer-- _ _ornmen at the electors of this Prov-- of the day the Attorney--G "1\ B¥ Cuoi ince would not be led away did notl ; * ring to some comments made by Ol. cause them to put up the strongest| Matheson at a previous sitting which fight of v:thich 1'tlhey are capable. It & g & xtic he time, inform-- was a maitter of congratulation to the § escaped his ""u'"' "'th Mr : Brougon party that"under the clreumstances the ed the House that Hon, Mr. 1 result, with the organization they had, retired from the Government in Janu-- was so favorable. He did not believe the ary last, when he found that his health liquor interests 6f the Province had . § would not allow him to represent the been given to the support of either one City of Ottawa any longer in the party or the other, but that hon. ko House. -- The Attorney--General also "n- gentlemen on both sides of the e 8+ troduced the bill amending the act re-- House had received the support of €a¢~ lating to Provincial fisheries, w_hxch \\i\'s those interested in that business. t foreshadowed in the speech from the Neither (::dd he believe that the Gov-- § C. ernment had received the active sup-- » i thl}r?'?uro proceeding with the orders of port of the Government at Ottawa ?n] * the day the Attorney--General rose to the campaign, as asserted <by hon. ie make an explanation in reference to a gentlemen opposite. Had they received E. statement which was made by the hon-- the active support of the Ottawa Gov-- tA orable member for South Lanark (Mr. ¢ernment the result of this assistance M Matheson) on Friday in respect to Hon, would, he thought, have béen, practi-- § Mr. Bronson. The Attorney--General cally illustrated by the number of hon. said that perhaps he should have men-- gentleme®. opposed _ to _ the Gov-- tioned to the House at an earlier stage ernment who were returned. (Ap-- of the session that the hon. gen-- plause.) Referring to the comments by tleman retired from the Government in hon. _ gentlemen opposite who, al. January last, when he found that h'!s. luding to the large number of 30,000 *: health would not permit hlm' to again visitors said to have visited Gueloh f j tLecome a candidate for the City of Ot-- Agricuitural College, wanted to know & tawa. what the visitors thought of what they | The Attorney--General introduced the saw there, he was not, he said, pre-- o bill to amend the act relating to éh: pared to say what their opinions were, Provincial fisheries, which was rea but if they had seen anything of which x first time. s gley did _ not approve hon. gen-- 3 esumed. emen opposite would have learned The Debate R s that fact through the colimns of the Mr.J. R. Stratton, West Peterboro', re-- press. The best proof of the fact that the sumed the debate upon the amendment college was well administered was to to the address in reply to the speech be found in the absence of any com-- from the throne. He commenced by plaint from thosge who went to the col--_ congratulating Mr, Speaker upon his lege and farm to inspect and learn re--eléction, and joined in the general | what was to be learnt there. expression of regret at the early 'de-- parture of the Governor--General and his consort, who he was sugre would upon his return to Great Britain carry with him the good wishes of Canadians