_ straight loan at 3 per cent. would sell burden would fall principally upon On-- | at par, there being no question as tario, which pays five--eighths 69 to the security offered. 'Thore is no |og the Federal revenue. If question that the Province could raise | the proposal -- were carried out , revenue equal to the expenditure at\ by the Government's friends at Ot-- * any time, and could sell its securities | tawa, Ontario would pay $10,000,000 and at par, whereas un(}ler tthg {)rfsent SYS{ Quebec and the Maritime Provinces tem the Province sells a --4 per cent. s s es By issuing railway certificates at 3 1--2 ]8'{.000-.000. At Que?:f Sir, Oliver a,ngatlx.lis ' per cent. discount when the money colleagues had agreed that Ontario could be borrowed at 3 per cent. a xshould get 91 1--2 cents per head of popu-- » larger subsidy than $3,000 per mile was lation, while Quebec was.to get 9 cents| larg y pe | al 'ed that jeves | MionTht popuiatimn on Ontailo excent. t 'The Timber Question, | ed 2,500,000 the subsidy in, respect to the s With respect to the timber question | | excess population . should only be 60 it Mr. Matheson said that in 1894 over cents a head. He hoped that no repre-- three hundred million. feet of logs were ; sentative of Ontario would ever agrée exported in the shape of logs, princi-- | to any such terms.~'He'repeated what pally by Ameritans. Hon. members on | he had previously saAid, that the Govern-- the Oppogition side, however, had no | ment had been going behind to the ex-- objection to foreigners investing their tent of $400,000 a year during the past f money in this country, but believed three years, and that the present year $ they should 'not enjoy any advantage promised a deficit of a quarter of a mil-- [3 j over our own people.h But ttll)ese Am-- llion dollars. f . s ericans in '94 brought in their own s l men and provisions. He estimated that The Mirister of Education. | the workmen of this Province lost from When Mr. Ross aroge to reply to the | $600,000 to $900,000 that year in wages, eriticism of Col. Matheson there was owing to the failure of the Govern-- much Ministerial applause, which was ment of the Province to compel the repeated again and Again during the sawing of these logs in Canada. This progress of his speech. The Minister of meant that if such a regulation had Education brought out some of the sA--| been in force, the capacity of the saw |lient points of the budget speech deli-- $ mills of the country might have been vered by the Treasurer yesterday. That i doubled. 'The men who had gone to \speech, he said, indicated a cheerful and Washington and secured the imposition ',buoyant outlook for the Province, so J opt a F2 _ duty on lumiber enfering the far as its finances are concerned. The| United States had come to Toronto to | Treasurer had proved very conclusively protest against the imposition of a re-- 'that Ontario stood to--day in as good a striction upon the exportation of logs. |financial position as it ever occupied f c ie en t t rio! l ean, hfim e |since Confederation. It was a speech ' less their hands were clean. e'p 1 'that would sustain the credit of the | faced his remarks on the educationa Province in the kets of the world system by acknowledging the magni-- % mar s th Dject 3 admitting that and would give a more buoyant feeling tude of the subject and adm --APramge to business men, indicative of that wave what he would say would be merely in of prosperity 'tha.t Atcording to Mr the VtVady gt mfi'%eflic}?: Iel\gls er(;t Gurney, the President of the Board of umera est 5 mewhl L "he ~declared Trade, the country has entered upon, f the system, e and which is likely to continue in its | to be terrorism, favoritism in the ex-- present happy flow for at least the next ' action of fees and lnefllc!ent education. three years. He was glad that what-- -- _ |He condemned the political control of e¥er doctrine of blue ruin was to be the University, the result of which he preached or--proclaimed, it need not be said would be that in a few years the proclaimed on the Liberal side of the } Legislature would be yvoting the insti-- House. It remained for the Opposition a tution not $7,000, the sum granted last to say that the Province was drifting year, but many times $7,000. The idea on some financial crisis. From these underlying the School of Pedagogy for statements one would almost think that t the training of specialists at Hamilton Ontario after 25 years of Liberal rule [s he declared to be wrong. The system was in as dolorous a condition as was ( was a sham. He proposed that the honor Quebec after twenty years of Tory f men of the Universitiese should be the | Government. The fact that the Treas-- F specialists in subjects, provided they | urer was able to state that the expen-- take a course under a professor in peda-- difure nas decredsed nepry HaIL C pfl(:g- gogy. Many thousands of dollars were llon ~élnce 1891 was &n indication: LInat , needlessly taken outiot thet pe;ypleh b}i' Ontaiio_had. rigt an. extvavagant Gov.-- e y 8 No: f reason of the o practice of havinge pay ernment and that it was not drifting text books, | The pfactice 9 AFA towards deficits. The fact that the Pro-- examinations in the High Schools, he yince was ahie to Borrow_ mone? Tor said, was productive not of true edu-- 3 1--4 per cant. as agAiMSUET 1--2 erycent f ooo sn d ce n Tas endu hfl? ut'}?t, in 1884 showed thatst.-he ma.nag'gment of PME Honlbers." Ahe Saces ar atioice the Anances had not been 20 bad as te: could be materially enlarged with great | Ié"g;':g:}tsi?elfi'yh g";ég;'l)mé"io"- If't hthe advantage to the people. Col. Matheson k it t g'n 10 e %ng'afln ow then turned to the question «of better |was, it that Ontarlo's Credit was so terms. He recalletli)ethe lrlxctler;prcig;?cial | good ? A KALJYA t A -- conference at Quebec, he n , At Living: Withi jefr ~Means. which Sir Oliver Mowat and Mr. Ross | ng Within, :Thetr "Mea were present. The Premier and his sup-- The next thing that had been made porters were pledged to endeavor to se-- | perfectly clear by "the Treasurer was cure for Ontario an increased subsidy that the Governmerit was living within from the Dominion. Col. Matheson its revenue. Theé receipts,of the Gov-- called upon the members of the House ernment for 30: years had been $89,365,-- to resist the movement for fan increase 000, and the expenditures $99,131,000, in the Provincial subsidies, because the | leaving 'a balance of $234,000, showing 7;4--_----_--#