oi es |__ randed in that department. of whichn 1869 and 1870 they called ToF tender x ly a very small amount was required ' for 58 mlclfl. In 1871 the same Gow ~# < the year. It would be undesirable ernment, after the experience of J,;'s 5$ [ Mto ask for tenders for these different' and 1870, reduced that list to five ar_} | lines of goods, but he claimed that the ' ticles--coal, wood, meat, flour and but.} -- 'public tender system was exercised as | ter. Mr. Langmuir, who was inspectoyo| *' far as it was possible to do it, and only under the late Government, in his eyi.l__ those which are needed in very small dence before the Public Accounts Com, ;, s quantities were not bought in that way. mittee a few years ago said that when $ The first part of the resolution was not he was first appointed all supplies were fairly worded, as it gave the impres-- purchased by tender, but he had found! sion that no goods were purchased for the working of the system so unsatis.l /' these institutions by public tender. As factory that he had strongly recom.| > a matter of fact a very large propor-- n.ended that supplies be purchased in a tion of the goods used were now pur-- the open market. 'This principle of|f | \ chased by public tender, and only those | purchasing by tender where advisabl? l which could not be purchased to ad--| and in the ~open ~market when thai ¥, vantage in that way were purchased | was best was confirmed by the experi |. t in the open market. The general prin-- ence of every business ~man, and o [ ciple laid down in purchasing for these | municipalities and School Boards. 1j f institutions was simply that everything public institutions in our own and oth that could be purchased to the best ad-- | er Provinces, and in other lands, the! ntage by public tender was purchas-- had learned by exvnerience that th d in that way, and he thought this a' system pursued in this Province of put ir' and reasonable position and one chasing the large lines of goods W | fhich would be endorsed by the peo-- lt( nder ard other articles in the ope of the Province. The Tf'Snluti()ll' market was the best. | iked that all goods be purchased by &A COMPARISON 4 ublic tender. The Government were | T ~ >3 C t ies bpen to increase the number of lin»-s{ Mr. St. John had spoken of t ( 'of goods purchased by tender just as Kingston Penitentiary, but the evif} often as experience taught them that dence _ of the Warden of thi }/ "the general good could be better served institution showed that they di i/ by applying "e tender system, and if not _ purchase _ nearly all the { it could be sh-- \yn that any article could S\lpplle&? by puhhp tender; that whe i/ be purchased io retter advantage by they did tivey did not purchase th & . tender it would oe placed upon the list. same ('Ius's of goods as cheaply as w lurely Col. Matheson would not ask did here in the open market. In n# Government to purchase those ar-- public institution did they purchase a by tender which experience had | articles by public tender. In the Dea B / n it 'better not to purchase in | | and Dumb Institution in New Yor®, i o ony Nairdt ' | State they did not buy a dollar's wort 8 ( | * zm | of goods by public tender, and, whilf| THE FACTS OF THE CASE. he did not think that this was a goo 8 | , system to follow, it showed what oth | .gr'ng)':x\r.\'? Ozllbg(])i(]t:egu::h:qg?ilflstliit?;:} public institutions were doing alun'g | he past fscal year by tender and in fulk swns . beifgenteret in Ahe-- podli e open market for the various D"m'i(i | "'(U Z'.].f",Zm; Ea; beine . :patd pfo . stltuttlnns ir: the ,I:r?)\,'ieqngo.in;rt}i]&ll'i':";\l" | supplies, but in the Public Account{, spC O ® ® s * i p r » r was $805.183. 'The first division of this i o Jor the Tocumenis ware _ oi + to which he would refer was the sum br ht a to st );' how every doi§' Lof $281,373 68 for salaries, etc.. to which i l":x(-,l:\galst e(;)\('-(r?t Ua;('l( ¢'=\'er;' nSpgr{unirt' | he tender system could certainly not | \;'afl g.;i\'t"n fnx" the 'investigation C I 3 e applied. Then there were the pur-- l these accounts. There had been invesf | $ hases by contract, including the | tigation year i,y year, and what hal i fiprincipal _ items in all the in-- | been shown by all that which went t iWtitutions, as flour, coal, wqud. .M.('.: i show that the system should be chang rounting to $192,900. Th'6' ":)l;u;'l )lt):g:l w:i ? We had the (-\'iden(-? of man f sted of the "iur'n of $5g-~9m':;"'{q by wholesale men in the Public Account meat by special arran o U+ Committee that the prices paid wer } ich Mr: Hunter, who was "-'h""'""',; low and reasonable, in many cases low a mlurouhghly ('Omrxgl;;::"t m?}?eyml\r!' er than the wholesale prices. Recur a r the open + © ring t Cings ni ke utt'«'lltmer:d. cut ]up and dlgtribu(ed to ]l)a%-i; )(]Ltl!'):'("(ll\";& :;L%f)'g;utggtilfg;; ML ::}l'te \r[\\snu\x';i:;xs P:;lj;')lll"i"&:'m'lhfl'i'; show th:'at the p,ri_(-es paid for supplic of )t'he working out of that system had Xf::; l'l\?:,rt' '111.;1'1{]],1&::5{)}?";2 ;)l:;dogtnxr?:g ; shown that, including all expenses S':'t;'} ston by tender. The fact that good lr':'at M\:.aq :flfi':the:s:d B:ih"i?';v. ('n'(t were purchased by tender did not sho e $ chas € S « a w 'ere we y io a q than meat purchased by contract at };ll';':}l;hs-:'s'{'l;';f" (fll}az(()il:z':,Ltcint:;"?)g;;); io;:: t())\;he;ooi]l:;m::s:tr:::?:;tl;rr::(';nntmflrl-:: trated upon ;:ov«r(ljm\entsI in connec £ P tion with such tenders. 3 lnstitu.tlons themselves. At the C'f"t' items which were purvhnSet;"l))i'nt:::((l)i | ra'l P;--xs?tn gdnumb(ir O't; ar}t';-(l]vfl ;:(:e!: for th-)- Central Prison and the King :r}l).;nu:i(mur of 3:2 Government _ to FLo" ,}_"'T!t"""u'y the prices paid by. ma'nufacture, as 'Tar As Dosgible, by ]'"'l"ihtl11:1')\:;'1:'01;\.(4:. lower than 'thus the public institutions of the Province, parison 4;1' the pof- (1 ita (:uqta fpotrg - which the Opposition had said was a institutions _ with t'hlf»\" ':]-'\O'h | good thing to do. The amount of goods Comparin D Te is se _ else \\' 'or )cf that class was $62,824, and they 'AX Pf e ie oi nll.m Asylu P f 8ct. l for the Feeble Minded with others o could not be purchased by tender. An-- the same kind it was seen that at O i1 other list which it was considered im-- lia, with €05 inmates zind 67 em ?]n h n practicable to purchase by tender am-- the per capita cost was $98 38" atMtL!. ounted for all the institutions in the Pennsvlvania Institute. with 1.000 iv: | Province to $145,613. As to this list mates and 175 employees, the cost w there might be some difference of op-- $164 05 per capita, and in the Scottis {:}0" :;)surt:h:q}(:gtherht;w artt(il(:;?r cou(l'(: National Asylum, with 262 inmates an * 8 E€ 56 employees, the cost was £33 15' not. It included _ medicine _ and nbout $166, per inmate. By &A CON | medical comforts, $6,515; gas and on pol & * rngpindooy ue "An oi vh 4 o amg . parison of the per capita cost «of tI ; hting. 815,.1}. water supph'e.:, 815.4.5 Central Prison and the Kingst(fl 7 l and religious 1"-""'"""'"." 37;-90"_5 Penitentiary Mr. Davis showed tha , ge, telegranh, express, etc., $2,000; the net cost of the Ontario institutiop and the expenditure for renewals of 9 farr i4 3 v far * i Inta was very much less than that of th urniture and miscellaneous articles. penitentiary, this being articularl$ / He was willing to submit this list to j . er o rea , . $ due to the very much larger revenu the business men in the House, and from the industries of the Ontari they would say that they could not see prison As -- the system / Whic their way to purchase the articles in was _ advocated --b '3'('(;1 Mathe the list by tender. 'Then there was son had (h*t-n yu-i d . I the $66,192. which was debatable ; it in-- [ Jate ©"Government, ang --ag_ . Col :clil;?egepbx?(:-h tif"""';"h':'--"'v'fiugir- nsa)in:?é !l\?athcsnn himself confessed it to b< . f nnaitive ooo oap enuvrer weak, he asked that the resolution b« of t;\e expenditure of money for public voted down institutions, and he submitted that Mr tw msld foy merecin Aibatabie proond . whnn . dits Miziér held that the great, evil| ey said there were articles that could ; Government is thathall gI())ods not pur: I e added to the list of articles pur-- | chased by tend b ht f ased by tender. From his own bus-- | so h) emmeris sA ie S rhcy pics o p ind mess expérience, Mr. Davis said he had | L;oll'.ser',:vm%n%rihg():.i;:';fl ;g'(_ee'lg:rfi; {)r;e "tnc(t)?{(l'niotto dtom:;: of such articles, ing a loss to the people, who must pa * for these goods larger prices than the TENDER SYSTEM ABANDONED. gg':lerl:';'se should. The goods were ght in an open a Mr. Davis referred to the experience but always rrorxr)x fri!:r?;: e;i! lt;thésj ptarr"ltL -- f the John Sandfield Macdonald Gov-- in power, and wherever it has been | rnment in regard to tendering. In possible to trace goods bought it was {