CC . * % : * h y a s f mss z s s ready taken place being affected. more-- > 4 that fl'ctl:ne'clg:ste\:%ow&fll:m?; taorglr::l: = , J over, in recovery of land and partner-- s | m The Government, in taking ship cases where the amount does not \the matter up, had done right, and at | fixgeed $1,000 by 3;';00'"3' }gl%h ('t'iqu;t another session the Opposition would Dage may on appilcation being made give it every encouragement. by a party interested order the sult The motion then 'passed to be continued in the County Court. 4 8 3 C Again, on an excess coming to light a ~ A BINDER PWINE AGREEMENT. * {:ialntiflf may al')andox; the dexgess of Hon. Mr. Gibson moved the ratifica-- s claim. Provision is made for re-- tion of an arféement between the In-- lief to be granted County Courts and spector of Prisons and Public Chari-- for . the costs of references, Provis-- ties and Patrick Louis Connor regard-- ion is also made for transfer to the ing the manufacture of binder twine ,Hu._rh Court of cases in the course of at the Central Prison. In speaking to l"'hl('h the title to land, the validity of the motion Mr. (GGibson said that there |a will or the administration of an es-- were two -- reasong why the binder | tate' out of the jurlsdictlon of -- the twine industry was established at the eourt . is ._ brought in _ questions Central Prison, Work had to be pro-- | F l!)\'!b:l()n is also for venue a vided for the prisoners, and there was and '"t" pleading \'\a.nt of jurisdic-- at the time a big binder twine com-- tion,. Mr. Hardy gave a running sum--~ bine. The latter had been successfully s N Arley O Hhe contents of the bill and broken by the establishment of the moved the becorl_fileading. Central Prison and Kingston Peniten-- r a * m $ tiary binder twine industries. The THE BILL DIS 0 > _ F0 agreement was in the nature of a lease Mr Whitney said that so famas f of the binder twine industry of the bill went he had little fault to find W Central Prison to Patrick L. Connor. it, but it failed, he thought, to rer |-- Mr. Marter said he had expected the the demand for rapid and cheap justice| > hon. gentleman would have given the throughout the Province. He thought House some !Gea of the value of the | the demand would have been ful-- l plant turned over to the contractor. filled had a proper bi l been i E: Hon. Mr. Gibson said the cost of the The County Court Judges did not ha e > plant ot jennys was $50,18%, while the their share of the C&l'bt{; went Dominion Government paid $48,000 for | through the courts. The _H'dfi' not go ' about half as many. « far enough, he contended. The clause Mr. Marter--it is all very well forl providing that when both the parties to a suit agree to have it tried in the the gentlemen opposite to talk about County Court it could be there tried Ottawa, but when the hon. leader of Mr. Whitney thought unlikely to be of the I_quse gets down there he may any use. The increagsed jurisdiction, change his mind. | he thought, was altogether more imag-- Sir Oliver Mowat--I will not be inary than real. inlutct ashamed to say down there all that l Mr. Hardy: lied that he had not . w this House does. I heard of anywreat demand ~for in--. _ Mr. Marter--If the hon, gentleman creased jurisdiction. If Cou urt had been in some places I was in to-- Judges were idle, it wa$s certainly mot day he would not say that. | in the larger counties, and their d _, In concluding Mr. Marter said there \ had largely lncrease(! 'by the recent should be more information given, as laws _ respecting _ County . Courts, the House was in the dark as to the ff _ the _ bill _went on 'as his'l 9 tigures regarding the lease. hon. friend had urged, there would&,, It was now 5.05, and on account 01 ihfl\'lt' 101 bl"flrglul('{'oo':'ng;ldl P " e C Mr. Speaker's reception several mem-- n nearly eve ,| WmMCl QUu TCP 3 bt'rs:Ih()llt(-(l 6 n'('lul('k. The usual Par-- not be desirable. The bill was then . ie liamentary fiction prevailed and the given its second reading. Speaker left the chair, CLEARING THE ORDER PAPER. ; CcoUNTY COURTS. The House then went into committee | f > debate was c nu-- and reported the following bills :-- se 5 "hethenn, "Re vadocen «0( Phe Attorney--Generals bill as to cer-- attack on the management of the Cen-- tain l*l'f'('r'f'dlllg's under the fo.ct re-- tral Prison, charging that there had | :sp'«-('l.ll'..p, :_xbslgnnu-.n-ts and.pre erences been many injudicious lvurchuscsi ul}ti' ':;\" 111:;:.(:3'..:2' bersons, with certain > nding & > purchases should | anté nts. e j 1 'l»\:-"ltl'u:l:ll:nl';_v t(}-]u:';lttl"z:.':t. § The motion was The .»\ttorn(-?'-(;,eno'ral 8 b'lll relatlngl | then passed. 1 :;: ('J'nl-wur in certain cases, with amend-- ' Sec ceadings were then called, be-- oA t n lacet ~m | , Kl;;fi::d".lnh }l:u. Mr. Hardy's bill en-- | Hon. Mr. 'l.uss bill to: improve } titled the 'County Courts act, 1896, li"': "r;*:]wl':-tt:ng public libraries, with, whith has already been explained in | amendments. lc 4 --The (Globe. The act increases the jur-- ' Htm.. '\Irj.. Hardy s bill to F isdiction of the County Courts in many the (l'unsfe} of certain Pro ind | directions. The first clause, however, | n("l:llph-'(l by .the C. 'P. R. 0A uk K+ | was one of reduction, providing thzl:i 'i{i:l]l(; '.'.'"U"mg second merei 4 ! except in certain cases, the court sha giv i 4 7 | not }'m\'e cognizance of any action: (1) j | R--slrf-cnng hi'gh 'm}d c 4 s § | In which the title to land of a greater | bles--The Attorney--General. | value than $200 is brought in question; ' "Iu amend the registry act, 1893--Mr. ! (2) in which wills of over $200 are dis-- | (.l|~).\'0ll,' Hamilton. «ghi¢ } | puted, nor where the assets of the es-- | 'For the ht't.(\'l' protection of certain-- l tate or fund out of which the amount | l ("lussus of workmen--The -- Attorney-- | in question is payable exceeds $1,000; .(n'm-rle. i | (3) for libel and slander; (4) for crim-- ! | . Respecting antecedent unregistered Inal conversation or-- seduction; (5) | agreements for bills of sale and chat-- against a Justice of the Peace for any-- | tle, mortgages--The Attorn?y-Genal. thing done by him in the execution of | -- To f'_""e"d the electric railway e« ! his office if he objects thereto prior to | 'Mr, Bronson. | the issue of the writ. , Respecting -- the _ expropri rn,. of | The matters in which there is an lands of the Province by ray com-- extensgion of jurisdiction are very nu-- panies--Mr. Bronson. * Hoekp x merous. Cases relating to debht, cov-- The House then went into. m'y enants and contracts where the amount | and passed the estimates for e is _ liquidated _ or ascertained _ by buildings, public works, colonization the act of the parties or l roads, charges on Crown lands, ref by the signature of the defendant account and statutes consolidated, when the parties consent may be tried I ter which they adjourned at 10.55. by the County Court. Such cases aamaaaews where the amount is from $400 to $600 shall be tried in that court, unless the defendant objects, in which case they | o M shall be tried in the Hign Court. Suits | hx' .Iv-- > for the recovery of land under $200 in | 3 value ; actions arising out of part-- s nerships, where not more than $1.00()J ' capital is involved ; actions relating to R legacies of from $200 to $1,000 ; actions on mortgages of not more than $200 ;' actions for redemptions, where the sum actually remaining due does not exceed $200 ; actions for equitable relief of not over $200 ; actions of creditors to rank on an estate where the amount does not exceed $400, are all brought within | | the jurisdiction of the County Courts. Arrangements are made in case it should be discovered in the progress E. of a case that the amount is beyond 3 the limit, such actions may be trans-- s ferred to the High Court without the Jvalidity of proceedings which have al-l ;