_ V a. n -irrrrrtywr nd said . f." a the House 1atpgitoA ' With reference to idle Howland add, haying . . mbleet to the attention 0 . no would not ask more at l '° " He asked the Minister of . q tlie', to gather intorrrlation "? Mint Dryden agreed to do m' 'rat same time expressrd himself I',' 1 " to B"e any reason Why Bucl. a ' " y measure should be passed. ap) RAILWAY PASSES. f The Patrons' railway D 135 Ieir,istation , was next taken no. Upon tho .motinn _ AT, he second reading of his 1.tm, Mr. _', Hay'ock spoke for one minute. 'n th m L, time he disclaimed any intention of ""' flecrnq upon memo rs. who a". ept railwtxy passe-s. and asked the House N to discuss tho question " Mr. Wood, Lilwral w.i'rt, rlt -- plying, said that if C! t' bill .' did not Httevt upon nit-mints ' V it had no meaning. Speaking for tho members on the Governmwut trr'),' of ' the House ho dovlarwd that tle tr'., cepted pnkSt-R, do:luritve and 5. "L: that they could in'~lt" 'lwir '- hendence. Tho Ri't'tt F _i.NS' IN E~h sent members posses hurt very littl. or t nothing to do with this lions-o. But it they had things w- Ill-l mire "mm" to a pretty state if the int was": the pt- .ple should be sartititv" M ti. 'l' z--:~~s-uta- tires for the sake of a p285. .alr. Y's"illou,ut'ur.v, ('onsev'vutivo Whip. spoke in a similar strain. vlt in: that hi, experience was that, railways 12ml ditmueltor in getting justice, and Home- times they did not get justicaa Ito thought it was an unenviahlo nositlon 'tor a new member in his first session to . can this retlvt-tion upon the old mom- hera. He thought it was n peculiar kind of oonoolt whirl] claimed to he . better than other members, and h would say that if any member was so small that he would be influenced in: his vote bv a puss, the sooner he was at I home the bout-r. _ Sir Oliver Mowat said he did not fool' quite as tho last spooks-r did. Thore' was no doubt the measure was tho rn- l suit of n, desire to keep the Imgisluture' pure. But it had not been pretendn-dl that any railway measure had lit-on' donlt with in any wny i ' - otherwise than publio opinion Would have. hnd thom dv tilt with. It had not hot-n shown that m the past there had luwn any harm don» or any loss of itidt'rvvrvltsttsu.t on :u-I-ountl ot the act-t'p'tam-e of pussos. }le- rm} . gnrded the passes simply m: Courtwcit-s' c-xtonded hy tl'o rnii'woys, and as 'ii/il ht- now used them. :tlthouu'h he mlmit-, . twl that when hl' tits: lit-mime " meow; . imr of Parliament he had not for at time used the [missus v",:i 'li hts.wsrunviul.l, r His oxpo-riunt-o had shown him that, Lthnro was no ('ontiiot of his duty to? '. tho publit- involved in the usv of pnsw's.' tr' . Ho did not think. therefore. that tin-rt- , was any nomssity for legislation in the " line of tho hill. l ' Dr. Buster said Pm thought tho hill was introdut-(ui hornuso the I'v.,, -n. laid znzult- so much noise in tho t ouutz'y . and if it \x'e-rt- nit-t'cntod no one Would lu- lu-ttey whim-d than the Patron meni- l hers. Mr. C'urrm. for tho Patrons. support- ('l thr. hill. saying that all he wishod to -:t;\ was that if Yili'ith'i'S rode- upon iitHHr.s' they should not "tww milt*:ti.ft" from tho Hovm-nment for uttimdinv,' the; _ Ioru"isl:stuvo. '; T Mr. Whituvy St'Vt'l't'lj. sr-oro'i the hill. l ntsd "it McDonald mutuluinod that its' possum» would ho n stop in the right; (ltrortion. Thr lll-"llillt rs wort- road); l . _ for the question. hut Mr. Hoyt-och avail-1 't ml himst-li' of his privilogo of t'otnly and 1' nmllo " riv,uyrous rejoinder to tlrt- oriLi-i _ (Isms moth upon tha- lnll. (unwinding: " "(coin wriclt. wrs ftuuiuorrtl.v intvrruth , ed by u_\;prossions ot' dissrnt. by tho! ' iD-(lliht't'y that within l'.»ur yum-s thot .Houso would "ti!lii, its lit'lo dostv of 'ntt-dit-int- all right." and pass stu~h o , rill. Mr. Ht. John t'l'lfit'ti the drlmte, itl'fli _ . U-pn tho FINDS" tlividcl tlos iii" lusiv..:r1, _ hunter) by a with (if Tl to. iii. vr. M1'l,tvrtrt ! Voting with tho i'utrons and Mr. i'urtlo: . against. them. 5lr:ce,jst. (tummy and Me, Plum-son wt-ro flitSPlii. i Ono or two bills \\'or-- then read " . _ Swoond timo, and the llouso adjourx'u-i I at 12.rrrtt.ttt. I