Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 May 1894, p. 4

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Mr. Wood of Brant mo ment to the amendment, 1 in the principle of the b rafeguards for the voter «sSevadl under the old sys Mr. Meredith sald this r have the effect of movin quesiion and shutting out of any amendment. He ; Attormey--General not to a| to be passed. He held als order, CInuois wouid naye to do y Still in rurail cimstituencies, cities, save where the manho list was concerned, in which « paration of the list has beeq hands of officials of high st Ross closed by observing that Isfied that the new system 1 & nure franchise. the election to make zenship by ecurolling HMe denied that ther distinction under tht expense, it would be than under the old on and for the city, 3 the municipal offivers ing of the list. Thuat w trine, but not the . the Ottawa Governn act. Under the new : oflicers would Fava sible young &0 bloc Mr. R the diftic labored [, 30 _ [3 100C# CB afft CIdsses--o0f peopie this House, in assenting to the third ing of the said bill, does not commit to the prineiple of applying the s of registration to a portion only « electorate, or to the principle of en ing the preparation of the voters' li boards composed in part of officials ing their oflices at the pleasure ¢ Government of the davy. Irg of the said bil to the prineiple « of registration to electorate, or to i ing the preparatio d: The amendment was lost by 23 to the bill was then read a third time. The -- registration bill was then more briefly amerded in committe reported _ for -- third > reading, j upon Mr. Meredith moved an a ment. Me reiterated briedy h!'& tions to the bill, and satd that whi wishing to annosa antivralr tha «. * After reeess the bill was reported and the third reading moved. Mr. Monk moy-- ¢d an amendment to refer the bill back to committee and amend it by striking out that part of the bill providing for adding certain villages from Carleton County in to Ottawa City constituency, and also to provide for Ottawa being divided into two ¢lectoral districts. Mr. Meredith sup-- ported the amendment, and Mr. Gibson briefly replied. He said the reason for bringing the villages in question into Ot-- tawa City constituency was because there was every reason to expect they would soon be annexed to the city. As to the division of the city there nad been no representations made that that was con-- sidered desirable and it would be dificeult to arrange in any case. idast s C oE en y ETTZGY Mr. Tait;said the City Council of King-- ston and the County Council of Frontenac wanted the change proposed by Mr. Harty, and he thought there was really no reason for its not being done?'*The section was al-- lowed to remain in the bill. An amendment was passed to enable voters included in part I. of the voters' list who have transferred themselves from one division to another since the compil-- ing of the list to rotain their qualifica-- tion. In the case of,.Hamilton, where the lists are completed, the appeal against eveh discualification is possible untit the day before election, in the case of To-- ronto until May 18. Mr. Meredith _ said it #Was well known what position the memiber for Kingston was expected to occupy in regard to the Adiministration, If the Administration was successful at w@oming elections, and the Government have known before this late hour w ',-'w:ls Intended to be done in the mattet, and it should have been in-- troduced in the bill in the first place, township 'was added to Kings ulation of the county had de that of the city hiad increase desirable, therefore, that the should be evened up. The bill was discugsed in committee and slightly amended in other respects until 6 o'clock, when recess was taken. buat nmot tawa (Go nder the ) would o rural c save wh s concerr l6 present man had k or two a 'tion to make h by ecurolling h ied that there on under the | , it would be | der the old one culties under which a youn vnder the old system in ter in case of an appeal. A diMculty wWas removed EVENINXG the old system gaid this resolution would t of moving the previous hutting out the possibllity nent. HMe appealed to the al not to allow the motion "p, us name ns a voter. here was any invidious the bill, ard as to the be less under this bill 1 one, both for the voter _ Mr. Meredith wanted ers retained in the mak-- t was sound Laiberal doc-- e doctrine followed by rnment in its franchise W syvstoem the muniainal and said tnat while n o se entirely the princi=l istration, he wished <-- he objections of the Op llowing form :--The said the manhooud suilrage ssity for personal atten-- rpose of being registered s not impoge that coundi-- ctors and thereby estab-- ant moved an amend-- ent, which concurred the bill as providing voter -- which did not 1d also it w};xs e manhood franchise i which case the pre-- has been put in the high standing. Mr. ving that he was sat-- system would insure briefly his first step of 1 the voters' lists to art of officials hold-- the pleasure of the sSySt simt moved an amend-- briefiv B'a ahiss> SESSION wuas reported and . Mr. Monk mov-- er the bill back to it by striking out am lv committee an followed by Its franchise the municipal with the iist and also in ood franchise case the pre-- m put in the pointing out a younxy man em in trying days -- befor 23 to 12, and LTij® s out of e@d un-- and the » -- walk All cls nirust~ 1 read-- t its=lf y stem of the where-- miun unse EVD mE ADUER EC ETEAEMNUC on Public Accounts, had promised Mr Grundy the protection of the Governmen on account of any evidence he might give | before the committee, and his dismissa ! in the face of this was most improper, tand called for an investigation by the Attorney--General. It had been suggested that the dismissal was due to a lettter published by him subsequent to the giving of his evidence, but the letter was writ-- ten only in reply to a statement that had been obtained from him against his | wish, denying the evidence he had given | before the comimittee, | The Attorney--General said he had wot 'read the letter which had been referred to, but had heard of It.san'd ho considered it would be his fgty;.g have the matter | investigated, &ndk t whether or not Mr. Gruady hadBeen dismissed substanti-- ally on account Of the evidence he had wiven before the committee, and, if so, to have reparation --made to him. f The matter was further discussed by Messrs. Clancy, Hardy, Whitney, White and Awrey, and then, at 10.» p.m., the motion for adjournment prevailed. The _ members sang *"God Save the Queen," and followed with a verse of " Auld Lang Syne." Then the members Joyfully dispersed, after putting in the: longest session since Confederation. 1 The adjournment did nc place yet. Mr. Meredith to the matter of the a Grundy, the Deputy Reg Mr. Awrey, Chairman of A formal bill to grant certain sums of money for expenses of civil gsovernment was read a third time, and the business of the session was then concluded. . The Attorney--General moved the adjournment of the House until half--past 2 on the fol-- lowing day, when prorogation -- would take place. The motion for the third again put, when Mr. R. F, an samendment embodying tions of the Opposition. This lost on the same division,. Then at last the bill was time. _ Mr. Meredith took sc to the title, but, this over, last beyond his reach. a Aantatal °_ q 10, fill, w@¥ in conflict with a decision which he bad given during the previous session,. Mr. Hardy ventured the opinion that the cases were not similar, After some further discussion it was agreed to withdraw the second amend-- ment. The vot@a was then taken on Mr. Meredith's amendment, which was lost by 29 to 13. Mr, naid 1d fi0ot have been expected At § jfust moved an amendment ° purporting to express the policy of the Oppasition, -- there were other amendments: held in reserve, also embodying the same views. The bill bad |been discussed a week or so, more than any bill ever mwcted in the House. He did not see. that .the Oppositfon needed any _ commilebation unde; the _ cireum-- stances, Howexer, said Mr. Hardy, if all the Oppositisn wisheqa was to place thvmselve;s on record, they could move amendments and have Mm declared out of .order. They would Still be on the records. Mr.. Whitney objected strongly to the stand of the CGovernment. The Sveaker msanwhile had consulted with the Clerk of the House, and now expressed his opinion that the second amendment, being _ a proposed addition to the bill, was in conflict with a decision which he had given during the previous session. Mr. Hardy vankiimak 'emst corcale & . Mr. Meredith said the a; evidently inspired by the C Crown Lands. 1 was unf > position, was, in fact, gag was most nnfair $a aq22220 of the on rec it Ailiihtendie t chccs 1 0 The Bpeaker said, after that nccording to recent f lative asseimblies, anud tC the motion was in order. y 160 s ty . ~ 0) "~ Av . FECent Plll"']ga, the motion was in order, The Attorney--Genera) sald he haq been unaware of the amendment, but as it ap. peared to be in order he saw no necessity to interfere, itIOn, was, in fact, s most unfair to de t"hf opportunity of j THE GRUNDY MATTER ained from him Ntfiaizvninst his haa.g .30R w*Z 'Cen referred heard of it.Jand ho considered his lg.lity'x- have the matter s and UISEONVEr whether or not Chairman of the Committee \ccounts, had promised -- Mr. protection of the Government f any evidence he might give ommittee, and his lismissal of this was most improper, or an investigation by the eral. It had been suggested missal was due to a lettter him subsequent to the giving ce, but the letter was writ-- | further discussion it was hdraw the second amend-- to was then taken on Mr. endment, which was lost nt did not, however, take Meredith called attention of the dismissal cf Mr. uty Registrar. He said ne bill was read a third dith took some objection , this over, it passed at the third reading ed the adjournment f--past 2 on the fol-- prorogation would e amendment ; he Commissirmer unfalr to the , gagging them, 'prive the minoj placing themse} r %nsultlng -- practice in to recent » » tae cireum-- Mr. Hardy, if 1 was to place ey could move 'm declared out till be on the EL (HOVEell m to express the °, there were in reserve, also 8. The bill bad & motion Wasiv ~never hpard 'larke moved other objec-- was declared nem, It minority ""t Was loner of the Op.. & May, 1 legis. was ivey it

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