Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Apr 1894, p. 5

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.7. -,rP" t - r My -l for". t'risiiiiiis'i"Wiinert - "r q T My". .7 I _ _ t . . er be (words of Mr. 'hi'fM'l'."lMBttrttt,tutq war ' J, .r. 'rr, m " mp Mr' "tte was , were . part at the eonattttttton he had no i tatrtgt ttFt Fa Jr, "uf. 't?'l "YNetteral 'wlah to disturb any compact or turree- l might a: cetttt be'uhu-nd "MT incortsist- , ment made with the minority, but he hop- ency as himself. He had voted agahmt the ed the time would come such when Roman tc',tet, in 1890 in any form for separate ,(fathnllcs wont] thumSelves come to see t3chools, and now was prepared to vote what their children were handivttpped by . for the bill, or. the ground that a desire the present arrangement. and that ther had STOW" up for it. on the part. ot Roman wally got the worst of it by being Dr9vent- Catholics. lie demed that tho Province ed from associating with the children in had ever' surrendered the powerto comm) attendance at Public Schools. thcse suehools, just as they controlled other. _ ' , schools. Coming down to LL practical ' Irit. MERRUITH' question. it scemed to him it would be riff: Mr. Morodith t'ullmvwi. lw- rugrugtpq luv stunning HO long as tliese schools F'xi:svru was not in c militit-n to (i) illhlilw ctt (in. that a fair and reusronubie system of text sribiecz. He \kuld lirst raw-4k ni' llr tum books should be ntwl in the schools, um me». He said he swam?) to have boen fet than the t'eligion taught in tur, schools " for the special putponc ot introducing] should be taught apart from the main} a heated damn, SN hue no mm been talk- in the text-books. He denim thure Wi-' l in.ss about thy loyalty ot trir,itrncn to their any constitutional remain why the Stp'tLIAL muntry and m on he hud lawn in his nvnrt Scliu'll Trustees snuuld not nu t-iPtstwi l _ at. u 1))Unli3br00k lilll', und had hwn lliviip.. ballot, awarding to his rem-m rnxmluutm one of withing so much .29 of intrmiuclng TINT" With' "'3'th in the ardvoracy ot' In» tit-at into the innate. Mr. Mew-dim ob- lullut throt "orot1ioted with [hr Li. N. A. jt-t-ml lll wry uniplmth- tctrus to the ru- Luxt. "t: Wityl going to V01" netdilict this ton-nu Mr. ('uznntc had inmh- to his attl- bill. Hr, bwiievt-tl that instmill of Sl'tiiing (thin in hill). and to tho uuotatlon nude it it would l'U-JIH'H the question. Th" 1ity ft' mi hi: slim-vii, 'll which Mr. ('unmm- Wd", (minim: What tne ballot must bu usvi hull Vim-Lilo'd Mr. Mtueuiith bud urged 1"th for all schools. Why nut bdl'llu' it now by Inn-ti.N tn unite i'KlllliSI Human Putin-inns making Ct. law fo:' 'ooth classes of suit his. u» maximal ":t t'ttltlHivyt1 touuy." if Mr svttlmg Che (1.}. i,'jon UN" and for all i'nntnw- hurl ttrutl what limi prt-t-t-tlwi this by rlecluritw, tite ballot must lv. [15"'1 ? ll» lt'lll:l:'k "hit-h in hull mum-(i ht- would 'na'U $3.14 nothing and woulrt say nothing linu- man that h" tV/tN' trfr'rrivr',' in thin to hurttthu fcolin,rrs of atnyfuriy. :imwh to slime-thing: that null Ht. haul no Sylllpuvthy with tittgzr'ks upun b, l: "illicit by a VrttD' huh any t'vligmuu Orly, Mr. Mm'kiith 54:21 i';.rnitury ot tho Roman Catholic Ile lilit-vvd in l:.,.tn'.i:t Catholis litlving thin-vii. whirl hwi practically ninth-"tut nil lhe t't-ligimv: rights whu-'n Fruit-fur." WWW": lilo Rmnnn :"lthulh' 1/Otrs aim". RUINS} 1mm ho,- wmii-i Withdraw none 'ul from tho two politltuti )mt'ti 'ts" "trl Mum; it tint-i" rightsz. He haul no sympathy with to whi'tmwer party would gin: mmt Ill re- Mitt-nuns to Ircrrr'.1 i,v.e "will"! "chorirs turn for that Vi't.r. 'tur, poraiti ll]. hw fvom Milt-v ; he w'oul,l give :h- Hint paw mainttinui tin-n nnd instintniin-d now, HUN to H-vm-Hl trit'nolir's d: to l'l'dT'fi- Wtrs on. :n opposition to which 111i clitss;sc, ants, but Um: int-l in»: lawn tlu. LINN cls" of I'llllllt' simulvi units. fir. \'ll.tlll'llL:"4l in tlu, tummy}: Hr. w1,rrhl 1m: giw- it. the li'l'llll."l' i'ul' Ar,rrura to 5.!)' tin» ix 'ully "MU 't pocition lr ter;,-), ll" ""s, "'1 pressluiis ho,- had qunt:d haul Leen tisr,1 in Unlillvl. hurl our' of tht. iI'H'll'lf' ol 'yn' an}: Intuit sense than this. Yul. tit: Fon, "nullify 'mll inn-n Hit: in in:- t-n-nu'ttm ctHtt.rtetrtttrt lull ILH'mi to make- lilo this.» w'f tho i',sv-rtstrsr-;rr, vt-ziw'rxi'frn hint Fec'- charpt. u;,ainst him, that uhvn in; wt: tnrlunimn limp.- hut] 7.' tin-'li llllllll'llltf. utilnu: 113ml: thu pt-crple to tlnitre ilgtlillfit It would in: c.t _ "l Iirsr: if)? ty.e gantry a tonitnéun t-nim)' ho- hull twitnl tin-m in :lll'i i'n- civill.rt'viorr l' iii mu igtnnz'mztuni tmite against the [tannin t'atholi-s. While lion o," thr"' "will" "n,. CNN" llt. "WI" be said that he will .tSFcrii;<,i ttc.t in: M.'ttt' 1'1"" "il' "llvi ll I" t' in!" l' F'- '1 4 Y: firm in the [wilt-y and pi'int-ipl-rs upon "til, _. "'r"I '.'r'!"' "y'll"" -'. "3'33 l' '$.:l which his pain: uent to tho polls; on th;. tl) '3'"; r', i,1-"'crl' it'." ' l" , _ 4"] lust election. They' ""'re dvft.atel then. lnlturnt-Liln ll}. he airur/id to . 1-: "3115': Tiny wt're tauntt-tl 1vontintutlly With (in- if bitt language had been tu,., it."oLg A: . 'mt1Jorities which the le't-rnim-ttt hull Stf- 31"" $511119 time he \Vis'h'wl it) take back CUTt'il. tlo lung :14 ho hull the poww- to ,nothing, for he t'elt that he had been lili- lead the Opt-whim) he rlirl not run: win-:h- iJustly attacked. Hr, had neVtft' insulted 2r hte "',t.-, tiut'vutml out-e, twltw or time ,hy twsu/tttion or by word any class of citi- tnm " so Ivns um' hr. Wltr; defeated in stand, ~Inns. and hail tlL'Ut'i' mild anything to give in; " tit _ prawn-hm in which he in Hwy-)1 orrtanLi to any creed. ' . if Kim House,- IVitr' to Liv gulil'wl I); the All" I THE A'I'TURNl'IY-GENERAL.I," 'Hi tt s tr T b 1. r. - In}; 1-. 1-: . . 311::th 1,,1Ci. 'dl') (i;."u"\:."l_ll.;' "t"...thmt l The Attorney-General said Mr. Mugu'xdith tor-xi touchiip, tr.., Summit» Swim l: 01:" had mullu a. vt"'-'." furious SIJIIt't-h. Utiil he would t/xcitt, tht: tutrnity, hutrwt 'ttrl hoer Gas sun- quitf: riittta-tettth.s ol it Pull ht-en' tilitv of in» ).(.Illl.'l'.l Ninth-tilt hotly. it coruwrninr," hung-if, what he 31:1-l.tlonc, mill-ht rim r,iio.s'yicti'r, in the intmtsts Li yy, what ho ".i'tlit-"l to ly. 1.10 SJ"? hr. thew schools anti v,? tr." Roman "Lulu-hm" could I'l'lV" gut into villi-v il he had wished . . . . . . _ to. "oil. the hint. Knuth-mun trad been themselves. to main; [ht-st ghouls more in "Hillbillull for twtstttt' li,tt'H, uni was emeient than they are. um this would y ill mm" lite hrs \ ' ",,,,, H .r'. ,. onlv be rrene titmuuh 1hr tt'roticitit:rt'r', '.ctf . t, It h , ttorti_retot tctl, 'iid .' . M _ _ _ . . not ltncm' whut hr t'ulllvi haw damn that ct the "All!" Sct, il tin-m- "A" ""h- he hml nut dont. to up: unit-r. il" had twee-pun]. they would in. lurlll'ldn'il tram trot bu." rttrtirutl' . nl t itl ., H "ki .7 -doing tlo. lie xxuntod lo knnw \\'!l(.'l't'ln . , l.1 " l .dmu 'l"'l"" trt m" thc '11"th «t ttttV vthcy My," hul tio, .lw "Millie .u-n til things, hilt still hi' ltntl f _ _ _ J' _ . . k _ two-n Illl,1ll1't't'\'.\llli, and lite l.ul t' trlivttr) :ztr' right [o Ltit,'tttf what "H"?- I'", """'1"_""' prvhvntiwi he wmthl still bu iysi,Cyr1srcfj,l.l ninth ill th. in". Ho. as at t"1"."'-"llt"t""' ttt the ossii.'tp ~:lw-tinns, Tht. lmn. "HP If."" l-tkml'. althrro,cit h" 'i/l 1"" WU!" tlumzin will he stood by his prinuiyilpeai ship :it H.1- <_|l]|I"Ll:l:U l" tin-t ""/"T"l/i1- lit: tthe s'ptr.tker) tin] not know whati vsr cf i'Irl'ilt- Worlic, "ml pt-i-lv ill" [thew Pt'.'?' hilt-:3 were. and he thought thel y,rtlV rig'n' n3 that limit. gt-ntln-tnui to ".l:" t'vlltttr.V di" nut. They had "it" Aranuen cuss tltr: vtuwtlun \Hiluult twirl: "tlru'uvll m ofto. 'l'huy inn] Devil _'lrcr.:,i;) in '11-" with p.1rnmnshm m- ivratrliiv to in» ltu- grant to tlor vt'i'Y "miter that WA:,' now man C'rrthviire t'l'tirieh. Hun. -vri:tltrvn-ti under dist-llt'siutl. Tht. jit.),1d,,l.l'.",,"'e,n'dll'i,l opposite chutuwi him with wiring llthn- rum! front 2.. Stu-cult Ly Mr. Mertrditn 02.3 "in; ivy tr.:. xyit'tlusv of 21"l1-l'lti {Lin wit tin sully-rt at the hint)? ,tnti Sutuit'atu' into milw. H; litll nut lilw .xi.t-itki1rrr, Isl-hunk. ',i.rliictvtl in 1533. tivst rvxnttrklnum about hinwrlt' pv:l'<'ull;lli_\', but hi- :iwtuht [that the "Nut- now Loin-NW! the two Mans ins rm ocd .'htl\\""_l hrs "its nut tun-,- wito lull of the Houso. "um whCthvtw Th;- bullot. if than» mum: Ln tho snli: of mitt-n [in int-l lllltl'u'hii'i'il into hijurut" Svhtmls. .2!de l mt fur tuw-nty mitt '/r".tt's' in th ' claim»), l up"), a; in the I','l-lt' of "In". S'htwlg' ui' , and during thct liritt. in- hill 59.: to tit" 1 lslmnltl ln- t.urttuvol.sutv. Mp Mrsro.ri'rtn liau. let! ut' thv Stu :ikw. lie hwlio-rv-l if hit 1 then taken the vim: the Govern-t Wus _ "r:sLitiotr hurl lit-An what ".14 suvr,rcrt).l liltnw Liking on this "Ty munch The t simply to m-t '.ttto tnmur. Hut lg,- ("Mild lisptw-h in questiun was. mini-x nu Junuur:. I huts. gut Illili't}. but in: Would nu: ut'l'itiw- 213. 1383. and in that spvm'h Mr. Human]; his urim_ipi.-< [it tho,- .-'.tlu- at :zt-ttin: of- that} stated that it was not "e:sttcooie that', "if". No vii'tw in tlu. 1) "mutt." "mild in. the Ilium: should force upon (in. 'supirvrt-l - hit ' lo t'u:':'.'.'.t-;-r Wild: n; tp-li -\'t-vi lo lt'l'S ol thu Srpul'utu tin-hum; n S\:'[\'lli oil be. his drtiv. Tlo. 1n:tetrrsir,siottct' of l'nhi i),"/tt/rr'i,. 1listctr,tcrul to UNTIL ml". Mal"! lit- 'NrrNisi, hill raid that lit" taut tint lu'"),"-,','?""? hull-l The s)ttovric.v-r-huoerul St'lwurutv Srlttwl ttfflrr, tau-r.- in "videui-o tutti >.\lr. Mort-tilt}: tool; Just th: utilmsitt; Wu» an it.nicrrtiori ah it " aunt-ml 1l-ctirm 'L'Ustlmn now. rltrs Roman 1'utlrolr.s ot "in: at httnli. ii- suirtoo.wool 'liw tLct 4.1: (l.hc l't'twmw: xvi-iv not iri't"rra'ov.l In "dopt to lllllllltv in tin: "Illmzlliutl Ul" inattwi' of' ithe ballot Irt thut "Lily nt' 'tlitW wishwl tr; inning lnuut'ltt Yin-tn m mill-mu l "I" yoryrr'-'l. them to do . but than. new 1~'.)lnt\ he would lilo. to kntnw who ill'tl'wlllli'vi iltdmttitnts that they won: Willing to Cit'- ' . ' 's....- t__. WW; apt. it ill tho 5.11m: way in whic; it . ' the first bill an tits. with... t thr; . Hum " "mint". to Public Scl l l it u." and who hull trctls tit ' 'lyr',C siitlumtttatorT' Ill iii 18t'0 's thi- 't'l,t Allin Merv-lull] wa'h. Tue lionst- that) hurlly met l the n,ly/(i," /fl/ "Peral manlwss ut before tht- hon. lllt'litLu'l' toi' Al- _ tl _ ' Cf , It now, that l., , t it. Honse should not t x". gourd. Lntl'odlirwl his bill. it c,n the Pom-tn c.. ft of? Up- anybody was rtvorysiy" for inning in- Em" that was ui'sr:r'.,'.,,rr,'iul to 'i1te"r,tl'""i, a '{rtldlll'ud up. apple til IIISI'L'LLI into lhu nir- 'trow desired (' "0"le I" '1 . , but he Lalo: it was Mr. Coritttri. Hts hutl liven t . l -. J ' ' ll mu.'.'cr'ePalrr'ctthortcs,t' -.. -. "ut t oic,, _ ,- . ' _ the o m opt Ptr'" ot.sysi"m. Did he not. outvful nt.'; /o m" J") uu"stio'l l.. . Yee how hnpnsmble tt was tu "et Ito; _ l Hulls»: :'r-lzttini: 'ty, this. "1411.93 ttl - Catholics to acquiesce in tii'i,s'Cc',',o"'l.iyl of thy way in "'hli'h trIsctt_v.sirrtr.a "90".," lbill was forced upon them ii.' fit triel prturtwrieH. 'Phe. snbyct lctvtrwitatittiritro- 'teqmttt sun i 'ts, " . rom a Pro- 1 _ - ' _ I "srF l . , .. inoiht . Mr. Me. i , unwed. ho had moved to "lulu- it a lL-ll it""(-rred to som dim lti Pe ith had l ballot and not " slum lullut. lie ":15 t 'ill.' 7 . Le 11y.lllits about school I I, ' . ' _ . ' . . (elections that had ouuxred in t ' , Iv.1thin his l'l'é'lla'. in Living so surely. He {and that, too, not in every WSW) glues, [ has changed with inconsistency on this Home yearor two yeargat the Uimog't, 'lh//'

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