iLLOT STILL THE [L Legislative Chamber, April St. l To-day was quite an exciting one in tho Legisltttui'v. Promptly at ll o'clock the: adjourned debate on Mr. t'onmec's bill tol give an optional ballot for the election oi" Separate School trustees was bee,un. Mr. Fraser spoke again for a {cw niinutt-s, but weakness shortly tonipelled him to cease, though later in the day he added a few remarks on another aspect of the question. A lively debate followed. lasting without lntnrruption until ti o'clock. In the even- Ing Mr. McCallurn's bill advocating a Cora- pulsory ballot and other changes in the school law came up. and the same ground traversed in the afternoon was gone over, the principal feature being the eloquent and witty speech of Mr. Evanturel. The optional bill carried on the second reading [I by a majority of 22, and .he compulsory