/ / I there any objeetions made to the grahting .3 of quh license. and was complaint tuarle . to the Government, setting forth that the i license was fraudulently granted ? if so. did the Government order an investigation Into the truth ot the complaint by tlie chief inspector, and has he made a report in the matter I' " Hon. Mr. Harcourt replied that the li- cense had been granted: that objections had been made; that complaints had horn laid before the Government; that it had been alleged that the lit-onst- had been ob- tained by i'ruutluis-nt tin-tins; that an in- vestltrtrtio had [won triutlts, and that the Inspector'.',' report was in the hands of the _ Crovernmen1. GitANTyl To yrl'ot'l; ASSOCIATIONS. Mr. Wood (lirariti uskod : .. (lovernnwnt grants being annually made to the Hheeu-brtsrar.levs, iy-livine-lrreiarirsrs', Poultry, . l',et'-kraepers', F"ruit-,utowtsrs' and Imiry- mrn's AssoI-iatiotis. and iliiiil) others oi' a similar t-haravtm twin "hat prinriIilv. or for what t'Pztstin, is .i grant I'vi'tlsmi to the lltrrrv-hr-lers' A ls ll itititrli of _- l fries and Paris ".' Fw I Mr. Dryden I'P'illwl : I The Crovtrrttrtiev.t has in 2h:- past r. "r- nized only stot-k ate.ro-iationrs, oi a l'rt /trl- t vial chwrac'ter, the obiov: liking to dis emi- i hate. through surh tis.ssotl'ttirsrrs, ini'ornia-i lion that will [rad to itii'i'vasv'i inrotinc-T lion oi stovlt of a stun-riot" quality. The l, only horse-Ure-let-s' Issirition that littsi Hattie applilutioii for (low-rnnirnt aid is of a puruly [oval cliitrr.ti".er, and is styled l the South Inimfriw and Put-is Jyistrrfti kirer-i,lets' Assut'iatioti, the tIlllr'I'L of which, I as stated in their iiriiitrl i'olistitutiun. is') to st-lrt-t for that 'ulrurose" tlii-w- siiIiPrim', breeding stallions, liltii'v' >llllill)lt' for tin:I armandux or thr. tttttthet. I A illSl'L'TlZ Wl"l'll Mitt WAIT" , Mr. ""hitnvv askrti. tor Mr. l'latit'y.I v,lo-thet on) IliblHl has been made by Mr. I P. S. Wui'm. lll" 'utvliitoct oi" the tic" l'arm iiim-nt anti tlttitr'titii:tl buildings. tori t',-ttitltittsstitrtt t'oi' his minions, as surli nr- l'llllt'i'l in t'ht't 's or tht. amount of thr- i-oiiiiiiission ugi'wvl to in. pawl to him. it Yo, "hut is Ill" amount of tho vinini, and V Wlllll disputation has iii-vii mall-- of it'." "hat is lllt' amount oi thr. total oxprmdi- ture for urrlsitrct i'n-iuunvration. including unitunts. it any, oartwd by the architect but not xvi paid 'r What amount has trr-cn paid to the aiw-liitwt "_' NN hat amount, if unv. is yr-t duu liin. '.' i The Atuortiy-tlrrctl. replying for tho ('t'ininiissiuvivit said slit h u. l-lui," hail lwvii I made by Mr. Ttart,. as that rerrwrrail to in I the min-ration. it} an :""'Ulllli _ min i'l'il in the 216th oi l-'r-iiru'at') hr. lll'l l'laitiivd in this why $130334, who-h :llllilllill Wm subsu- qtiwntiv r'wriiii ml to 1.27M .\""1t."vllllL' lo tho illltl-'l'.".illllll:lL' oi :lm iii-\r "mm-ht Mr. \\ .m.~ 'i,t-, . utiiiwi to teC1ro. oi' lids ;iil!"'ilil Hint" hail" been paid, lamina a l'iLl'dIl't' to in- paid of $1.300. Thiss amount villi not lilt'lllil" any remuneration that llilLi'llt he duo Mr. Waite for spoviul St'l'Yli't'S in ttiililti'llU" with the ~-t,uipma-iit of tho buildings, utlin'r than the work ot constitution, Tho At- tornay<i3un>~ral I-otitiiiumi as follows: "i may "plain that tint rizt'TirHii-w- lulu-win Mr. Wtite and tin 1'omtt1lss,iout.r is, that sinne the LuytoHrletion or th, buildings Mr I Waite has riainia-d .i r't'ttllt.'itsration of l per cent, on tlw nwtiml t'USl of "rrtis"st'tit'- tlon, while the ugro't'tno-nt shows that ms; the Commissioner. has always Inshlicly' stated) the rem-ation was to be c, per' H'nvt. on 8750.00" only, and was not to Ire', on any wtvuss ow-r thu: sum. in 1v'.lqrt the" cost under the i'tilllt'uI'Ts for .-onstruvtion should be Kritrtrt Th,. art-liitwt's Work I was well don», and the 1'otnmi.cycloner, as5 well as his oollmuziii-s. »-\trviiit-i\' rvzrt-t the dispute which has ulrrvilrtittly j urlsen." , THF", NF?W Iu'll,ltl.Nt',t; Sl'l'i-I. Mr. llattmielt asktul -llus any order "viii I'tuiitil bit" passini suiting apart thv- situl tor the new l'arliuniv-tit on! 1lrHritrtri-al) buiioit.gs '.' if so. who" "as it tutsswl C' i , Th" Att-y-tl-ul tilrlissil its i'ulnins 2 l Akclnmm WAlllyri CLAIM. ---An (,rdwr in ('ounril has itrurit puss-HI and. . ret Intuit tiiv silo of tho no" I'c.r-li,-t ' . an: Ilt'rr:tr'ttttoial lu,ilrrlinu.c. "i'liv _ t'r' . t lJ'Si'rlleiVi' 1'lctiuipr-r, March yi. Coutttil was :ig'rwnl hto on Ulliitt'rélll LII-tidy was luln'rw-l S"l'Y 1lultuly Ill tlit. K, "nd is ilillt'Il Mari-ii I-,, Thel As". mblr, A iiuinm-r oi (mentions "er- rill'mrl '/li1'." or the. 1'ortttHicsii,rn, "mom-ll " . T F . "r-at' . Inelltlllg t " lilt'lh," .iiitl lawn" ..g , lt" ri ,' iiiinost-ti ot. a hay hill: ""va"'rl " std" "as presented to l', "In." tr.'l, In]. .~itli, The" or with-litiun, .l.'"l tlii it ttlst. a HUMP!"l ul ter'ommenrlutio was "In". vtrlrully db tut "NI" 11o ..'.ioil\_ "lit'ii, hon-wit: ill" a fortnight earlier. trr.etitbers: of It)" i'mivi'iiiuvnt haul tnvir HIGH St'lltltil, FBI-ZS. hands lull tor an hour ul' tho, lit-.ll'lllg tlie Mr. Godwin .iskt-Ii W-v,. it tin- iutr-ntionI 'epreseritnti.ons, ..1 " Isiltutrvt' oi -l~-i.ui.t~ of trit' lliitll 3"?" oi 11"1 Hui i't-vs (it twillll)' pt.pils :itiviitldi: l tliil) hit-l. Srlttmhi LAW" should Le tlt'illll'l"'l ii'oiii tlo, t-oiiiitv "min l "My tillt' bill was irstrvrliuul to anwnl when slit-h grunt tiv- I. .1 my..." [I'I,.h(;0v_l HI.- surrogdt: all in Mt. Muy,vsioil. urnmwnt grant .. - I' Mr. Tult's hill "rrtentlitip' tho in-ora- IUD". itv'u. w. Ross rvpll thut MN", tion of the Vt-oplo's Iaift. insuranvv 1'otu- was the llllt'llllwll "1 ti. "If. it "as iii-l ., tended that ths. t-llllil\ Mia-int should bet puny was read u third Ttlile. in ull Irusei i'illlul to that of the 'lovvru: Stil'Tii 1iNr"tHtlt Li'i'iCNSl-IS ment. Rrr, T _ .\lr. 1lo'leary asked: "Was a shut li, ' Itrl"lu "35 Ulil'i'litilll. wort: granted to out- Joseph Asplnwali tor Mr. Li'lf'mr mUVWl for an orurt of tho tttta sale of liquor in tin- Township of House tor " Whirl! giving u "Main-d State, Tilsonbuw, in tlie South Riding of oxford. ment of the n"Hilts and "xltenuitttres. of (or the lit-ens» your oi ltiy3-94 1' If so. "er.' ' "aL,..--,,,----------