Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Mar 1894, p. 7

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I", . .. _ a _ ct F. . W but..." _ T e " .-, _ I'. _r Perhaps 'Dr. Ryerson would prefer to i ', a"; MGW{Mr{Mere-" . .. have no help given at all to Roman wt was Only gilt' e '06 viction that Catholics; but he did not see wherein , _ Bent senemtiog' and proper that the Pre- . charity suffered in coming through "I to pay the on? f,','",',','",' y..te called upon Roman Catholic source. Mr. Waters went that a portio I',", or they liabilities, but into detail over the tttturea of the grants upon the con: 0 the but-tkit Should tall . and showed that in many of the Roman COIIdemne-d M (1',dg',te,yt.t: Mr. Wood % Catholic hospitals there were large 1 the surplus P. A ancys Statement that numbers ot Protestants. He trust- ' .1! the BU llwas a myth and a rag babY. ed the people of .Ontario would 3300000 oi'ripnt"5 was a myth where did the " never allow sectarian principles boy, would k are" come from ? Any school- to Interfere with the dispensation of behind it 3'" (leeci must he a principal {charity (Applause.) He did not think ' remarks l'audaltlor ood closed with a few} fany member or the House would dell- ', tration of the 'lTcu,lt gerieral admlnls~1 ibcratcly say that because a charitable '01: the tinane) iiaf0i1'itl'l1tu',Tutyte: institution was under Roman Catholic I dicted that at the apprenchml, C11ti"or,',t, management, no matter whether it was the People would again GL:iiiil'ti up ey properly managed or not, that then-fore _t12rTi in the Government .' ton- _ l it should not receive aid Just as if it were i . P. Ryerson the t . I und'T Protestant contiol. Mr. Waters \lon. He 'iii/ip)')",'),';',)"');,,,",",,,:,,',::,. opposi, "any int the matter of the increase in on the very able GGGii' st fludrer up- thew-63f gt government. He gave tWares had made the other day i'e'"/,e,1,"Y he showing that. the Summit-id Macdonald agree With him, hOWever no it could not (tsovernLent had increased the cost of gov- his claims and argument} 'd,' some of I ernment during four years by 53 per cent.; l . for .instance, think the ari, 1° m_n0t-l lwhereas, during 21 years, the Administra- workod well. The Treasure;- 'it', I',',', a": had I ' tion of Sir Oliver Mowat had increased the ht'Clluse of the low 'tii,.; 3"" (lt", tr'it),iji, cost ot government by only :13 per cent. "s.vlums Were _ ." Al "mag" T,',', Jr _ ' m hon. gentleman then touched on the " i,y,Ityu"y,. the (roman only Tiff 92, against that the surplus C a. "1' . ' BMX, a _ .81.» per head for Ontario. m -nt was no myth, but an actual fact, a ' e Hon. Mr. Hard, said ho would like to Um. that placed Linturio in " most enviable Gets tho book from wh.'ch the Swim" was position . He then for a moment consid- t'ttinq those 1l'cyre? and Dr. Ryerson midi that the exnenditure in the various de- he would Semi it to him. Continuing, he! ipitrtments of civil government, ieqialation, sold that so far from the tiqure for On- ladministration of Justice, education, char- tirrlo being it low one it was higher than ities étc and compared the 'dgures for in many American cities and States. In '1893 'withl'those for 1973. In doing this he regard to grants to charities, the speaker lsuid it was dlificult to say anything new, . objected to suuh grants being made to any 1 so full and explicit had been the statement 'i"ete".rian institution. Who ever heard of of the Treasurer. There had been many . " grant to a Presbyterian institution, or lexcellent budget statements in the House, 'y', , a Methodist institution ? Now, lust year 'but none that were quite equal to that the total grants to charities were $151,- 'delivered on Tuesday afternoon lust. Mr. 000. of which amount the Roman Catho- Waters passed rapidly through the depart- lic institutions got $54,000. Thus, one-sixth Tints, glancing at the principal items, and ' . of the population trot one-third of tho showing that the growth of expenditure .) money paid for charity. Dr. Itycrson was had been moderate and commensurate on. Proceeding to quote the various grants ly with the absolute necessities of. the when Hon. Mr. Hardy asked to be allow-. 'frovince. Mr. Clancy had "impure-i the ol to inttutupt him for " moment. cost of government in '83 with that of '93. b, The Commissioner for Crown Lands had , Now, the Opposition was equally respon- i been looking over the book from whiislt 'sible with the Government side of the F lir. liyersoii hnd taken the liuurirc rtNcaril- House for all expenditure which they did ins: the maltttcnance of tilt asylum not protest against. it; I'm-n. hr. Ryerson had givvn the up. I Mr. Whitney-The Commissioner ot . ure as $97 92, but the Crnnmissioro, loolt, ,Crown Lands says the Government is te. ' ini: over the fiNures had found that this :sponslbic. .' ', was exclusive of it mlscellanvous ('Ullt'l'- l Mr. Waters-Well, the Opposition is 'e.. . thin of items, which brought the total Isponslble too, and so you will find when .- iii:ii..ti-n:iiir-v up to $2.21. as against the (you got on the stump. You can't get out 1 $rll for Ontario. :0! your responsibility in that way. Mr. L, in: Ryersnn said. when the Commission- WVuters then ran over the years between l! or had ihiishtli rot-rectum: him, that he had 9133:; and 1893, enumerating the various " made a mistake, that was all. He then iitvmg to which the Opposition had taken .1 Iovorusedvd to quote the tiguros of the pro- tomcptpm. In several years there were no ', Portlon in which llw grunts had been haul ) objections at all, but the total of items ob- " Tic Rug-mat" to tho Commissioner that 'Jcotod to during the entire ten years l ,. he had b-tter check his ficrutvs, as he 'amounted to $142,000. During the some might make a mistake. Dr ltyersoii 'pi-riod the total expenditure of the Pro- "luimed in regard to these grants that Vince had been $39_000,t)00. He thought this f there was no reason for sectarian instl- fact in itself spoke volumes for the posi- tutis no lwlm: aided at all ; that 'tion of the Government, and it would be only institutions intondi-d for gem in ditllcult one for the members of the Op- tral oliurity should be aided by 'position to get over when they came to sho Government grant. The Opp Tr. , l discuss the mutter before the people of the tion had been ohullcne'i-d to oom- )Prov.inco. (Ministerial applause.) mm tho tinattcial standing of Ontario I At 'tive minutes to 10 o'elook ur. "mu. V zlrh that of other Provinces and States. 1 hey moved the adjournment of the debate, , hwy would do HO. Take the Attorney- land the House they. adjourned on motion 'nizu-rul's Departmrnt in 11:tssavhttsotts, ; of the Attorney-General. tit-re $9.000 are paid in salaries and t'2.'iyl expenses ; in Pennsylvania the salaries THE PUBLIC WORKS REPORT. " that dwpartmont nri- $16,090. the ex- . 2 0 of the new Par- , inning $2,500: in Illinois the salaries of (rdh,'nttotr,au1isonT,r.Wist,i tnhc chief topic dis- . that department arte 33'1"" and the ex- icussud in the report of the Commissioner. t;'mscs,' Ie,wo; all of which are bass than lot Public Works. The sum set apart on: the cost of the Attotmuy-Genernl's De- _ appropriated for the construction ot tht-S/ 'rurttttent in Ontario. Dr. It.verson then buildings was in all $1,265,000, and the tot l . i 'ook up the question of the Patrons' "lat- , original T'ontracts amounted to $1,245.10. arm and its similarity With thot of the lThe details ati'.--- , Liberal party. As for the publm lands I (1) Excavation mason and bricklayers' i being rcserved for the actual settler, the l works, eta. under Lionel Yorke and Car- t Attorrwy-1rcnoral's opposition to Mr. Mar- I roll Gaylord & Vick contracts (including _ tvr's motion of some years before s'ltow-. 'ii:Ci'x),iiri' bricks from the Central Prison), i, ed him not in sympathy with ttrat plank. . :5752250; W) iron work, etc., for ground y As regards purity of administration. Mr. irioor and' basement of west wing under l Noxon's appointment us extra prison in- iLlonel Yorke, $1,643; (3) carpentry work, "W10" showed no great purity of mi- }etc., ot eiireasc of buildings, under Lionel ministration. The record of the Govern- il'orke, $N,700; (4) wrought and cast iron' irtr nt showed anythln; but rigid economy, i, work, (Btu, under St. Lawrence Foundry he thought. The continued existent-e of Company, $54,000; (5) plumbing, r,'a.s-f1ttrng, 'mprisournent for deht was no sign of steam-heating, Cte., under Purdy, Manse" 'impllfieation of the machinery ot law. & Mashinter, $76,800; (6) lathing, plaster- .'o knew ot a caBe where a man had been ing, etc., under A. H. Rundie, $37,770; (7) Still to prison over a debt of tll 75. [ slitting. copper work, etc., under Douglas - s Mr. Hardy offered to have the case in- Pros., $44,497; (8) interior wood-work, hard \'t,.~tli:uted_ by the Inspcctor of Division ware. etc.. under Wagner, Zeldler & Co., Courts it' Dr. ttycrson would give him the $119300; (9) interior painting. glazing, etc., nwessrlry irtrormation, and ttw WWW" in" under n. J. Hovenden, $23,325; (10) grand i'nl'llillgiy sent the memorandum across stair-case, ornamental grille wont, etc.,i llw tioor. under H. C. Harrower, $21,991; (11) interlorl ('outirsuitv,T, Dr. Ityorson turned to the tire hydrants, pipes, etc., under W. J. 31.3-} Patrons' plank its to civil service reform, Gulre, $1,102; (12) drainage, etc., under Gar- und held that the tee system is a proof son & Purcer, $5,490; (13) tile work, under that such retorm is needed in Ontario. Toronto Granite Company, 81,450; (14) de- Mr. Waters, replying, cited ttw "ODIN!" ct-rittive painting of Legislative chamber, Finn of " short time nun. and showed that under Elliott & Son, $4,500; (15) mantels. lH' Rsirson'sfit,.rurtw, its to tho comparative grates, etc., under Rice, Lewis & Son, rust of nsylums were incorrect. The liver. $3,322; (16) seating of Legislative chamberi i are mist per comm Der year in Ontario galleries, under Rogers & Sons Co., $3,260; i ' is m. 'el, us against an average cost ot' a (17) Speaker's dais, under Wagner, ii'iiri.'.I, ' i "We number of American :isyluins of ler & Co., 8920; making a total ot 51,25,910. I . i $310M per head per Year. As for sectarian The entire Cost of the work done under - i "this, in London, for instance, the gen- these contracts amounts to a. grand total r-rni and Prptestant institutions not a, $1,257,985 10. ' l $.97!) i'd, the Roman Catholics but 83.806 M. " -

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