Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Mar 1894, p. 3

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t ' ,1 _ T __, 7'. I 4 _ '/O t-rn . ." "a Nico" {In thorium been Wt?" (;' . 's I with" hm that_he coukLJwt "h . , (he Want dylnc histamine to Glimmer "mallow they were incurred. "In ' to tie the hands of its successors. Mr. 880.2145. had been spent on tinrtmith.. Voters then nan over the figures quoted s, .plumbm" etc. ', 35.844 04 on plastering,' , . by Mr. Marten taking the view, however, \ ' 819.4565 on pturttlrteiii,q02tu on i that the expenses were not nearly so 'penterintt; a. total ot $61,218. or nearly heavy as Mr. Marter thought. Now the ttirat cost. The yearly average was , question was simply this: Then Lieutmant- 'fl;, or f,',"",") than the rent of a. better , Jbovemor was appointed to the ottice on _ . n the furnishing of the house 'tAt, understanding that he should carry .irmous expenses were incurred. The l tout the duties ot his omee at a. certain rly average was 33.088 34 in this branch, l sniary,, it was true, but it was practically _ t an average at $5.760 won spent for N certain that if the Provincial Governme . is and furniture. Could this be Jus- ubo'inlltid Government House, either 'llelit, i? 't He did not think so. tiat . or wholly, the Dominion would tMV l ' .1 there were other expenses. _ slime the expenditure on its own account. the last year there were N either by making what it deemed a. sum- y' t $349 75 for water ; $918 27 for :lvcient increase to the outcry of the Lleut.- N,' 81.60154 for Nel; and $2,35120 for GoVernor to enable him to maintain Gov- d l 'trden, trees, plants, ctr. Thus ernment House, or in some other way. In Was an average of 311.263 63 expended j any event the result would be the some. to items every year. Add to that and there would not only be no saving to . .. crest on the capital invested and the people, but it would probably C5otgt a .71 fund occupied, which would be great 11h5l. more. For these reasons he ICI,, .a_;ut $21M),000. and would thus realize _ 1"l,v.tfri9.ij.'i. following amendment to Mr. mull 'dla,'i,1yi;/gfl there would be an an- . "That {£505.11 1'h'ri, "s iii/il gt o $21,2m. Add attain the item of min t i'f, L800" "fance of the Ryatem »' 'if,',', or a. meaaemror and I'n'A'.aegt',1t l ' n a n ng Government House and ' s" ll': 2:13.32; 'tf/U',' 3:7: t26, Shelli: 't _ t connected therewith gt -, . . . .ese ex em - _ _ turls could be helped. He could list see tep'. probably "No .. . the need for two Secretaries Tho contin- such expel)" by the Pele".'.'.! Go T mimics in Mr. John .0,",i,T,Ttii,i'/, Mncdoimld's for all tine Provinces; that such tb chungo tine amounted to $1,132 90 for four Years. wouyir..elyy, tttey', the expenses of the . . $283 22 a year; now they are $1.500. 'iirid,n ppm-lo of this 1 rovuice and would not oe the motion came up before. Hon. Mr. Frus- m the interest of the Province. or 'trad moved an amendment promising SIR. OLIVER'S VIEWS. srr,l'f'atCr economy, but that promise had Sir Oliver Mowat replied at considerable not been kept. The expenses of 1803 were length to the remarks of Mr Marter and £925 M, besides $3,000 for the ofrtee, or closed by moving an amendment to the an cxcess of .',',l.'""/'p11' the average of the amendment. He was as anxious, he said. 1 prt-vious years. in t e American Staten, as anybody could be to save unnecessary "i mill-:2; on.V:1li<;h t'Q"?s',1t"aitt),e"1'c,7ire,w.nolt, expense. If it was the wish of the peoplel f . t . . . that Government House should not be; _ lsullzry. and none an e:1tjy.tty'y/'t.,2, ad- maintained by the Province. and that they 7 J Ill! on. Most gave salaries of $1.00 or expense hitherto incurred in that matter,, 4lJOl, and Michigan gave $1,0N and no should be incurred no longer. it would be house. right and proper for them to do so, and Mil" Martel!- "cr1t.rbf,ha'.""'t"hoe"J,v/te1' to so instruct their representatives in iii) s WOW)" 'at 't' . ' , , Fl Legislature. The question was one that which he had pot and the ncwsmtpcrs shituld be fully discussed and cunslidured - . 1;?ut1s""/'JCt,,r'thiit,.i c),',').:."",: 21': 1'3": before the people, and whatever conclusion "'m _ __ . "c . g " l .Me 'e" ' they come to should be carried out. It Jranttord Exposutor, The London Advcr- l _H . ' , ' iscr and Hamilton Timos. and who 29:61:31:Us"llwxpéltlmgnfgviLhathlhfigaix . ll approved of the idea. but predicted its l li t_'r it" y . {pl ll lr, ' he g 'di tt . motion. The AttorrwrChunHral had Pre- "of" tu', l a ' that t ere were 1 cul- .i'-.Qusly opposed the plan. bccause he ftiir- It _ "..'li, objections in '.Y.c.T1, to the econ- V ed that the Dominion Government would om.', ."h'd' deslroyed its velyt altogether. come to the rescue and increase the sal- vl.t.wus to be considered whether or not tu..,, Ontario, of course, bearing the great- this was a cane of the kind. It was re er part of the inr'reuse. The Attorney- mnrkuble, however, that the resolution General had not taken this view ut the was one thet had nothing to do with any t? .N. conference mm", years ago in us- present action. It was proposed, on the ink to a call tor increased subsidy. eve of an election, no doubt with the hope cover. New Brunswick has rwlucml oi making some political capital at the ex- t income of its Lioutennnt-thrvwrncw, '."I?".' ot those who did not think It an. the Dominion Govt-rmncnt has not iudlcloun to make any channel no ' il in to the resotm. That donor-r was '" Ithts .1Te'-ci"'nt "vacuum 'irtar not. existent. lie had nothing: more to tlhro? .vPltrs C', Wtt.% intended to To: =' say; he thought he had put his wise no change. Things are to remain as a. ji' strvngly enough. The times hvur"e hard. prcscnt until Ptrcoyyo1tt1oy, of the term the need of money great. and from the of the present Lieutenant-Governor. He stand taken by the puss he was sun. th.ut tht ught this a clcnr indication that the such a step would he bulb-d "in; delight mover ut the motion had no legitimate by the country. He hoped that every inem- object in bringing it forward at the pre- ber would vote for the motion. sent time except so tar as the making ot I Mr. A. F. Wocd spoke, in Sct'ondin-z t,' l political capital was legitimate. tMinis- lresolution. after a slight misund-rstun . terinl applause-l Mr. Marter had quoted ing with the Spnukcr as to whvthst in: various ticcros, he did not know with l should speak before or uftenthe formal what accuracy. regarding the expenses of l reading of the motion. He woe disposed the Lieutenant-Governors establishment. to go further, he said. but in dorm-cum,- lo It haul always been understood by mem- l the conservative tendencies of the Month» {one on the Government side of the House l noon opposite he Would confine himrwlf to that this expcnse had had more oi wt l sr-C'Oluliny. tho motion of Mr. Mat-ter. in sympathy of the Opposition than ot their' l the first 1 lace the expenditure was their", oun party. He thought no objection hm and. if usvless. it was wrong. He opposed ever been taken to any special line of ei- the cxpenditurc on principle. This is " pumse. He did not think it had been sug- lemocrntic "2:0 and :1 demo :mtic Province. nested that any class of this expenditure C tnd this expenditure was design-ed to kr't-p should not be incurred, or that the ex- lu, ll class distinction that was opposed to pcnse was charged for work not done. the trcnd of public opinion. The offer: of It had not been charged that the charges the system was to produce wrong imprcs- were extravagant. A house the size or . ' n. t l (iovernment.-llouse required a large ex- {lolliiullinmgpfiyiilniiigxrfn$23-$53:Isid- penditure to maintain it. Mr. Mortar, in felt 'ii'a.C,' enormous. The expenditure cup- "ite'u1"di,te, "tt much the annual expense italiztd at ,5 1,". went. would be $?r0,0')0, and do: . 't." n, bud included the colt: of 'thut added to thy cost of the Land, vita. tb,1i,"l,il.'i" 1th: f:2,r,r,t,e'yi','ut House. . Now, would give the total of $400,000. For this J 1e 'll' t in... wns erepter in the time ot huge gum nothing was given in return 'ohn tin'dtwhl Macdonald, and the Liber- except an influence which was in opposi- ttl y,.yy;cyi,o,,n, of those days, while not ob- tlon to the accepted principles which gov- tull:' to m? .c.T11fyt ot a house for the cm the Province. He had no personal an- t1ieug1l'.lllt/ft'gig,1/'r' had contended that imus. and would feel mu:h regret if his Wia"rt,(,"nd,,t,j'1's/'h t?§:tbse;:§e :Taggé I "s. tf11i,t,t'i'si1t,i.'t,t',tt,cta1, were unneceesari- t . A. tf .0. . , , . _ would object to the Dominion Government included the void): Ji tu"'Jc'ft','t.g (it: "e) lfgt "lhlfthigliuil'iln 'ptl,1t"t','gidtubu'?d'f, mate of the Cxpgnse attached to the house. . iltlLlioon'."' , K I $111,: d,ra'it.J-'/ip2thneo"r, That land was t -. cr". .vse iS(80 e rovinceon -i Aly. outer; (-fntinu'xl the debate: ital press condition that the 11'lfiUlo'),t,tise'tt ;' himself could scaéccly "t styleidJ "dt'fd,I be relieved of all responsibility ot the . ..)f (iovcrnment case. e so u. n r. . . " fifteen years during which he had be in a hod,tse"/"L'l'a/,nrtte/ty,""ti,af te,ovtaTl,e,gt, member ot the House he had never been l would have no right to sell the land an it side the place. But the did not think the less they should provide another real: motion was a. iltiing one to be dealt wilhl dence tor the Governor such as Would in the last session of u Legislature. eBpe- secure the approval of the Dominion 0 daily seeing it was not proposed to take ernment. The effect of abundonin 'd'g: .my action in the matter until the exper eminent House would be that th: K,2 if the term of the present Lieutenant- Vince lost the property altogether Ther Governor, some years hence. There was: l, would have no further claim or; it,' it no knowing what the sentiment ot thel i, might be possible to make a better bar. people might he as voiced in one next 'slr gain than that. His own impression w Legislature, and it was hardly proper for l that in consequence ot the Immensely if: . " _ ' creased value of the land on which the. __ n A A I LJ ai--, l - _ ..

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