Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1894, p. 4

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H . ' psrreer.fttr!!, , Mr. atttmnatttt--rttit' session , . l mousse GAME? _ t m" ontiieii, q Hon. Mr. Roatr-No, not this session. I x The mud annual robot 0 n which! i am considering one or two amendments. Game and 'Fish fitt".1tt,t'."a't Gina!"- _ but they are of a minor character. and wu'iaid on the table I". .h-u ini' will not be Introduced this session. Mr. to-day, contained much value I, t T Ross. continuing, said that the two! tlon concerning the Province-s s the w _ systems of schools did not overlap each Mutt and game. Undoubtod Stott,' 4 other, as Dr. Ryerson had suggested. The. " 'port states. has been done binomm. . pupil began in the High School Just where llshment of the commission. . _ i T it": 1 'he left off in the Public School. No forts by it put forth. The ,. ' " . ground was gone over again. Therefore Liaiurtttkraepttretmt1 by the 00M' that argument did not apply. As to the iiiiGFiiit,riiuitrrYet.ttttetyr Mt on, . ei Question of economy, there might be k' in poison Ind out ire "an, tttta been very little saving, as suggested, by om.. forcibly met and checked. the laws and ciais of one board, as now existing, doing regulations~ meeting the support of all the work of the united board; but the sav- right-thinking people. Of course. absolute ing would be a small one. The Education prevention has not yet been achieved. The Department endeavored not to make am- number ot. commissioners remains un-, endments to the school act oftener than changed, and consists of Dr. G. A. hic- once in tive years. He had proposed am- Callum. Dunnville, Chairman ' T. H. Will- endments to the act in 1891, and he looked mutt. minimum. Muskoka ', w. tl. Par- _ forward to proposing other amendments. ish , Mtt . W It. Wells. Chatham: and l totheactin theses-lanolin mound - "if ' " ~ w}. "; ment ap l'uu.) ' ~ [r, ', ' ' . , Mr. Meg-edith said Mr. Ross must have of the game rh',',Uld, this being qq changed his opinion in regard to the un- form for dist u ' w L hi necessary by the fact that . , ion of the boards. It was not long since dou Y . d 1 1892 are now out- he had tried to pass a measure through large posters Issue n ' l b the recent amendments made. the House which would have had the ef.. datet y d no is described " feet of destroying even the unions that The work of the war e The area which . existed. He thought it would be well dur- intelligent and zea cos. h e to cover is. however, molarge. ing the present session to repeal that sec- they av ed ut m four tion of the act which prevented union. The Province tttMr beenmapp I' frt _ Hon. aMr. Etomra'rhere has not been a divisions. and ' ,'e'-,ers.,8 'W . "2.," simple petition for such an amendment V 7 "NWT". "" -' --nothintr of any hind in that direction. l te,tihitt,e,'tnt',r/,egt,f','Jl,it'2 kW' a" we: except the bill of the hon. gentleman. I The nominal salary of tio a month '" .. Mr. 1't.r1ttzyLt.tf, about the change,) was paid to the wardens tttta' iaiid'9iil B. in the hon. gentleman s views , F creased to $400 a year, except in a i i 1 . Hon. Mr. Roi-lt is a sign of good gov- of one whose ditrtrict 1. manner, and. T I eminent that we progress. We are learn- eta 3400 a year The system of appoint-:' ing. The bill of'the hon. gentleman I',,",', and paying: deputy-wardens has not would. however, be opposed by the High proved altogether satisfactory. There are .qchool Board. 413 on the roll, and while many are active Mr. A. P. Wood was strongly in favor 1 i t lli nt the reater art of them of a union generally between the two Rtit n e so ' . g p _ , are never heard trom, and complaints are classes of boards. The trustees of the _ . , most numerous from the districts in which Common School Board were elected direct- Th d , F ly by the people. Those of the High the silent deputies reside. e spit t".'V a q . are not paid by salary. and receive no", School Board were appointed by various l 1 b lhalf th fines e f , corporations. The Public School Trustees Immune rat on T"l'll Y,', a crux r', were therefore in much closer touch with m" born cases n w Ch they are the In.. , the people. He closed by advising Mr. formants. They are thus extremely chary; Ross not to make too many promises as T of laying information. unless absolutely I to what he would do next session. On the certain of securing conviction, and many I one hand, he might not have the chance offenders. who, if brought to trial. . of being in the House, and on the other be punished, tret oft. The com er. hand, he might see lit to accept some oth- 'ttg","g'Ji,ng',,,tt',t ttd1,'tt J,' 9336:1282. a tycft"r,C'n.i" the public service between now , two it tll men in tle ",t',1t,,v.'t't,vl'f,', wag': Dr. Ryerson said the bill was Introduced report a cases com mr un er e r no le at the instigation of the City Counen of to the wardens, The warden could decide Toronto, and as the result of a resolution upon the question as to prosecution. and. passed favoring such a union as proposed. the deputy would be relieved from the re- The Public School Board had also, almost sponsibility ot crMrttr. A piece of sharp unanimously. approved the proposal, and practice also tends to discourage the deg 31113 telt sure the High School Board woull putics. The offenders often wait till sum"; have done the same had the matter been moned, and then, accompanied by an ac. 'fairly presented to them. Looking to the complice, go to a friendly Magistrate. i future, Dr. Ryerson said he did not feel other than the one who issued the original '. the some contidenee as the Minister of Ed- summons. the accomplice informs against f ucation did that he would be able to in- the oiteuder, gets half the hne, and hands? trodlice any amendments to the Public it hack; while the deputy is saddled with 5 School act next session or the session af- the cotgttt. The game, the re- , ter. He had recently met some of the ' port states, has increased in the hon. gentleman's constituents, former Provlnee in the past two years. Part- friends of the Minister, and from the tone ridge have increased, while the sportsmen of their remarks he did not feel at all have tthot Carefully so as to give the quail T sure that he would have the opportunity a chance of getting over the effects upon ot' doing as he suggested. Dr. Ryerson's their numbers of the Bevere winter two bill was then dropped. _ . izggshggg-y 11'ettlaet,t,',t,g ot deer has l ' an e comm ssioners s ' OTHER BILLS :READ. that dogs should not be allowed for 101:: Mr. Monk then moved the second read- ! than the tlrt.t, ten days of the season. 1 ini- of the bill to amend the assessment ( Measures will be taken to prevent the , act, by giving municipalities the power (slaughter of insectivorous birds. The un- to make triennial instead of annual as- lsettled character ot the dispute in the scssments. It was read a second time. imatter ot the fisheries between the On- without debate, and referred to the Muni- tario and Dominion Governments has pre- cipai Committee. as was a second bill by Keyed New being taken to protect' the [ the same hon. gentleman to facilitate the I',), which are being recklessly shinirht- registry of mortgages and to reduce the :2)": Measures were takes to restock ' expense thereof. ":59"? streams with trout, bass, pickerei ' The House adjourned at 5 o'clock. 'UII'D. A steam yacht is absolutely TteccBsary to Btop the spring shootin and NOTICES OF MOTION. incessant poaching in Canadian 'Wt',,','.',', The Attorney-General-mill respecting "night" American frontier. Few amend- the duties of Coroners. also bill to make sup; '3 {with act are recommended. It is further provision respecting the Botem- 'wmi? er ' however, that Bec. 4, sub-sec. b, nization of marriages, and to extend the . Sm e prohibits the purchase or sale or F power of the High Court in respect ot 't'l'l.'ltvw2tit,'k' partridge, quail or wild . stunting maintenance to infants. Changed etore September 15. 1MM, be . Mr. Meredith-Return showing what re- till 1897 . i: a! to enlarge the protecuon . auctions have been made in the past ten make 'he at clause eight be changed to , years in the amounts payable by any mun- January o't"J1',d",',alon for muskrat from V 'iiciraality to the Province in "nape" ot ping only duri Ry l, but to allow trap- i drainage works or advances made ff) eight sable or ng April; that in clause such works, giving each municipality sep- the dates giv marten be BPluck out ; that I araie'v, with the amount of the original Sons be bothenias the limits ot open sea- imier,d/unesse, and the amount of the re- Sub-sec. g be 1feep,j that clause 11 duction made with respect to it, and the resident 'i'tn'ledi'l :11.ng to allow any non- authority for such reduction, and showing tario to take 'l/pid r(Bense to hunt in On- , also whether any of such municipalities, deer or less which fl, the Province two " and if so, which. are in arrears in respect taken by him upon 11lt been hunted and of the payments to have been made on A vided ; that dogs b.e ing the permit pro- the reduced indebtedness and tne amounts f l after October 31 . ten 'lf", allowed for deer in arreur. f be abolished. excepta Sec, M, _Suh-sec. a, Mr. Daciv-Bitt to amend the municipal . , Provincial Becretai. as referring to the act. , J l persons may he a y, and that suspecteq Mr. Ryerson-Bill entitled an act for, l deputies. arched by Wardens or the reclamation of incbriates. Al I ;

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