. I -7r"r'""T'"""'-T" " ' / / -"'e8""'""'"R-qltIlle""" _ .. .. . Roi/6'94 w'" - . _ J -, ' r "r..e'tib--Ttte. some, -' "it; a i' -. tmp. 3 . SN' , _ T pet mile merrwte on the rain ' . in Me' would coke. 'iii Bjiir2Eiirgiililllll! _ 5 Ontario. . * JI i, -iiMmit,t:t'd ,,eyttti?t,sttf.; r"", 1".x73 " "tillllll iE . rm." 'tF.ADttrag. : ..' . . _ MMllllM iiitd I". "9"" ' 'tlm, ' NI . _ . ' . I" . The followtmr bills were " tr. . ' - 7 . - I " . read " first time _ _ tit: 'styt'e1 Q2mlllltr,'e,, M ' LI ra M l '" . ., ' m. "KgBl.5Sahm' " " " a,'fl'rd.,",'/'.nd the munieiei ttj4tiiito, " ' tgfteg'd't, 3:" Pd 21-31:". A. ', . "l I 'r'? .,,. a. t'g..'f+' et. To ""'""1"muaiaiebet:.riute. "my... . I represemm on! 'irii'i3IElil BE iiiil, " To amend the act respecting monks es-- ottr' ' 1er:3jt3.AI 'dPr - "in; B, , c, Mr. Barr (Dune ). ". J _ omoial, Ttlfii'i1tyliiit?,ia'it'tit G't% . tti " u "To amend than respectintr executionq- . iiittttrtait,ttt. ', 'ers, Lwl":.'l~.."r"fd 'r""", T,& i i. r. Ihtte. . ", ' . ' I Jiii'ti'iiiiisiiidoli . " . '.'e . ' Te amend the assessment aet--Mr. Monk. .. . "2:3: Axiom _ "Y: ,9}. "t "is"; ' iiil?ut'h'"lr1dti.t'jt t'espel t4ng Cot'onerry- 3",; C,y' Mr. Meredith said the omcial in nu ' .'. To amend the general road companies! V - . was Mothnldless. He Ihad been- ' ' 'Cu"' _ act-cur. Wood (Brant). i _ _ frmnlu. mgrititon if ',tihenot.iflti11tl"1ed?d i 5 To atttet ' r, " [ ", e 'e )ecause 0 now . , -. -~ ' White. Cl, the Division Courts "ct-"",' mic. He had been manning turnips ""1de . To a ' r "g,t,'l,rgtecMMtge wn, or something ot the kind. w j .gmgarm 3332. at? menu = "u., _d - . . _ 1. rdy said uur. 'Mtreddth%' . . 'MrJMonk. very "mum. or; _ 4.--», AM at also bu m" THP. GIVING or GttATt'tTrr'..% oips were not planted, "r, . . _ ) Gtr. Meredith moved for an orb-r of the , Mr. A. F. wtof came to Mr. 8 ' b.%Eiiiik I 3. House for u rrturn of i||')it'.~' of all cor- rescue, amid the laughter ot the) .r ' vmspoudeswe and 'vpc't't.s with rczurd to with the remark that the comm!" ~ s: the appiiL-aliioii or claim or Swim-1 Spick- also had a limited knowledge on the sub-l tttd.l. formerly uh mnnloycc in m-- insane _ Jet-t or he would .know. that turnips were' , ' Asylum at London, for u iiracuity or al- planted for Seeding, though not upside: i luwani-e on "tis new ling to ln- tuu:olovsu1 in down. . . than public m'r'vicc of flu: Provinrc. \ir. .rl'he subject then dropped, the motion be- Meredith said the ooh-nu minim! in 'nic, ing carried mrdthottt opposition. t l uuestlou was in tho erervitua of Ur.- Liovern- , . ... u i ment form i870 until "191 as master tailor i THE "LESS! PAW " 'SAMTLXoR. _ J 'in the I;uliduii Asylum. tn his earlier- '. 'Me. E. P. Clarke moved for tbtt "w t , l Yours hi- u as in tin- rtavasl menu.» He at the House tor " retuttn of a 009)? ot th', _ I W43 a with with a family of ten children. ( report made to the Government in 1893 " wr i H- "as "ml of can..." mum. of all n... I Mr. J. K. Stewart,- Provincial lnapecpr " , I ci."cur.t.st'arvlt'm' of the also, but ttriiteea i Licenses. respecting the nperation ott 27 Fl l then- was 5111.0 suUstntit'tul mus-m to the l i license law in the City of Hamilton, h' 'd contrary hr did not know why thc rrl'ar'- ' the accommodation provided by the plied: l ticc thud had so long prevailed, of wtving ' licensed in the city. k gramme: to retiring .iiiiciuls. should have 1 Hon. Mr. Harcourt said the returns i "Us" discontinued in his talus. tle wus i, would be. down in a day ol' two. """va- i zuurrv tliets Wayi n trr,riltitice of opinion The-House adjourned at 3-45. '-, l us tr tho prim-ml:- involved in in" airing 7 i of gra".uiis. ili- did not jun. now cit-six" RttYAL COMMISSIONS. I l to dist-ow thut, but merely to point oat i h return was presented on the order ot that at large- numun: it? tummy lid-i Tim-n the Assembly, on motion at. Mr. 'Marter. _ l inti in thc shape of utatttitiee, i i all kinds I showing the number of Royal Commis- l of retiring niilciuis. whilc nu em cplion up- I sinus issued since Confederation, togpther l wedded to hun- inn-n tttnut. in th.- cam- of 'with the date of the issue thereof. the Sill-knell. if Mr. MEL-km" "as cmitlwltu 'subjects inquired into, and the costs of i this gnstult: tte should l'u-l-i\~-- ii. lf tie each. with names of commissioners and I was not i-ntiiicd to it 'ilv' who?! 'n- glmi "mount paid to each. The return shows ', to lt-tttut the ground in Lit.' mum. i. would that since ('onfederation 'G' commissions ' mwcr do if otticluls, v.31!) till not Volt. have berutt appointed. The f.trat WI. ap- 'exzu-tly in rho liovrsr'nncn: warm-vi . pointed August 21. IR69. and related to l stimuld he dcpritud or :hcir escapes of prisoners from common goals. i chuncc ot' it urtidfiy on r-tirins. Mr. Langmuir was the commissioner, and . lion. Mr. (Hilxuli, in reply, riiswl no he being an onicial of the Government. l objection to ilte return c mung d no n. H. bis duties as such cost the Province noth- g 'utlzn-izted it "as (row in. Govrc.nttvon' had . .ing extm. Of the entire 88 commissions in l been in the '31:.idt of puyinr' p,t'atuitites tnly lwelvo cases were the commissioners from mmc to Ctue to nilicvi's or inn tu- paid otticials in the service of the Govern- tions and xvc-rans holding sim-ilur posit mm uncut, in other cttses performing the work 2 to that of lhc in'r'sun in lilivsth . i'lli'h in connection with, or in addition to, their I gvatu'riirss rad bum] paid with tlr. nuihori< culinary duties. . I ty of the 1louse .il'hi without oitpositi m. Tho tivst paid commission was appointed. 1 He halt .wl 1htey hurl now-r hm": any-n- Septemuer 19. Im, and was on law refurm. r 1 od to ' t't mainly Lil» principle hmi never It consisted of Hon. Adam Wllson. Hon. J. ' . been objected to. A-s t-p,atus this pir- w. Gwynne. Hon. S. H. Strong. Judge J. / i tksui'ar case he was surc, "hen the papers it. Gowun. c. S. Patterson, Thomas Mons. were brought down. they Would ulna-v; that The costs of the commission were $1,014 58. _ thfs man did {lift r"xactly' ifuiii.' ttttdia" Ihr. _und tiw cotTimisrionett, received $3,'i00. _ class of cum-:- that the Government had _ 'i'ite second paid commission was ap- been in t,he intuit or pdying unituitics on , ponted June l, ik77, re the Canada..." account of. Gratuities "rh- nu' mid to Ctitiprny. It consisted ot Bir w. 'lgttt"t5 men who \x'vrn- albinism-l foo .'i" sr-rva-c i land and Messrs. Z. R. aroetti'iiiGC.v and . ot the Liovernmem for uny fault or their :Jauncs Noxon. The ccsts of the commis- own. Thor Wei-u paid in those who wr-at' *sion were 81.588 Kl, and the commissioners out in tht yvtwlctt of the Governincui, or i roccived 81.7.35 25. _ Whose insitiuns had inn-om.- unno- ".is'.l'y l Tin third paid commission. and the "and who W-'I'r "udde.rrly thrown on ind:- ifwth commission appointed since Confed-, min ro<ourccs and compellcd to unite u "ration, was appointed April 7, 1880. to ln-I _ living in sonrc other my. When .i mum's quire into and report on the agricultural misconduct "as in question he was up: rcsourws of the Province. The commis- e-ntitled to a gratuity on leaving im- seiu sinners wen- Hon. 8. C. Wood, T. Ballun- " vice of the (law-rumour in thc pro-sun: tytte, .l. Ii. Ayleswovth, Wm. Brown. John F udrt. thope ind hem no miSconduci in the "admin Thomas Stock. Andrew Wilson, ordinary sense oi tho ttt.'it. but the utli- .ll'illl ilrydcn. Wm. Saunders. Eli H. Hil~ vial in question had 1mm found to be cn- Ltrru, J. V. Wiscr. Edward Ftyrne, John tirely inefficient for his position and McMillan, Wnt. Whitelaw. Rii'hard Gib- wucuerut of the mat-rial that. as the mas- son, Francis Muirulm, Alfred H. Hyman}. tet. tailor. he "an culled upon to won; up Edward Stock. The commissioners re- ro the best advantage. The mun came to ceived $e,8Co, and the costs Wtut'ta 'u.0t.'l so, i _ him two or threc years um), and on his Thr. fourth paid commlssion. and the 47ttt own showing 1hrs sptuket' would have been in all. wur appointed July b. 1h'85, It con- glad to recominsmi the payment ot a mu- :45th of James Shaw Sim-lair. J. W. Lang.. tuity to him. but on the t'opresent:)tous Imuir and Dennis A. O'Suliivun. it; dung-g. mud-e to him by the Superintendent of the . . . .. T. i 'A' i,2inqt tttcd lnyiitu'tbon and on the report of the in- ":"p to iyyy"ie'y1t', ""3""? fy/lr, com-i ape-cow who inquired into the facts and " nrdcn or tin-'Lcntral Prisntt. . ik in', "dvisod um Stickiiel-i was not .'ntitl-'d to tniereioners received $1,4ik) each, ',t,,i.,)lis2t)c'ie'i, , a gzutuity according to the practice of the all, and the CONS ot the commission Idonutrattan-t of the Crrrverntnent, he ft!te "",lfy1n, It", ' . i the tGth itt "peskert could not do anything. His 1 ll "i., .rtl,t.,.r.t1l.','t 'doll,',','):,',', I') f) .1887- re hands were practically tled. The best ex- a , ','?'r "l""i""" etem u. .C' .7 '. I V I. .... 7 . 7 ..c. . spilt-ting piovertiment and laws (atoning mandolin] of the whole case would be the ' . . . . . . . " ' t . . . _ . 'SV T ' mnmcipil ittstitutions. The cotnrnisshrttettr retain "licd .t "as inought down. and he werc Hon T W Anglin Wm. Houston _'gt,.1'.dt','.t', that tt V\ Ib.", Dt ought down at an i 1'e,t,iU'1s,,1:,d",1I'iut'r') '2'it),"',"J,'e"t',rfi'.' I 3 - -. .. _ , rcce ve 1.," ' am $? co 5 w . _ i f).".?,:'.?','.?'.?,".!! asked who with 2,.", ell",',".'; The until. paid commission, the 68th in i liozl'Whghhuf'] ""319 1lt'J.it',." reterre to. all, was appointed May Mith, 1888, to in- l ) urn st',',',,',',:?,'.; 1','r,i Hts-cried "range that ro!ire ityto the mineral resources of Chr. i _ _' A h id. u' i" G , rt.. 'f 'trr", uric. The commissioners were John ie, man s on .em.in tt. e airiitet . " Charlton, Robert Hell, William Coe, w. i,Govertuttent for twenty years and then ll Moe ' a B .ke A 1. t t be u ' , t for m, . . "Pritt, it. McKellar, n. F. m ' C'. curn ou o t ll" e didn't" ent ' Blue. The cummiqslonem reciived $6,435 lwork. He was quite until-lied that if the ge, nnd tho costs were "rn IU. Provincial Secretary would make a per- T ; ' , he sev. nth paid commission, the 79th sonui examination into the affair the would in all. was uppointed July G, MBO, to coti and that. there was some other reason for leet information regarding prisons. ho