Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Apr 1893, p. 3

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ti6N "We glad to know t . ., F'ii?,i'ijr5!!t', t.rr1,s'i>i Cr"- V F ' _ _ hat "'e "A", TU T o . Erasers health was hugely resrtored. H '1, M'. LE P". i adi"tSltW, hoped it would continue to improve so 'g - W the . - - be", .M that the house and the Liberal Dirty My diatr$trtned an: the ""rhrtirrF' might have the advantage or his sound vhtee. . .. I . wisdom and Judgment for man-y "an to ' The convictions Tamarind qs.It . P. . come. (Apputtseo cent. of the eonuMtrmenta, being a a ' _ The house rose at 6 o'clock. the l te - .. less than that of loss year. which my 'tion-init to have an evetstng Nah; ' 66.66. Thie mouowl'ng taible Myth. _ . l, but, on account of the desire of many of / ot the prisoners convicted and " t' . l the Consorvative memhers to attend the / tioniylltties, «melons domination" , tnnual dinnvr ot- the Young Conserva- / . conditions, habits no doctrinal 5 tive assoyiation, an adjournment was / of the onsonerat?mm"t":- lh _ image im..ieil.'.:i!vly alter the speaker took f " Bex.- . the'choir at 7.30 o'clock. _ 189; 1 . 'Mr. Smith (York) has the ttoar and Mam.....-............- M 1,599 " will cominuc the debate on nGUiiv Fomole......................,..... 1,010 886 , o l __.____ m'".".-.- LEUISLATION' To BF, PRoPOHEty, i N u liti 6.483 5395 _ . . l . ttttB OI. .ur/v'eo,,t':t'f or the Cllciirur bills has been, 'r 1tt2f?,tgtflti:c::y.:.:::.: tg, {398? . .-- lorninl'n an . B.........'..... , [c.Mrl. ief3.,tah/s',r,'ii"'liy to amend the muni- l Born?)Inafolnda.................. Htl Lg l pa. ac 2 also l respecting un - orn nb'coi an .................. _ ing and omtsa1ming. g Adertak Borluniho United tttatm'..-.... 653 547 Mr. 1tpmsrrBr.l to "mun," and any)" Borninotborcountriqa........... 292 214 date the now respeetinut _t'no income and . V " 10435 MII property on the University of Toronto ', mstiairsusDoatomisttiontr. and 'University collate. ' Roman Cothoiio MM, 1239 A .. P.. . - r". ' ...--............. a 11'} law" Bill to amend the munl- .Cliuroliol isftiirlkitc.......r-...-M3f, 2935 p. t . iereytrr,t.etiau--i-- 1.362 mm (Mom. PRr'UhhHr, nrrTtttsraroRrr.s. ' oh,'tctth1ituiii,iciiac.y.y.:.y.y.: Td La Thhndis ti//,i',,t.ttu':11'v/; reading. in the well.. ons........... 'rairi ---'- ;)I'Up:iri' t'thvor' ii In: lilsp-ic' Ir " pt-is- , a ons and pull": srliapkigc U") ., -., l aocia1CondiUonn. . Att' . tlt C mum-n Kiwis. iii'muns and it'iormcrn-tos of the 1 l pruVlllC". and um tlt' luuw salisractor Married,..-......-...... ve' MM, fVa,rupo of it is tint .t iili-ces stir, C,'. _ Unmarried ..........'............ era, "i'iii is',-'- diminution in crime. Ins act r c' . -- .._.._... i Chnntlr,r :iii .uuys" '.--- p o K Habits. Ith%8 0H .. 1 ttttt ',r 0 s wl to ho able to Papxrt that Temperate 3,W? i "a'.. aiming flu! pus; your there has beer, a ' e....................... 7.616 fizz-tilzer liiz'gv doL'tux:tse 'tt crime thrmizh- lnteinpcruto.... .................. _'_.... LA?! out tho procintus. tot. number of commit- 10,425 Mu lids l-i'iiii: Lil: leyo, than lust yam which Educational Status. i (so shttw"l. " wonderfm dr'Yreatt as Couldrendnndwrite... ......... M36 7.155l "'rTV..rt"t d with a numiwr of yoirs pri-v- Could neither road nor writo.... 1.937 L856; lous. in n" 1,"le since 1873 have the cow _ ----.- -2=,, mitiziis bin-u L4t i av as in tho past year, "ll w'r.hrlt W" "W accounted tor by tlte Pnt'r- Q,t,t1'gerf'u2itrlinog,tyirt1t'e','l,'2, , - ' :;.-:i--.-. ckitttt f " '.e T '.tttt' lm i . u .0 " p with": "XI. J)';',.)',.'.,;:',' J,2,',r5,f,fi'i1i,',2e, "a": the close [the post. otticial your, undo the '.' . . . I L' .' . J", or ' ycn- prv.cediag,is exhibited in tha (allowing i ninvlii'in'lon of the cond tion u. our pour summary y-- -'.-orkim: classes. The further deerease 1891. 1892. of 373 committuist for Jruicentrass, as Inihocommongania............... 568 527' against than: of 1.29: your. wnich ttrioweU tnthecentrolprison. Toronto... 337 28.5 a. ova-case ot 939 as compared with the "1:21:51: fl,',",':,")'.'.?. tor boys Reno 185 168 lyecrr W30. is a striking proof of We tood in tlusretorutatoarr for foulolcsond Work that ls being done ttroughout the rctugo forgirm, 't'orotttu_...,... 121 110 province by the efforts of organizniom Itt..tho Dominion pcnitontinry. tor thc arlevitrtion of the condition ot the kinkstou.......................... 676 , masses. T , m " F "Tho ti1tertlon is o-fiv'i asked, How cani I. ' a» - - . . J." ' , In 1878 the trsol expenditures an -= ' '. tusiinr -Vil ot intemiwronm be . _ -.. . . 'aw, ', stt,e,ci'i'e1t..i, 5It (is a diliicuii 'iuest.on to to 3133.11" and $135,'706 in 1593- During ttiE 1 wcr tor in the (no " we", cttort year iU persons wtre4rryy"soned tor debt. ' in iid,' whim-H," by progressive leglsla- Mr. Chamberlain ins this to say of the tion the ~unnvvarying din-rig of the clerKY. .I'NCL'W' of conirnltrng old and entwined the noble» work of our w'rtttett. the reduc- '"yii'?ltls to the 8110317- , -t " _ tion of licenses and the imposing of high 1'he greatest dittheurt..v m the 9:09" "cons-.0 tees there seems to be but slow management ot our gains and the classi- " i.uiii'a'Giru" tho "vit. It is true "cation of prNom'rs and maintaiteng {lif'l grout reduction in the number of c.tsastr.ittess and discipline is amused by iiiiir,i)ti"a'L' for drunkenness is shown t.ht. Judges, police magistrates ' and {during the past tow years. Sim the evil justices or 'the peace committing abounds to such an extont as to awaken to the gums. under the vagran Iii feeling of alarm in the minds of all act, old people" (men and wo- F, professing Christians. for undoubimlly men) who are gu-iiiy of no crime._but t drink is the ("use Of a large pm- ceniug? who. on account of poverty and inability ot all the crime, destitution, misery and to cum-n for ifhmnsel'ves a 1vtpo.e: amt I tneglect that exists In our midst. I am liLLV'Ji'C: P.? friends to undertone the re- conar?nced Hunt the question of suppres- "prms:biitr.v of thelr care. have no other sing the liquor traffic depends upon the "s'nfter. Phes? WM"? are committed prest'ttt mode of attach, M demsonstraied from yon- tr "or. and in some cases',. by the dwwased number of cumniiilals lune found lyyy, to Ira,ve beett r EM foe. drunkenness, namely, by touching our ousx)' in "unwind: Pr tive or Il,', ' " f children In the public schools and Sun- anus 1sractltctCs'y hummus our ga:0.s De day schools the evil effects of the use of H.", county voorho'"hTs. Up to 'satgt 3'ectir intoxicating liquors; the err-ms puttorth I'lxm- hook-SS new»? were compryled to . by the various temperance organizations, "I'"" vel'" clothing and to subsist On the adoption of the more 'wise course of p.Cs"n (LN. and to suit: an extent was _ . counsel and example to the young men "-3 system pursued thut " wus "qu l of our land by those in sooral and tttsan- n 0'65?!er to notbfy 11m: ctrunty.13tr1,ciiis cial positions. nvuklng the social drinking t at 1tity.1fs,te,t', DOUi' I',':,"'),', Iii',.':,?,"",';.));? a: usage' um only unpuptsl:tr, but in reality , igriinis should not )c ciotlw Vi t. pri- . ' . . . i C " - 't clothing and shunt-d be oxixwed a. mo N . a bar to good 50".. y . a wiae and pro . l d'. h h t "idea I) rt ._ gri-ssive 1eIislatiou, to aid the people as . 'm ];el.t an t lb "lCT,"l th : l ' -', fast as they or: prepared to accept and "I".".', rs' 279mg, ".50. l'Pf a . , eaery out the legislation offered. Tttee county 'dO c'rorjies vim", Sec' the necesfl ' late 'the 1mm upon which I think the of yyy'y.?t', i_','Ji,',tl'if,"',',')' h'yitrs,'.'oi'jfiig,',', most good can be atvi,mp'.ishetl, and lw- for thus (33.5 011:3.118 331'; ft,'"; ":33 Hove they -wi'l be fat more ett'twttt.rl than 1':yi.1! "will? tcc:)",',,",':",.)', Oil ti Ill? til any arbitrary legislation at the present "ron I s l tr, t'ompe1.t'k to CP.""' e film?" . . unint'y 1ui'tfi'.rittti,7 to build aiiiilitfns to H ',, 1 , l :i-s mitted ill" wnos Ot' (no speed. are am com- igtg,ntqtt'iQs.'t",./l:1.1; EV}: l1.21:3 (if; 01:11 fort of those ind/Tent people, as "F" can- tii it)? and the numbvr of mint fomales risot be :1: yowed lo (""ny the col 3:).dfw 145 inn; Tho n'umiln-r of hovs under six- rimms' and :,"Tr,i,"',','it,', witieh are "eyrut' " B..r. .- ".rh,, ' I.., 't' .\ . . ' teen years of one and also of gins undvr in vim iruniim. classes. I nm neas', T sixteen years whi'iws a slight bnicroase 1.» he in)» to report that during the' 03m those of 13101. Thu total number of "VS" sy.t.yi./"/, the, ','tl'J,'.iti' "/o,ee",t2g',sat omanittrals for "in: was 9.011, as compared hum! provided Pl, ustrii, h vine. In 'il'l'l,' 10 42.; in 1lsol Tina comimlt-irlls ot runny other 1rounl'les throughout the pro- SS " imaf'i-u for iie. were 7.613 G CfrtT1- v.'tttus in." moving in that d'.reetion, and ulna 1'iri""di/i, irui.' ;i'h'e committal" i uni in hope that in the near future par dutt 'aiur,, far lilQ" were 1.,'M8 as mun-y roomy or group of ooiiniics will 353mm Mini-501 in 1in The commit- "W" provided surt'a1tie acevmmodation tails of boys umber sixteen years of age "f thou" pain" {My} eihe And ew .i for 1892 were 446, as compared with 421 in n tht n Pt r. M T r .a _c 1891. The committal}; of girls under His- ',i1,0"/',1i1t,','P' Pi ','tgy"'it nihereoi:'l i " f w, , ' . , ing a in: o -n e number l I teen years o we tor 1892 Wert '58' us in 1891 the total number in ousuody - 201, while in 1892 were wcrc only '""i

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