Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Apr 1893, p. 5

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F Hakim" White, member' "tor North] l Br", _' _ rrsgPrF ' 're'?'", 'l' 331333? He dealt with the cost of lg iii,' lr, rim ESTIMATES. [' 3:31" ' a I h' mtgtttt at age, and claimed that they] it " estimates ofthe eXpWi'of " ti h pl! up quite as cheaply "people 'mince for the year ending I.- th.' I t l:oug. t. Bolero everything was paid for [were presented by Hon. Me..' Ati _ 'tt. T ey would had that the cost would be "the hattrt ttt1eyet5 expeoitt.ueitpttt ettpi. i nearer two million dollars. Ho could eii- rent WWW H's $2,945,h22,; onxosfiital sc- , h done all that had been said regarding count, $690,161; 1o.ttyLry,1:,tyose.te'$tH15.,, oe'; yeut.:9ov. Kirkpatrick, who was fill. f grand total of $3,5iW,185'. The amounts} "if hiss position with satisfaction to ----------""---, m_.C,i, - A l 'l d concerned, "a he chaired tho to he voted and the amounts voted last ea or of the house on the loyalty speeches laat year are " {OWNS tdi'., _ ll; had been delivering daring the past your. Dit. tl,.,',',',,',',',',',",','):?": of It number of coinmis- i Civil go ' 'lei, 1892. derenee [is a. on appointed and ex- . yernmont. 245.95 8 M0.089+ . .395 pressed the belief that they were nnneces- uetitf,ihit'?giicc ii 121.700 "41600." 1"fli, a . 33%;. and would not lead to any great re-l , sit,"dttit,,y.y.y.r.: 400,702 . 401,(B9- 997 Thi l - . iriiriCiiaiGiGG' 668,746 666,026+ Iardo, th s c osed the donate, and, on motion of I nmintetttutctt . N' 614 835 77 o tt,torrte.rgener,al, it was resolved that 1fiir7iiiiiiGirCC. 8:160 16003: "as; an address in reply to the speech should he 1hgtitfu'hf',', .. .... 176.857 1ii,'iiii+ 2:24: ted to the liout.-govertyrr by such l'l'el, 'sand char- 1 fembers of _r1.1e house as are also members aiaiaiiiiGrinri 64.949 Ita715+ 1S.2M l 0 the executive council. 'itrip,', of joint , Tl government- NO MORE DISPLAY. vtl,lt'ieif,ihgii, . .. 43%.480 59,898+ 11 582 . . J .. . .zs. 'tsts 450,456+- 612190 ReitrfPtrtothyr military and social dis- tel'lig'ga1"iiai; 53595 36,918-- 3,33s 3.113; at the opening of the house, Mr. Mere. Charges on crow: Rr,3h0 9b.6N-- 'dbo it expressed the hope that in future there lattdt: .... ......... IN 309 136 209 . would not be so much displa but that Refund account.., 25501 . /d "T 100 the l y, . Miscolhtncouai . ' ia11lof 386 . rewou d be a return to that democratic ponditum o et 9 tritnplitity whie.h had been introduced at Unforeseen undon- 4.600 166,705- 6Wi)85 l ', _ preceding openings. provided......... 50.000 50000 The 'st.tynt.ygen,.erel replied that it was ii,-iG,Tiiir- -..LCe..5.C1, ----.-- not the intention of the government to re. or the a,r,ourdier5,' 8k472,227+886.958 l peat the dinghy, which was of n special count $476,316 lslror volts? on capital ac- Chlrscter omng to it being the first 000m 495 for pwbllc (df/ld' mildc 'tl/lit")',','; $18,- yon, on which tho legislature had assembled onizatian roads. The $73 501 if tor col- ttt the new buildi ' "other . " T "' D voted for mg. Dulposcs 15 0 fund account. or 'l the re- BUDGET DEBATE posrrosim. ly/ll toy public blilldingsumollm o owing Fit 1" . ' it: When the announcement was made that new Dullanigist t"iiuii'/,', account ot the l the budget speech would be delivered to- the detailed ft'h,"/'d'f,'Parjs' ted appear In i day, Mr. cum), and M r. Meredith objected Equipment. furnishing L'l1ftl,'t'ri,",it-, that the notice was too short, and in defer. new paliamiynt mud depa,trtment 'l" e?, of encetotheir wishes th, budget was oat ings, laying out ot "for. d a bulld- ported until Tuesday. p - bulimia" crmttylnatlon aeclil'if' task," I ' s: t linings, $23,611. ' . . gas ' 1 Iron. Mr. Dryden then invited the mem- hu/ses, etc., for vaults "£13; .ry.1eay PieTeoit l hereto Visit the Ontario Aurrie ' elcctMe en"in . ' " ' to complete I s,rrieulturtsl col- tl cs and elevatots 814 ' (r ego at Guelph to-inorrow (Friday), and to vetwtia,n blinds for windows $3 Go . .430 ', p enable all to participate in the invitation it stacks, tsublets, reading (1'3.ng "i ' lee) 'se (was decided that when the house rises to- f/)Itdt."/t founu-z-s, Shelving; Quill? . ' ' . . ' M', n, i r _ ' y I l 'ht if!" small adjourned until Monday. l fuiuiishings, affiliate-find 5,e"ei,1.H furniture, ouse a journed at 5.30. llnrnry, id'd,i1'ffQ, "t,c.'iid,t, poetomce, inst room, trout e .. s at, read- rnm PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 'ir'i,' and 0 ' room, Queen's i - . a the . , ' Dr n T nights. (")nlnll'L" Ufllceg speaker's apart- he push ie accounts of tho province tor duh r I. the mwms' rec'epticn rof I the year onding Duo. 31, 1892. which were rim: J/hm', smoking room, public (1'3: Mid on the tuble by Co. Gib-Sm show iiiriiC. C'., $40,000; cortualetion of iiecrric that upon Che' i"i'iuif,.viiCp,r,v'iirrriCr"i', war- it?" dllIl Pcewr'r Wiring. etc. '3 000 . If". rants "r,0.000 "'18 spent Jill f P .5 out or grounds, completl" ' ' Jay- urgent 'ptttnrv"irvr. 3mm all,",',.),','.'), JI.','",',') l'égomenm, eoncrt"Aing etc 'ill', of roads, C money for the twinre mgmhs i:,'i'ti1ifi.'1,itf, $6,991, . ' ., 6,000; total, Dorme,mber.1802, was 33.699.907.15 of Rink "Willa Irrim"ipa1 ditreremees it . _ thorn was expended $3,411 '00 ' I , " l are Undul' the head a ' will be ' .01.. 26. Tm, tut .. _.. _ of Publi . . . l MI nisrnairue . 'c' . C 1mm. amounts vott d and unexpended tocai tem - "r- -r . , "04ng where thene f 169 90, the ow, t'XDanitui-sg iitiii: ".'i'ii'a "if" f'tj, $he,Irit, mainly in ob s a de- the over drafts of "ppt" mriatlons fl] I'm. 76 wi the f tmlral prison ; Public l ttnection ',2,1 rect'ipts trrrr,oiintt-l to taunting-1' 11fnrtCdttr,ti,iis an increase 0; tgiiilgot'ngs' min P us as Cor'irws :--lt,tl: "' _',.'", ," '.. ' ' ' , f or n the hi . is ' no- .319318; COIl'9'"id;i,?i-~l i.r'iy,?,,',1f/.1 21;? It): ( (oilniieous. where thing": it"? and mls.. 5417.861 29; opeH "Noun" , .. (K5t 1.. "r l 08.». notiwlbhsrctmiinss 'ili),ljr"c,'l':,','i' ot $63,- of anni ft H' k D "/d 'd, 07; Site Columbian 0-: . C? .."r, voted far the 11 mm. $lfl09)f', 21. Phe rovonue from $15000 vot d :mibiiion. in addition to th censes Whig $'.YM,'7Cr708 t " , . f l ' e Wt e: . e and forests. $2,171,391 33. 1l,.f,,t"s',rm",Ir"e, l y ar 1 31:?"de in tho f"ons:,o'vidated rovnnliib 'k',10.' Att NOTICES OF MOTION. ne expmvdtituru.o, Wore :--1r, N. '5 7 . . - ornc -'ener - . . venue fund, $3,007,333 21; "CJ-li,'".),')',:,',,,",',',-,' oliico of 1'u'1'itr,'hd'i/ol to eaty.blith an $1,03'3.2T,5 1": itrvescstmrrnts in tho on"; (is! Remy Rivet. . bill b of, tht, district of special deposits. $330.'WU: Stallohon. As _ cnauics and all; I'Lspecgmg "on. of me- epunt, 6"hVNNse', or purchase (we r bu'W-i liste: bi tr."; bill respecting vol , tion. 369'. 24 Intu'lnr , l L r distpihtt.. , ill fftTeetiug dower it era /Phe foi'1,m'.'mw 'dt'lr'e,1d.'/,) "Sl I'. $63,797 39, party ', bill to extend the ti 1 mortgage pro- _ pertditu'is dunno '1": IS 3:235 the AF.- estates in heirs and devis llllebioi- vetnine those of the preecding your ._.)aared With securities in the 2rt'i't'l,e"el1l2,e.yticutiji, . . . . . . ur . ill to Compsrvive etutcuiont l amend the act vet, eetin c , I T inc 1891 und1892: otexpenditures dur. l torueyte ; bill to sl'l,r'htllud"l,u/i'tta', crown at. 1891 1898 ; foreeiuent of just ttgltta of w t to the en. Clvileovernmottt.. am 126 2 . sub-contractors, egeesrners and Lommmn "rr.'.'."'..':. 1iri.'Gi Cg 3.736.760 91 , Hon. Mr. bhatser-Bilt A1tg,i.'1s.tr.t.io.'.n, of jug. " 132,597 m l amend the drainage I I to ttomrolidue and ce.................. UL aw, Education. ._. q...-. .. 32.?5? is; :91'689 80 I Hon. yr. 1Grdr--lhii to . iiiiirciiG'itliiio'trriritG. ' 65516146 Algonquin National k "tabla" the df,1t,yi'liia-.ir.y.y.y.y. 320.516 ca 818 41.5 wl Hoi. Mr. Rom, Billie. yrITa on .r_......... r 'rt. . H - I ou' its,',ii"gi"r'llyi1,',tQ my "33:53 g 169333 (tl "','l'2 "l, Toronto. _ W' has the Uni. osp in solid 13hrtviti ... ' bp, B" ' Ott. r. Gil _ fi',',',',.',',?,' 1,'/,',1'i,','i', of 1?lll'lr. 1334333 tl 151,574 97 l, tection ot clung? d/d for the better pro- ep'nrsum mai t '.', "' ' ' . i 0 co . goggle bull tings" flint" 4:22:25 fl 32;;53 92 i amend tho mainly law nlOlldulo and u icworks _.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' "CCT. 'tr' 14 . ({olonizutiou roads 'C.' Salli (Ci-l 2112i " NOTE-'3' t?httrqosuncrownhutds 171656 47 1050656 39 The Camadian Pr 'H,t.t.t1rty,i1rc:r-.. .. .. ii/Gif 15136580 relil'cse'nled in th 035 associiatlon was 11iteilun.yurq ....... ... irigi', 21.9121] cemn-onies m T e prcM Kallery a th Aid to railways... .... I 117,815 99 guy , ' '. Hesdny and at e Annuities .r..... 26/,179 74 158 use an tarnot"s dinner in the Nut... Drama" diiGiiir'G'" 59.2mm 70:20060 if; musical". Mr. A. F Ji; evening .by (municipal) -.. . 50 " 3 Banner. . I e of TtteyD&i. Drainage (label'mm... JO? 83 33.195 til Memlnm spent ' . _ ltiioi_......._, . .. 12.000 opening or Che Lt, busy hour before th Ll": 1'll"T.".le.n.l mild ' oo 10,400 00 stocked with burgh? It/et' their desk: "soon "r......'..- ina the cr material . loronlo universit ..r. 47.11187 2,049 74 ' mileIves mmi'bir . ' and malt- 'ttp.".'.??,".'.'.".".'. 'asc 100.000 00. 60'000 00 ' I rounengs. wittt their gui.. stTiririG'r"y.y.r.C, .... 208.348 43 323.21217 ........r..... 5.10352 7m, . 29 ------,

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