T 'Cr' m I ', I Ilit l . - - _ F , i _ V , l ' is: {swims gram. ,, tr, [ WWW'émifi" ) _; M to 12,1h'l't','tgJg, South Grey, ii t . iiliuiii; ' To". dike ', "r'iitti,1httl d: i _ 'hr' _ m d tt on T". loudly of '.' isoi9ttth'tyttttrtririt " or l - ... . Welt at Dome length on ' l m att "arm _ . seen on .e 1" 'PPmntments of tho new b ildi .t, ieee {the . t m" and necessary ' . ' - bathed spent . . ttt mg, I p " Aiyshitteitokgoveroetai , iiiiT7iC'G'l1'tL'l"'ll mm In inspect. , ijrtittetet.c:,rAy lgreedz- ith the felicitn- . the rapid] _a . tlte government on I I tttma whloh'hsd been 'deli', th I vnrioln "it pprorehing completion ot the . gentleman that" followed a h e ton. Win! ions of the work. no PM". . this; who mo ed .-. .. a on. gem. . meliment to th I ' l bet e . the address upon the 'llttetet who he tsaid e "do! of the ', i ittMut chamber in which they were that. ' I lensinhnce L' h tu, had E'Ven'vdu- , I and generally upon the character f Ll " Wisesnd t egOVernment in placing 1 l, building Which wats' n . . . . o l , . .eartstutlreoGidered la . ' Whil . on inaugurated". than" book- of the Provi m argon tt t, tl,v,ti,1t,tihg,',r,ttig,hS':di,ftg:X, of, Opinion "a. nee. V 8 lie tt care Nectar. 1'l't'l,u1,th', government, the province w" a tions of the building1 izgzrgeofwfoinp Igor." merits h 'Ving a man of grist attain. tt might say that all classes ill tl',,'",',':)]',:,',' Ind '.':§ose name was a household word, 8 that it was 1litl'l'lG,"! . '. ge,ite,'d atfsettiom, on? firmly entrenched in there sutd "equate to meet J1"'"tl,o/'/ll','d - honored lead ehpeople. (Applause) Their is ty!, future demands of the /',,'21'l, 'attreat heron" ad rec.ently. passed tliroughr ll hile they could not follow the fl',',',': I Whpnthy of [3:21:23 J', which he had the ' r',',",,',',?,':",.,",',,' in all their laudutions and can: _ . r comm nit . WI ' men stious inr f ' . l they considered tl ll y P? . . e erence to the construction Sir Oliver News? inns), Bond acts Which. of thtirt.tildirw and .mnnngcment of the Intuto be k in placed upon the? commissioner of public Works . while tl ri ht t o tl, Ind his valiant defence (ll Icould not overlook circumsth hey Igotfio the Province, they eould conic tut .Which one of our own 't'1l'lti'tee'l,'l"' uni er teem no; conclusion but that he had ac.' citizen of this country was cit-chm, a"; . 'rl',',," r; It, a noble work. Relercnce haw the honor of erecting the pile which "drill; had so to the harvest. The country "ed for generations in the ' rovinee d enjoyed a fair were ro lwhile the cou p _ , an and they had reason to b th g kt lilarvcst, Icall att ', Id not overlook, and must . - e an u t th, . en ion to tl I.. . ' giver of all good for His bounty. He him: which the peop'o ',)'d',TI'r,'el""'l', under I in Tl the 1uitr.abili.ty of farmers abandon- upon the expenditure necessary to lee,',') I t!,',1"2,'J"iit,ieT/t,e, in favor of mixed farin- struction of the building thev C 'IH Bfmzcngswe stack. The accession ofthe go to a certain extent Gi. the Cd States tc party to. power in tho United gentlemen in sayini that if the ex- ', WM, he considered, favorable to the pemliture could be Ld ht , ithi , farmers of this country, and there was a limits that they said it cfuld 1ietu,11. V general eXpectation that before tho scum" not be much fault found in ti e ' t Openoduie sch l r , . t f l l ..-.. t comstruetioa. wi 1d . or u mg of Canadian cattle 0 tie iuilding. It was a source of rugl III be withdrawn, and prices for our gratification that the Joo,,"S'i1d'iu','r' of" " out . tro up in consequence, public works under whose direction these _ MR. Devon's DEPARTMENT. (it1ili'isit'ii,'t,'ai1) beon erected was able to be b The propyitioa.to afford a means where. m l 1;)II'ICB m the house, restored to com- y the teachers or the province would be rr,t,'.t1ve'Jds"'0ii, ltets.ith and able to take enabled to become better acquainted with guio'ipt' t, OHldISCUSSlons. They upon the , V agricultural topics was a good one. Of 'ly, {:1 Ion sue .of. the house admired his ! l the teachers of the province 5 per cent ills] 'di, qualities and the manner wert.mypyred in rural districts, where; |oli hm h lt conducted the damn." prctical knowledge of improved methods Ld/d ouse, on) they were glad o farming would he of great advanta e . ore to see hm" back. He was glad to The dairy school, opened during the pint "(fade one 'hme Circumstance that, to his W,', waa also a step in the right' direction. pun was "d: the robin, the harbinger of NWenty PT'., ago the dairy interests of 223%? t (apolitical hope of the hon. "my and bWeden were in an undavelop- . f) n on e other side of the house. ed state, but the judicious aid given b the IOI' many 3'9an they had been sitting in government had Placed their produgts in ile 31d lhmdBe without any. accommodation the first rank, the "ports of butter alone lor .ie ea er of the left side of the house, from those countries now amounting to tut '30:: an encellent room had been . 81Sl,000,000 annually. He had no doubt pron ll for him, and m Atis he but that a," long the butter of Ontario 2:: Jot,uit,'g,'t,et {and wisdom of . lee bo raised to the same high standard. It seemed th: tl 'nelh 0 public works. rho chem e exportsiromb'anada brought isle- gentleman influx" t e near future the hon. turn of P000,000, and in this department in which he (M Girl"? tsolccupy the position , the province occupied a leading and honor. and h l l - r. ' ere n " Md so long sat, "t position. , 'l'j1'l1d1) 1)?thle a pitice wher: 1he could . h I . . . . . e0 us eisurc tours w iconil it. 2h CLI'.',.'):'):','),'")',',',",'.,',.:"'?, att','; opposition side of tho house. He wt" €193 , _ l l . .every member for the ability and IfaunaS he regrets": "if? hspeech . from the throne the had e.x"r..ey."sd in the erection of the bomb regs which 1thit n as given to the great pm. some building in which they were assembled ignade althou h progno; ll, Ontario had and his Icrvxces would long be remembered esty , which g shy" t at (Looming mod; by the W9Vlnce. The old buildings had the hon entlemenupon t all: dblloivdi served their purpose, but all would admit ed that Ill', t t y"',,')""", fr':,: can Slat the?)V had outlived their usefulness and due to their efforts.s It Edie; we: te,"' (knit int is utter ltuilditn,r, n r . 'og. _ ' y', with the dignity of the pit?) a nl',,', 1:31:11: that they could make a retrospect. which 3:0 tape past a necessity. He was in full was a matter of great satisfaction. It ri] nick?" litwnh It proposed legislation important, leaking upon every branch of l tin? le'lllor I'""",",,',"" for the care of no- the public service to see that there was' IT, of cu (Iron. lliera was no doubt but iutrriticarion for the position, taken by at the neg ect of this class meant a com the hon. gentleman who had addressed the ttht, incl-ear of the. criminal population, house that, no province oi the Dominion b u eti'imtlo good might be accomplished and. no state of the union stood in a higher "also 'l,el%',T'd.ve1'yl of the. neglected position than did the province oi Ontario tt ht n f 10 'Led,' to be found in all large to-day. And it would be Well if not only en "'0 popu ation. upon an occasion like this, when'they MR. Mh'REluTH. were rejoicing in the inauguration of the . Mr. Meredith was greeted by loud OPPO' new building and in the fyptt year of the sition applause as he arose to speak. He second century of responsible government' begun by expressing his concurrence in in Qntario. but upon all occasions instead of the fe1ic.tationa indulged in by Mr. Allan taking a course which too often for politi- l in regard to tho appointment of the new cal purposes was taken the hustings, they lieutenant-governor. It Was an "Womb should take this View of the position which snout which he wal, sure Would be the province occupied. It Was all very pom amongst all classes of the peOple of well to. f.igh..t. about matters upon which l the Province of Ontario. m Was glad to they might fairly. divide, but under all cir- l . Pom" that the gentleman who had been cumstances the air fame of Canada should JC. T to till the high oilice was evinmug be sacred. 1.vtr.t. the Hon. gentleman's l . . interest m thcalfairs of the province observations justihed by facts? With our , by" Visiting the ditferent portions of it and Judmal system, onrlegislntive system. ttttt tFtngi2tA himself..into contact with the peo- fresst system of government in custom». 'tlt of t.ieiapy"fts It was important to the un or which every man of 21 hadthe right "mm..." _ . _ .. '. to_csst his ballotand take par-tin the ad-