Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Apr 1891, p. 5

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Agricultural College Report. Few documents that come before the: Legisla- ture nre road with creator or more general interest than the report ot tho Agricultural (whose. Tho reponhud on the table ot the {louse this your in the sixteenth annual issue. 'roudcntolamts Millsgives a nuccinutnnd inter- outing summary of the minim of the college. following which are tho reports of the various professors and heads ot departments. Aron- sidemble ounce in tho president." report is do. voted to an explanation ot the change in tho Christmas vacation mmle Mx your: ago. which had boonatttueked MIMI injury to the college nndwthe agricultural interests of tho Pro. vince byawriter whose letter nppcm-od in a number" of newspapers Mr." Mills ex- plain that formerly there were vacu- tions " Christmas and Enter ot half " month cut-h and in the summer of one month..\'ow there me only twn.nno of " mt n' h at Christmas and one of a month in minnow mt r.lle explains that the object was waive the nmtnusora an opportunity to meet the farmer. and to takeauu'tln the meeting» of farnturu' instituten. hishan been accomplished with the reunite! nmking the college but" and more favoreblI' known among the farmers and at the Home tmo improving tho knowledge bah of the farming common?" and of the pro- fersaom Ho dcciuresttowcvifr, that if it in thought better to make n change he will not oppose it. Ta" is tho list of department-4m which lectures are aye-n : - Agrlrulture. live stock 'u"1da.irtityt. natural science. veterinary science. English literature nnd oliticat econ- omy, mnthelnutice and l,'alii','..'lol'fl'. The Hon. Mr. Harcourt introduce! a hill en. titlod an act. Inspecting the Land Improves ment Act. :Thcsc bills were road in mood tinto:--. To cum-m1 tIto Arososstttcnt A t- Mr. Amy. To amend the Municipal "cg---Mr. t lilmour. 'l o mend tho Municipal Aer-Mr. Tait. The House mourned at 11.20 o'clock. The Imago iftiiniiGii"Gto committee on Mr. ttost," bill respecting the profession of sumo- 'rr.tphc'.ry. "Y. rcpprted it. _ The motion {0c the around reading of the bill mu pm. and muried, and after it the bill to amend tho 1min}: Land»: Act and then the bill entitled tho iuingr Chums Act ot 1891 worn given their socond rennin?» and all three were rvtcrred to tho mum". too of the wholo llpusuyyithont, a division. Mr. H. gGith. the member for Frontensn, who mm a I bulimia "fortrminer." uddrvwl Lhallourao for tho tlrtrt time, and was given minds of qpplpuso from both 'sides. Mr. tiol. White spoke against maul}? so radical u vhuugo in the mining teh',rg,', the Province. It would havo udi-turb nu oifoct. on eatrituiists-an "ttttet which would be bad for ttttind/tspa., _ _ _ 7 __ - - -- "__ V..- __..r-.......r...... ._. u... ...........,. Mr. linyside spoko for tho extension of "root. libomllty to tho prospector and mode an inter. esting mtntribtttiott to the debate. Tho hon. metubor hm a humorous way of Vining thinxn, and It mm in speaking ot tho di llrulLy of damning n Inomuro that would command itsolt mull parting that he sold ho Ilshod ho could dnl'tn [unsure with regard to it that would be sattshtctory to hitttkelf. With much of what the Commissioner of Crown bonds haul Bald ho was in sympathy. but ho "ms of the opinion that tho roraltioa would be a barrier to deAurlopy!cttt,, _ 7 charfc. This he thought would stimulate im- mod no development, and would meet. the oh. jnullnnH of those who were oppm d to the wyuity. HeconNuded hin speech by declaring thut he would not by any word assist in tho i",tt'tiiih? bill w nich would embarrass the lmpor nt industry; ho mu matiMed that the measure could not have the ammo the hon. member for TVest Alumna had Predicted. Feeling as he did about the question. he "Ould support the general terms of thud". Speeches Against the Royalty. Mr. Caldwell. North Lonark's representative. in u nttietananncrcd spenkur whore m"'uman~I nrelogimliy nrrnnged and presented 'G lucid language. In discussing the tttrested Immu- tions he showed femininity wiUtthointcruit, with which tlieydenll. In his view, it. would he by actual work and by the export. of mints. rals that the Province would "at the largest, :mdlquickcst returns of prelim from its mining um a. Mr. A. F. Campbell. the roproumtative of East Algoma, supgiormd Mr. ('enmee'n position in opposition who bill. "in "much was a 'i'gQl"ur,1','iotrggvf, review of what he con. celled." "the nypfTaty'ents of tl.toiruluarrr, d ,, -e'"_.. an" "I"Ilt wruzlt'uu Mr. DM'in' bill to amend the was (-omidvrcd by the select. morning and adopted. Thore qua-Linn whether or not, from tho h ll, it [nude thr rapist'vrlny it referred to cunwuisorv. - - '..-'.'n1\.1| v: "o I!" we. All tho cmnpulsorv thin out, and M tho bill will [or I gives to the onginours the attth aR,iry,ttrt: yy.Ortunt certiflt-nl -- "e"'""""""-"' WC The select. committee to which the mom. to the Mcdiuul Act was referred all in claimed. Mr. '1 an": bill with Pie.", to station gincorflrwtu dismscd of y the salve: 1 an», ' " A-~-*~--' _ u... ..._..M. 'r. .._r... a... umwn. mama a petition befrwe tho liou,w. this utter-noon. lt Miami an amendment to the Municipal Art citing to awry city of not loss than 1.45.000 population: tho power to pines by-lawr, for tour purposes :-For thc elm-lion of uldcrmvn front the city at hugo or partly from the city M. Lin?" and partly from ward» ', to providc for tho ho ding of oilicn hy alum-men for term» ot threo yours inn-Lend ot one "an M nt present. and for the retirement "acl: your of ' nu-Lhird of the ultiu-rmon ; for tNF during or hddillk to tho murmur of uhiormcn to be alerted : to "xtend thl- Polling hours at municipal cloctinuu until "t o'clock in the (won. ing : provided always that no mush by-law shull lun'n uny force or MIR-ct. unless tho mum shall have been approved by tt vow of a majority of the clcrton. unillic-d to Toto in the election of a mayor in such city. Pour Select, Committoea' Work. l "" _ _ AI . Hamilton City's Poititlon Tho Corporation of tho City of Hut the hum! at Hon. Mr. Gibson. placed ti befoyv tho Home this afternoon. lt amendmunt to the Munn-inul Art Petitions. A petition from the Business Man's Associa- tion of St. Catharines was presented this "tutr. noon by Mr. liiscott. that bN-ausothc tUttin s of tho high taNttts are held at Ions: 'inmt'lf.",l.'lr,, and WINCH frequentlv minnmvd, that thoruforc thttjut".sdivtidn of Division Courts bo "xtcudcd s" as to iticiudoriuits for Open amounts up to $500 und signed documents up to 850;). A petition rignud i-y 55 citizens of tho Cit of Toronto wan prtsentod this afternoon by {in K. F. Clarke. It unis forth I -'l'hut tho increas- ingquunmyof land hcld.rcs lea-"mold is us- mum": dangerous proportions; that tho inter. mis of tin: inmnts urn practically tortvited by the mutant system of arbitration. 't'hevotori, they ask thy mmo measure ho adopted by which hissln" rim)! he compelled to sell the i'rvoholtl on equimhln terms during the our- rum-y of tho loam to the kmzoos. who may have nmd'o valuable: improvcmons on the pronoun: "r -'"i" h - --__ --.... VnPVIIIIDHIIII' ul bl": cone '0. was 850,212. and the revenue. Int-India: 'ih",l,'li', voted by tho Government, was $3d,4rer, leaving un 1',yiT1','.l',"i balance of $2.214. The buildings new." are n huildingto he used as convocation hall and gymnmium (Providul for in Lhocstimatos now before the legislature). green and 'propagating houses, house for tho, profoasox-o chuzllistry, house for the professor of naturi0istorr. The prayer mnctinga. Bible olmmes and Young Men's Christian Asaoeintion have been in uncrcnsful operation. Alterations hum been made in the building. which five: a good hull, known as Y. M. C. A. tall. " pleasant" plum for tho gathering of students. The Principal note i with "atic,tnction that. tho num- mr of smoker" in tho collcgn has hm n reduced tothroo. In tho oxaminatmn. ilvu s,tudonta worn "ttttterode" in graduating and were hon. ored with the degree of nachelor of tho Suivnce 'ti/SEP.'-?)?,.':,',. a"l"ho gate-l expending") ot the Tho nttvndunco during the past, year has been quit" satisfactory twelro more than the your below. Thu loud number on the mills 146, 75 per cunt. of whom are Irom the Province of Ontario. 'rhirty-threocounties of Ontario are rvprcm-ntod, and the largest ropromntution is from tho vountivn of (Hwy. Middlesex, York, Prince Edward. Huron and M'nti-rioo. Of the 49 who ontcrvd in October last " PT vent. are turmers' some; and l have no hosimtlon in say- ing that nt-ver before in the history of the col- lngo wore our ntlulonts so quiet, industrious and wail-baimved as they have, burn during the term which ended on the 22nd of December ttst. Tho, several dcpturtmentrs have been well maintained under the oiiiedent professors who have them Novel-ally in cuargc.. Respecting " Lctyjauu-o my ropmy, "t 'rr- nu wan Pil", to stationary en. disposed of py tho sch-c: commit.- teyttpulsorv clrtttwttst have been cut the bill will lu. reported it only muinours the autumn? to hold ox- nd grant certiilnltcu 0 tltmss. bill to amend the Pharmacy Ant red by the select. committee this I adopted. Thom method to be a that or not, from the wording of mm: thr rugist4-l'lng of the In-monn to c0mr'uirorv. It Wte, Nightly Inns proportions; thur tho inter. mts um prxwthtully tortviten by :u-m of "rhitrat,iim. 'l'horufom mmo measure ho adopted by 1t1Ss. compelled to so" the oo't.. ........0. , . _ n- the rmirumonb addrrmon ; for ro- m- of "Mormon to Polling hours at inn-If in "no (aw-n- ff y,arniluyrpy h the amend. {erred passed 't bylaw shun , mum shall a. majority of I election of a Work. l a petitidh " aiakrvat an t property.

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