Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 31 Mar 1891, p. 3

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"'That's the Attorney--General," sufigetcd . Mr. Wet®ay with a smile, which was boister-- . ously echoed by those who heard the remark. 4 Mr, McCleary went on to accuse the sup-- Egru:rs of the Administration of taking refuge ' hind the Dominion Government, and remon-- _ strated with them for justifying their position by the deeds of those whose everK act they conmdemned,. He went out of is way to dilate upon the folly of making political prophecies u{)parently for no other reason than to tell how Mr. Hardy in aspeech in his constituency had prophesied that Welland would stand fast by the Liberal cause, 'The nw was rather spoiled by Mr. Hardy rising good--naturedly and denying that he had made such a prophecy or that he had made a speech in the riding, or that he had even visited the riding during the campaign. Explanations followed, which showed that, though announced, Mr. Ihu-ds' was unable to visit Welland, and that Mr. Wm. Paterson, "-j M.P., had made a speech which was probably _| the one referred to. Mr. McCleary was in no _| wise discomiited, but with perfect good bumor ; hocoptet_l_tbu correctin and continued his ad-- CneLt bjust p \ Was | | seats, | of abc ' borou | _ One | day, i . to allo schoo! in the Province. HMe reminded the House of the fact that before the Government took action in the liquor licens« question by the passing of the Crooks Act there were many unlicensed groggeries, and that these had been coms)let.ely routed out by a firm and judicious administration of the law. As to the subsidy matter, he repudiated the idea that it was in any way a dole from the Dominion, and de-- clared it to be no more than the Province was entitled to in view of the large contributions of the people of Ontario to the revenues of the Dominion. The dovate was adjourned and made the first order of the day for to--morrow. The House adjourned at 6 o'clock. Mr. Dack's Bills. Mr. Dack, the porulnr member for Contre Bruce, has two public bills before the Legisla-- ture, and they propose practical amendments to Acts that are of wide and general interest. Mr. Dack during the sessions of the last Legis-- laturo made for himself a prominent place in the House, so that at the openim{I of this ses-- sion he was chosen to assist t e Ministerial . whip. He and Mr. Stratton of West Peterbor-- ough, both ncwspz\'pcruwu. are among the few | members of the Legislature who make inter--ses-- I" sional tours through their ridings, addressing «their constituents with respect to the sessions just past. The result in the case of each of them was shown at the last eloctions, when their seats, which they had in 1886 won by majorities | of about 30, were secured to them, {Vcst Peter-- borough H 589 and Centre Bruce by 301. One of Mr. Dack's bills, introdarced on Thurs-- | day, is to amend the Public Health Act. It is MfaalloW nasmge th ha autlaa" 4 * enough to show that he had given attention to his subject, and yet not « longer than becomes a ik, young member who has . is rosiuon y ot to make. . C * ax He has a frank and pleas: Jt 2 ant manner, and yet in hi e RAY his speech shows an i 4..."."4'.'\3';V adroitness which usually /~ . \O zq' i ay comes only after long boa \; , practice in Parliamen-- a*" Wl tary _ speaking. _ One LJYA . could well believe that B _ he has earned the ropu-- tation he onjoys of being a_ powerful man in the canvass, a . man who will make friends wherever . pos-- sible. He began with _ compliments to the Treasuror, taking especial pride in that gentleman's able speech because he claimed the maker of the speech as one _ of own constituents. _ HMe --assured _ the ouse that Mr. Harcourt was a fair sawle of the inwlliience of the electors of Welland. 'The obvious inference that Mr. MceCleary himself must have been a particu-- «larly nflé ble candidate for the House was not 4 | perdrorrereentreed vumprti Te ic s dR s . to allow cases to be tried before «Jarly eligible candidate for the House was not too closely pressed. The speaker went on to pay tribute to Mr. Harcourt's sense of honor and fair play and to declare that the new Treasurer's natural inclination would be al-- ways to give a fair and frank statement of the tinancial condition of the Province if he were le.t to himsel{. . He was rather dubious, how-- ever, about the influence of certain people whom he had heard spoken of as the * wicked partners" in the Cabinet. _ 3 S He accused the Government of partisan-- in the administration of the License Act, attributed the repeal of the Scott Act to e failure of the Government to properly enforce it The criticisns of the Op-- position, ho contended, had already ro-- sulted in good, particularly in the mat-- ter of French in the schools. He made a rather warm decluration that this was a live question and would continue so until it was settled by the teaching of English in all the schools of the Province. Mr. Waters. Mr. Waters rose and was received with loud cheers. Unfortunately for him an arrangement had been made for an adjournment at 6 o'clock, and it was impossible for him before that kour to more than rairly commence his speech. He is a vigorous andincisive speaker, however,and he made several points in 100(1 style before he moved the adjournment of the debate. He showed that the Minister of Education had bogun to act in the mitter of English in the schools before the O(Ppouition had learned that anything was to be done, and that before the uin yo 2C orparath ts\ o4 e 20 ate i sA sc h s c d i d c id last clection English was taught in every school in the Province. HMe reminded tha | hm Ti § 7 30 dn es * .cs DC C m 4 B\ 3 ./ cA -- .?"%' ASWVAW .. one justice of Mr. W aters introduced a bill to--day to amend the Assessment Act, which he had before the Mouse two years ago and withdrew. It pro-- yides that on a two--third« vote of any Village, ' Town or City Council land used for farming purposes within the municipal corporation may be cxcmrlcd from taxation for payment for municipal improvements which can be shown not to benefit said land. -- D)r. McKay (Victoria) introduced a bill to--day to consolidate the debt of the 'Town of Lindsay at the sum of $152,000 and to authorise the issue of debentures to retire debentures amounting to $141,740, and to pay off other debts amount: ing to 110 260. A bill with respect to the Canadian General Trusts Compan'y. which was Lo~dn{ introduced by Mr. Mctcalfe, provides for the company, which is incorporated under the Dominion Parliament, coming under the laws of the Pro-- vince of Ontario with regard to the execution of trusts, investment of capital, etc. A bill to amend the act respecting cemetery companies was introduced to«dlay by Mr. Bron-- son. lt gives the cemetery companies incor-- 1T F W WHa C Whelt /Tb Pilubcacs s A Aadaaiet The bill introduced by Mr. Balfour with re-- spect to the Sandwich, Windsor & Amherst-- burg Railway provides for the increase of the capital stock and the @xtension of the time for the commencement and comple:ion of the ex-- tensions thereof. A Labor Deputation. Mr. A. F. Jury, representing District Assem-- bly 125, Kanights of Labor, and Mr. 1. J. O'i)onoghuo, secrotary of the Legislative Com-- mittee of the Trades and Labor Council, saw Mr. Wood of Brant to--day with regard to his bill to oblige suitors for damages to put up soeu-- rity for co--ts. Mr. Wood consented to put in in exemption from the Erovinions of the act of ai cases arising out of the Workmen's Compen-- sation Act, the Ontario Factories Act and all suits for workimimcn'n wages. Messrs. Jury and O'Donoghue aiso saw Mr. Tait and asked him to let them know of the day his bill to establish a college of embalming and organic chemistry will be taken up by the select com-- mittee. Mr. Tait promised to do so, and Messrs. Jury and O'Donoghue will attend and oppose it in their representative capacities, Bills Introduced. To give Municipal Councils the power to in-- sure the prorerl.y uf_mLepaycrs against fire is the object of a bill introduced by Mr. Monk this afternoon. A peilition with weference to this matter was presented this afternoon from the Patrons of Industriy of Simceoe. It asked that Township Co incils muy be empowered to take fire risks; thut the ofticers of the township be the officers of the townsbhip fire insurance companies, wi:l'n l.huJu'ddi't.éon of two inspectors. A bill introduced to--day by Mr. Whitney is intended to remedy a defect in the Ditches and Watercourses Act. At prssent there is no meaus by which a county engineer may in crease hisaward if h* finds that the estimate he hius made with regard to rock--cutting is too smalll. The bill provides for an increase being made. the peace instead of two as is now -- neoesaarz: Many of the cases which arise under the Pu lie H'ou.lt.h Act are of such & nature that in a small place it is difficult to bring them to trial because of the reluctance of gustices of the peace to deal with them. _ And inasmuch, Mr. Dack thinks, as cases of more im{)orumco may now be tried by one justice of the Pca.ce, his bill should recomunend itself to the House. A bill introduced by him to--«day proposes to amend the Masters and Servants Act. As the act is at present, if a servant has obtained judgment against a master he cannot issue an execution to recover the amount until 21 days have elapsod. 'This is often a hardship, and ge proposes to reduce the time to five days. Simcoe Street Property Owners. A deputation of isimcose street property own-- ers waited upon the Attorney--General this aftornoon with regard to the provision of the Montreal ufireomcnt between the city and the railways, which will close up the foot of Simcoe street, The deputation was composed of Ald. Carlyle, Moessrs. F. 'I. Hutchinson, Wi'liam Magill, 0. A. Howland and R. B. Noble. They asked the assistance of thoe Government as a proY rty holder on Simcoe street to fight against the udok)tiou.of the Montreal agree-- ment. Mr. C. R. W. Biggar, city solicitor, who happened to be standing in the corridor when the property owners were addressing the At-- torney--General, suggested that he set a day for hearing both sides of the question: Mr. Mowat for a moment seemed to think of this proposit on But it was urged that it was very desirable that a represcntative of the in-- terests of the Simcoe street rroperty owners go to Montreal to--night with the civic deputation 1 to be rre.flent at the negotiations to--day, and he told the deputation to send some one to attend the negotiations, and the Gevernment would pay its share of the cost. Bicyclists Preparing to Fight. Mr,. C. Luuglely of the Toronto Bicycle Club and Mr, W, A. Hunter of the Wanderers' Bi-- cycle Club, representing the Canadian Wheel}-- men's Association, were at the House this afternoon. The C, W. A. is determined to knock out Mr. Davis' bill with regard to bicy-- clists' liability for accidents from iunwn being frightened, and Messrs. Langlt:{ and Hunter, part of the committee appointed for that pur-- pose, were up boday making inquiries, 'flmy saw Mr. Tait, who promised to acquaint them of the date when the bill may be expected be-- fore the committee. The Council of the Township of Blenheim, in Oxford County, toatay petitioned that the law with regard to bridges 100 feet long be not amended, as is J)roposed b{ra bill the relition- (;ll's understand will be brought before the ouse. Bruce County Council has sent in a petition, which was presented to--day by Mr. O'Connor, which prays that the Industrial Schools Act be amended so that no judge or magistrate shall comimit any child to any industrial school at the expense of any municipality unless the municipality refuses to otuerwise provide for Interim estimates of $300,000 were presented to--day to defray the expenses of the public ser-- vice until the Supply Bill is passed. Mr. McCulla, ex--M.P. for Peel, was one of the visitors to the Legislature to--day. o Mr. Wilson, ex--M.P. for Lennox, visited the Legislature to--day and occupied a seat on the floor during the debate on the budget. Mr. Wilson claims that he was beaten by the lists in his county, his friends huving paid little or no attention to the revision, beiieyving there would be no election upon them, while the Lib-- erals were as active as though an election was pending. it. Mayor Doherty, Reeve Manning, Clerk Coats and Mr. D. A. Forrester of Clinton are down on a dolput.atiou to attend upon the gz)us:we of a bill to consolidate the debt of that win. Messrs. Thos. Marks and T. Gorham of Port Arthur had a talk with the Attorney--General this afternoon. Notes. Mr. J. E. Lount, registrar of Bracebridge, was about the House to--day. The Speaker's Dinner. Mr. Speaker gave a dinuner this evening for which invitations were issued as follows:--Reov, Wm. Jones, Mr. A. H. SIdere, Hon. J. M. Gib-- son, Hon. A. 8. Hardy, Mr. A. W. Ballantyne and the following members of the Lcfigslsture: --Dr. Gilmour, J. D. Moore, A. Ro lllard.% ' White, J. H. Metcalfe, Dr. \Villoughb{. J. T. Garrow, W. B. Wood, A. Bishop, W. W.. Meacham, J. A. Srmguc, J. Waters, A. 8 Alian, A. Evanturel, E. J. Davis, J. T. Whit-- ney, G. F. Marter, C. Mackenzie, Dr. W ylic, Dr, McMahon, J. Fell, J. Rorke, J. F. Dowling, R. Ferguson. ' gorated by special acts the authority enjoyed y comBanics under the general act of receiv-- ing bulk moneys for the porpetual care of plots or vaults. s

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