--THE ASSEMBLY,*" un vsmn ns @ummnmemene t f ' y 108 # t The Business of the Session Wound Up mecarmum n aansce h BY AN ALL--NIGHT SESSION, l Mr. Meredith Placing Himself onl Record. @mmessizs olz czlis OVER A DOZEN DIVISIONS.| mmmmne ie miile | The Attorney--General and the Beparate Echool Text--Books--The Public Accounts Committee-- | Prorogation on Mon:-- day A fternoon. April 4, 1890. Not to be behindhand, the Ontario Leg-- lelatare indulged in an all--night session last night, A deterinined attempt was made to close the session, although it was aiter half-- past two o'clock when the Separate School debate closed. 'There was some discussion as to whether or not the House should then | adjouru and hold a session this afternoon, , but some members objected to going on during Friday, though the Attornsy--Gen-- eral and the leader of the Opposition both avowed they had no scruples on the sub~-- ject,. The House, however, took a short recess and the members took a lunch,. Upon resuming about three o'clock the supple-- mentary estimates were given notice of and passod, and the 'Treasurer introduced a bill embodying the railway resolutions, | which have been aiready printed in Tnx ' Grozs® and of which notice had been aiready given. The bill was read the first and second times without discussion. MK. BALFOUR'3 RAILWAY AMENXDMEXT. Upon the motion to go into Committee of | Supply on the bill, Mr. Balfour moved in | amendment that the House regrets that in | continuing the aiding of the building of railways out of Provincial funds, a more pust, equitable and satisfactory scheme has not been submitted for its cousideration : that while approving the policy of granting liberal aid to deserving colonisation rail. ways, the House is of opinion that Pro-- viacial aid should also at the same time be granted to deserving railway projects in the oider countries. The amendment was put and lost on the followiug division ;:-- Ykas.--Meossrs,. -- Balfour, _ Biyth, Claney, Clarke, H.E, (Forontor, Craig, ( 'reighton, Cruess, Uvanturel, Field, French, Hammell, Hess, HMudson, Ingram, _ _Kerns, _ 10es, Marter, Meacham, Meredith, Mcetcalfe, Monk, Morgan, Ostrom, lPreston, ltobillard, Ttorke, Tooley, \\":'niuw_\', Willoughby, Wood (Hastings), Wylio --"N'.AYS--MOS*I'S. Allan, Armstrong, Awrey, Buallantyne, Bishop, Blezard, Cald well, Chis-- hoim, Clarke (Woillington), Conmee, Dack, Hanco, Davis, Drury, -- Dryden. Forguson, Fraser, Freeman, Garsoa, Gibson (Hainiiton), Gibson (Huron), Gilmour, Gould, Graham, Hatcourt, Hardy, Leys, Lyon, McAndrew, ! MeKay, McLaughlin, McMahon, Mack, Maoc. kenzic. Master, Miller, Morin, Mowat, O'Con-- ; nar, Phelips, Hoss (Huron), Ross (Midd1esex), Smith -- (Frontenac), _ Smith (York), Snider. | Steowart, Sprague, Stratton, Waters, Wood , tBrant)--50. % MR MERLDITHS SEPARATE SCHOOL PLAT-- POitM. Mr, Meredith then moved in amendment | to the motion to go into supply, * That | this House doth ueclare that the rights | ! quaranteed by the B.N.A. Act to the supporters of Separate or Dissentient Schools are civil rights appertaining to | them as citizens, and that the assumption that any Church organisation or body or ; the Bishops, priests or ministers thercof are | eutitled to control the ratepayers in the . | exercise and enjoyment of such, his individ-- | | ual, right,or to command obedience to its or | their direction ; by them or by the trustees | of any such schools, in the exercise by thein of such rights or the parformance by them | of the dutics delegated to them by the State, is wholly unwarranted and danger-- ous to the State and ought to be resisted, and this House doth further declare that it | is within the constitutional rights of the | Legislature through the Doepartment of < Education to regulate such schools aud particularly to prescribe the text--books to be used in them, and that the said