Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1890, p. 5

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1 " v: V 1.... on". "ras 1 ' l' . " e, C0MPANrr.s, F ' . . r'. ' I", _ . a'ellr .ot.tiietyortattu. The i1iffieu1tr "I Mr. Ottrom moved the second remliug'of , T! loll this clan" '.. aim-d was . vary ' l his bill to amend the Act respecting Joint - alight and would be made worse by this , lbtock Companies for Mlpplying cities, towns e 1, L "t limendmont. It " happened in two or I , '1 and villages with one ond water. The - v . three cases that a young man got on the f . / single clause of the bill Watt this _ . l.ut..beiore he won twenty-one and was able l 'lll SOON-m 72 of the Act P'specling Joint tn take the oath that he was tweuty-ono I 'uoyk.f'-urnpnry'y for supnlying Lu'r'us,towns ' when the elections came round, there was l tttul y,il/yy,re "ill" ""5 PM Wiiipr ir; repealed, g no harm done He Would bo acrrv to we i and} lf (','J/,tv,ij,"i' snlwtitllitod therefor ".-- _ , . l . . - 5 1 (1 , 11- mini 11) HM'i'0WN rilutll not exceed the , - tho Manhood bullrnizo Act intcrfored with. snii1iof§51wooio bu oxpcunlml m 1.24111 \vorlcs1or t After a few Words from Mr. Meredith tho i tly'r,liro:.sutu'ior yrntrrwwks for u'n iurunspur. I m _ bill was withdrawn 1111111 vi.ll.u)c'c 3 U" m" " trown Crt' t'i:y to lr, eh'- "5 ' _ l twudt'll in 311-; or Watttrivoilr:,ihe Slim Follow- ' " . VOTHIS Lli'i'x' ACT. i/sur:,--""' tsl11..',r?,,,h!,1', 511111 of 310.0032'01' 1:115 l I . l r 1 , 'r. \1111'1;~=.11111 .' 'cpl," or "1111 11111111"; and for n. J Mr. Monchiwi "h,'-'vilt mm 1 d the [Mom] I (-11,, 11.115..." ol' ,elu,rij'ui'rrcicus worlis,uiul 340': _ 1. N reading of Itis lull to ti "Wild tho 011t11rio1 tjvuftovwi:teturorlic. ' l 1 , . ' ,1 . . 1 . Voter 111m Act. Tho bill had a Blligiul Mr. Ustrom eiplained the bill at some clause stz.:-- t 11.11-3tl1. ' ',,',ief,rcle,", l:', 'ofltllic Ontario Votttss' Limo Act is "on. Mr. Hardv said the hill would have ' '\':innn ' '21111'1' 1w '.,t' .' . t . tTBr ' _ tr.'. 1 , ' f4 iii,:9 211:1: it; I',',"',,')':","-",-',;" "Hurt! (ir;',',',',' to lu, rcicrrml to it. Plicl::.:l ( ftatlt's'sr.C'c'Cu to be "pd JtriCtrsicrtol ity-tti) l"'l't&(llf.1ll ll11- {111111.111' lo c."'""'""""'" [WWW 1t 011111". , likt'bhio law, and F tho, that sit'? lK'l'lll in form 'A' "ppt'tidtut to tho " WHN ttro Wt" tr, do ll!" IWW, and to i1/'ir:y)c"?.'/l?/tr." Arll. " 'ly/y/s, hlrliclll Itrtt secure the inform Jinn 1101:1311;le to he laid Bur :13 lul'l l1l "sitt'lilrtusituito w tviiu'm ul" . .. ' 1 . ' CH 1 "wi, . 1 on tin: votrrs' list, :14 111::1lilw-d lo lu- " \oi--1- ha} "3 tin, ly," t'.15tue. . Jie 'ardiied Mr. unl l" tsttclt Act. wivll tin _o.rililit 111111111 Con" Ust, Ulll to Wltmll'nw the lull. ',p',Hey.c1' 1'1'1~.11.-11-111,: :utch tlt". ""I ill'ol'. > "Kl Alter sonicdcinur, llc. U.1trom said he lis ","tolt'ocuvlusitioux ln- 1111111- l11'1111'1-1111y tt n! t . " t thy .: ' - ' F C r t Justice. oi'lln- l'tt tr"', (3111:1111 "nltr'ov't for tar.m.,r c ttt l'. "H "Y'Y. c, .wi.rlnur',' wi)Y" .'? . tite atlitluxtts or No', .1". Pulrhrw.nnttevcry ,1..." " Crown lcrttiiComntiyisirmcw, and withdrew I tlcrr slsall,upotrrilliruisitrtirr'iiuoutlt Lol tho iiicnnitir'. l any pcrson 131411111: Iotiia"ctlitt.'.ritisoit." FMl'l outs" AND \VOPKMFN I a Hott. Mr. l-'rnnor said the proposed M Ii I l, . k l ., "if, (" . Fl . amendment won a very damn-mus one midi fi 1,ffl1' n 111 l" in," """Tyn.ey..t v.1 . '3 .1 ; A. :1" 51's:- ' .. could not he arccp'el by tho llouse. , W0lll, ry L ":"l." l J (11111:. R tilty biii .1 The bill way, withdran tt I rusy'itirra: rclutioushvtwcen: 1inp.oycr;; and 4 1 wo,Luvcro. 1'he AtttarnttGerrerivl said he Td / ""le 'TN 'h CoMI ANII . . l could not givc up it lmvunmont tiny. and it . _ Air. Lot's i l croiito) mow-l 1hr drsclrsuv,e l the Crown Lands Connnismoner 11113.11 Mr. N8 C his biti to "rnerrd thc JUN" "Wk Cunt' 1 Ingram to no on now. Mr. Moi'vditli ole, ' panics Act, and thuordcr "ili gr nit-id. I .i11st;,d huc:rueso, it it :11; '10 lute (11.40). Mr. Mini ,TtiY ANI' s,lllntlr'l C 111 1. I "only ssaid the iiovcrmnr:ut ISHS prepared ' r I * ' . . . . i, i I v. Mr. Frctuh movrrltlisrsucrnd 1,111.11"; of to 8tu.y. .\1r. Moiulith i1.1111 ,t"i" was the his mil mum-ting tltcal-lusuricui. This limit time tho lender oi tlicvlmuse .illui not biil 11,111 two cluucitsa. '11", thrst. providvd 3 wcdytvi"irtjy.t to'i'cnncsts 01 this kind iroin 1," there should ict but CHU' lmvmpnt of 1111-1iihcrs of his siile, of tho "01.140. l'innliy eegistry ittes whrre t'tlt' abstract, curs- 111-11 leth.thtt Atteruey"iu'u:'ru and the Com.. ' for two drvitsirurs "l "ny "1.45de o'cict: mi,,sionvr.siil thr.yhsul no 1111.11-c11o11 to the i' whom thrsre urc two div-ms, 11.1 111 the cm) 1 lull brill}; now rcrul a I""'"" tune, the At. of 'l'1-ronto. Thu sccoud clause provided as 'tcyst'.)."-",'.'":'--')'")',,' lat tte rather follows:-- _ likco the principles ol the Lili so far as he . I ... '.," "G, I . .rrart . 1Vhort :1nv city "hull hove lwcii ncymrniwl ban oxiiitittit:iitt. in: bill "its accordingly _ tru-ou-sir/ " / izfl' "pinnu'ol " 1111- reud tilt: Hound tune and referred to ll city. douirlcitis, >l111'l 111 'strt"t ,r' l" t'nv"cs't,lr.V 11111: -inl Committee which Mr. lilgrom both slivrllh in i'tNWH" 1.1 11-" which. It'll 1: it 1 a tshall I," suurr:r',t'd in li11':1l.v'l'lii'ul' ll. , I-ui). l HA1 ' "yy/ . . . . ther" 11-1-11- 1-\1'1'Illi11l'\ 111 th. 11111111 111 tr." , the bill in question provides that wages t+t.riirotthtstrunis .1: Mo tyut' ol 1111-21 ~1-1 1'- 'of workmen are to be payable in monoy rut-on. then 1h" 1'1r tri'. l1:1.111;: TI'.? Ill' l 3'." ouly; that an employer shall be liable to a 1111111 [no {rt-slur ll 1511.111 h tit 1111- 111\ 111.1 ". , F . V Bhtvllirurc u rrcin 111 1.1111 11 nil 1411111111111 penalty for making any deduction in the r' uorird ity 'o 111,; 111 il:1~ Licuds of H111 twill! of mines ot an cunployces forth" ugrevincnts l/gi,'.';",'::)), J',Cr//r',1 ttMI ""1"le 'h "'TY "'l;:'ll"",'};')l. forbidding workmen to join lohor otpnist- Ire, on Pro' 1ls'ttt r it 101'in 'tt "11- b- I' ' _ I . Cw 1 .: . ' _ thtscity that lo. lind ln '11 [Nil .cc. _ucltt,ciwnh, 1 PY"', and provides a penalty for an p- LI which said about; nhull bu otstVttoigisr'. l in: gmiient of the preceding SCCIIOH. Tlhe [l Mr Frsnch doc-1111111 his bill at some lnntclnuoo provido that thcAct shall not b' 1~1i ii, retirrorl to oi, "ininuitv"of tho "PM" to dotnosstie "Hunts" or sf,rv"ut,a.iy , t 4 , '. . _ . . ', 1 hushandry, or to an rig-remnant try which P. mummy division and mud his ohlm-t was to I 1 . . . . d :'. t th (iii, pisin from thin division 1 l the workman is to receive his hoard or 1 nutty: 9 8 mn " fl ' ' 1 board and lodging. or any partoiit,in i 5111-12171 ttt , tiivintrit ii .11 now l1cl'll nugtflll' l addition to his wages. 1-..l 't.. rr"ibvtrtr. ' 1' .i.~.-1w l p.'sl, .. Ilr. 'rretrclt 'l"'""" i, '1', '.' ,7 , ""5111 tN THE scum". . iE.-ifl".'. comm! L: Morn". at tho "Ur-H 1n Clit' C . ' bill . ' . f T lrtg'xlry 1.:li1-n, "winning pat'tiu"rly " l pr. Lugs y P.'"" inaction .M no l atiryirv,'iric 11111111111 1 I1'll IN ho :1c1-11ill:11;: l "WWW" bofore uilui.aht. .-llr. Ctuiig asked '12' LV/ ii t'r' t "11) H tii; 1:111" 111m 111:1 11: I the Government to gum. him to-mcrrow tn t' 1 11 11 111. . ' 1* . . . 1 . 1 _ I ".lr "1111-11 --:t1: was ur,r-roit, to t' in 111111 , Ego un with tite hill. (he "Y two members FF til-1'1 l '1--11'l'1n'i' 1'r , writ 'Ar', '111-1 '11 111' i" vid s'tioou." 'l no AttorirctGenural said 1, , ' A ' o I I t in I _ 1 1 . . ' (Mild siih//i1.",i,t"f,'/i,) Nr.tocrnty-tiontr-'! ill" lll'l'llly thought. " ought to 9." on. l'ur, h 1.1 t'crv.et't 11..1 1: 1 in," t) :1111 " l "14,11 1-. (hairs it could go on to-tttot-ow (\11'11iicsdny; 1 t'ltnt;.s.crt,uor,,'v's l:.1\;: lawn 111111111 111111111111' 9 utter Government business" had 1191111 "luv "i' l'w' hi hr., '1l1. -l'_i'.:t _ " :iratt ir., dt.syoswd Ol. Mr. )lcrcuith '"I'rige,s.t- i (rm tliv,s,ion o: tho I>'ll1'1: tor t.au Lolll'lli ol 12 "'1 that thr. . ()pznwltlon 1irr,ljt "yr In 1c 15 1 run 1, t on." tho q1le-atlou anyhow whether the JVs.lh "'rblr"si"'. 1 , _.,,."....", X1111 Attotui; ',icvouv.lyrd:l tio. 1112111-l11uw . novti'nment nnulc any "rruugemeiits Tot it . . t" ' .1 1. _Tr _ 1 .. , of 12.1: m1; "urrc,jrsir, olli'.' to i, 111%". It oi' not; only ho 110111111 tho hovernincnt t i "111:1 ml.t1Ln lo Until; llzvit 11:11' "i, H'ncl would Itot force the (/ppi"?il.ion to do thi;. 1 ur, rl; 11.1'1 'dtho "1-11; 111 ruturcslr'His'ri. 'l11.1 The Attornrry"loncrar sand the ('"?"u',ryne'nt' I ", v, t" Wrtrr"2. 1:10:1- r, :l'1' ',,vviu.d " " l. wt'rc' v-sVtvious,y)t"y,pyo,s,it,",11t,",.1rf/,.1): ', '1-11r1: "(1:0 curiiumr-rvrrvc'Or 11-",- with». ti:u. ' the tlueqtttm. Ho. would tell Mr. Meredith worilr't 101.0 "our thr, sipuivttior, oi tho Art. Wtttlrresitlsor morning what atusaicpumenttr he [in 'rad "sscertruiotl thai 11111-1111 CW". 11-11 tisst, 1 Tell'), 11111110.. It on 1111r111.1~1111o '.or' lulu . .1 P" 'il ff, ' 1 1111::o 1211111,- thnii 0111",: " werk. ll a 1.115.111 to Pr""', any Just, now. "le "RIF?" ii 1 Win; rich "ttouch to hove pronu'iv 111 imil: swn'iMi-,t tho lounci' of the, "yo/UU.'-'" (int _ divisions than: Wm no gi'u'u'. l1zuni in l.1s tho House [unneeded with othecbusiueys. . paying " slightly 1111r1';1a1~ll'1'o. 'l'l11- 1:1111 no", Ctt11PANlr'..c, "may prop "i.rl " Mr. rrurccit "J" '", lu Tho following bills Wcre read aneccnd , imputourlo ch"ruir---tyli'tr-t uutrorlrtri/ry time .- i l 1 Bill: lt'rouch hr.1l ltU'l1iI'l31llt"l the in" io amend the tlcncrul lloufl Companion i, ' Sion oi the oline, though it "an Act--Mr. Phelps (moved by Mr, Awrey in} ' \y'el'l . knijwn tl11,i*1- ""1: it I1;r_v\ " r _'"'" tho nhscnco ol tho promoter). I l " vmimi el: 1 ' y... -.i ., ' . l g .. . .' 11rs " ' " ' """ Ill I t Mr. Armstrong moved the second read. l tion "ad llct'H lid-1011 IV bots. 511111.1111-11 _ _. . 1. l l sldr Grants 'opposite wuih, 1,1111 l: J', .1; r w: . 1-r1v1>1\i111 int; ol his 11111 to union the we 11 - 1. " mot". 11:1 -v J' , r' . .: tin; {rt-H ticvtuoiridnow l11-1li'.'i1i1'1l ",sitavei, if"! Homestmxds Act. lhe bill moudcs "s tho two tic; tiara. Now that tin- 'soiory iolluwa _ ' Wm divided they 11l111-1;r"1l 11) L1. The 11in. Notwillv4tanrlinrt nnytling commuted "in? I sum Inn brvn very lvvucliciaf tItilt',rthrutri:). t,iony_rt'.1lti?yt (.a'y.y,1ty/,y2/u"/i1'i1" ':'.:w,1; Li', 1- '10." n tl ll "* .1 1- ,. , tltoiius.srttcr', 1111: 1,rirutenutrtdioverraw in (011111,. y/ll b _ 4 vi.' " u. "L tu'llt_ "l'""r . -. l k F ... any bums which may boilim to thr' Ll'0\\l\ 'll, _ had Hl"'iieu ot thr, mark "' siiirrotcitr'rit T?ii//lTitrr,biiCdr"tu,,rundu)neirti_ott'ssd 1111'"; 1 since th'schttv.y,e. 11ml t:ulirn plum. _ syrirlsvi"ioy, uu.1risrrltyui'ry.risii,"it of "ll-N 13:0"? t Mr. ir'rt:nc1r--llow urn llin (Villa's divided Acts ti1ctiliputrd riy,t,i,?t,s:f,t,.i)e.1t,1,'f,tau"l21'lf of l is tl on; u ropn LAWN". them 'P 01' any mutilation iiinilc 1unucr the 11111.10 i _'.. t ' ' .' _ P 1 tlic said Acts or any oft min. l '.1 no Ancrrr"o'-fcus"rrtl:---1 don t, hour what 1 The Commissioner of Crown Lands I I my hon. irirutdt "ny?', but "in": My 1.t " doubted the power of a private member to (,Nrmcll1itra not, T",',',.?),, my s"hii1i'i.."s"',i;1"i:,e; introduce " bill oi this exact nature. iie l (Laughter and :1") who.) 1 r. Mowat _ . d T - ' el examine showcd that the second clause It R.", erpuvily tyul not, howe.ver, a: yet .clos y ." d a . if ti '" nd umvoikublc and sho id F f into the question. The bill could be r.el i": relauw" l u l u ttol, " second time and discussed in Committee. l l CMt l '.a . 71 . . h . _ T cond time. The bill Was then declared lost on it lhe bill was than read t; 3 se I (division INLAND FISHERIES. l I , Mr. Crums, in the absence of Mr. Fall, l asked the following question p-- 7 - _ $llllBiiiaEiiiilfll W Hrzut - - CTU -.1.1 _ I

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