Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1890, p. 4

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9e ces s t F ue apiernerpatingr uie 4¥ °C t a . + Faaeamaiiiet w f also always considered by the officers of| own Attorney. This, however, was & Depariment. He cited many msu'mcest | [ minor part of the bill. His great objection regulations, many of them o t l mmotr 1| to the bill lay in the other matters to which ance, that were entively under the con rot | 'f; he had --referred. In _ view of the of the various Departments of Government | s punishment provided under thoe existing service at Ottawa, and in the various 0 hfi a f law, he must ask the House to reject the departmonts. of the service here. 1t w C t bill not fair to tie the hands of the l)epm:tme.n.t k Mr. Merodith drew attention to the fact of Education as they would be tiod if that the bill had bown upon the paper for every detail of the regulations had to be some time, and thereidre, if there was any~ prought before the House. -- Moreover, cont < thing in the bill which was deserving of paratively fow changes were made in the consideration, he thought it was the duty Fegulations, -- Under these cireumstances he of the House to take the matter in hand must ask the House to roject the bill. and doal with it Mo regretted that the Mr. Meredith said Mr. Creighton's bill d o Attorney--General 'l'"d not seen his way was simply carrying to its legitimate en.cl * to consent to what his hon. {friend the resolution of the House when 1 C proposed, -- and _ to make _ an _ o0x-- determined to take the Department of C E periment . at all vents, and to provide FEducation under its countrol. 1f the MHouse * for _ the _ punishment by _ imprison-- had been made aware of the various regu= | * , M :"'ffit of the person "h? gave t.l}e lations issued by the Department in r0-- ' : wribes. _ A great deal might I)'e said spect to the French Schools in the East (,f' RZ on behalf of the man who took a bribe, but t%xe Province the conditions that had arisen | hC there was nothing to be said on hehalf of there would never havs been brought about. | We 4 s --4 C 1 1 " € + * i l wse those who systemetically set themselvos to During the past year the D 'nartment had i' 3 s e pas { ® mne ,._dt P debauch an electorate, and he thought it instit-r'ml "l system --of bi :,.:gu;,,: teaching | ' f was the duty of the House to show thoir T which the Hous A + f & £ at an expenso, concerning W hich the HouBe k disapprobation of such practices by passing had been told and know nothing. The -- s 803 w# + f L MEi &1 v . -- $ * this provision. | 'This offence was considered nua a f sulted be emAVL 9 A r House should have been consulited here. -- a venial offence. It was not considered a j ther amendments to the Hich serious offence, and unloss it was stamped re ';'"""4"_: o xc.l 'L_'.x should HAVE been first with some disgrace it would always be re« ' C s hy: e ";i'l * 11 1so,. . It past u;)t &, R garded as a venial offence,. The hon. l"),u":'t] ces i C '~'x. th 'hau'({s of gentleman then procecded to read to the """'"l' n '_)"w \f"" poet ie se , h House some lotters which he described as & eC Jepartment, &A *A 4 evidence that came out at an eloction trial The Attorney--General .said Mr. Merc-- where the Attorney--General of the Province dith did not deny that a host of regulations * ' had actually, he said, induced a man to were made in the Departments, both here : abandon the trial instead of proceeding and at Ottawa, as Mr. Ross had pointed out, with it, showing that the Attorney--Genera l similar to those of the Department of Edu-- & looked upon an offonce of this kind as eation, yet it was the Department of Wdu. ' venial, Mr. Hickey appiied for the position cation alono that he preferrea to move | | of License Inspector for South Ronirow, | against,. -- He seemed to forgot that the | + und he sought to disqualify Dr. Dowling, Government was a responsible body elected | P who was member for the coustituency, and by the pesple and that these regulatiouns 4 the Attorney--General, as the correspond-- were made by this Government or by : of-- enee showed, induced him to let Dr. Dowl-- | ficers appointed by this ( :overniment. Such mg g#0. | regulations had the same efect as if they l The Attorney--Gencral said he was not had been mawde in the House itself, and | aware that the charge was one of bribery. had just as much force and just as mu« h It l}llg'lt||3\'o been a huudred things to the confidence of the country which had x which the letter referred, | placed the Governmentin power, (Applause.) Mr. Moredith said the letters were pro-- \ As regardsed . these school _ reguiationg, t : | duced at the triai, and no doubt the At-- | the system he now condemned was one that | e | tcrney--General wouid be able to fill up the | had always prevailed, even when the Edu-- Je | M"""l"- for only some of them were pro-- cation Department was not in iny way in > | du{!'\ & M 3 A r«-.sponsii»'.c body. W hen it was considered * L _2 l'r. 'l urcray !N"l :'01"'{ recoliection of the that the same system provailed every where trml.:l le bellc\_'u. .lhlb' man thought he under popular respons ble government it | h f \i(])u~ uvml'rf) ;-ertu&n disclosures, but he (Mr. » was evident that there was no reasen to C A "'"L.')l;'" no doubt he was encouraged make any change. Jt was not even now [( ",{.'::' ';ivi'%'ml. t k 51 $ contended that there had been'any abuse of | he division then took place with the fol-- this power. The regulations bad always lowing result :-- 1 j 1 a "CHA BHalf o1 beaen reported to the House, and they had cas.--lBalfour, Claney, Clarke, H. E. (To-- en so # hat the Opposition hi a .. routo), Craig, Creighton, Cruess, French Hiu::- b!'.tfl'»l am'"' (0kl LK" U;'A/fdl\."'ll "'dd Deen A mell, Hess, Hudson, Ingram, Kerns * Lees "."M)'e to find any fault or flaw in them, Mack, Marter, Meacham, Moredith, Meteaif. , Under the circumstances the House could BC 'A\ll'llu"" M\':'!'lr\'. .\lor'zil\.\ll.l)flrn:n. Preston, Rorko, | not accept the bill. & 1 * corey, hit , Wi y f §« < M aredift] Hai £ baotat uie '*"\% ",\7"'_'_!1'5.\ illougbhby, Wood (Hast-- | Mr. Meredith called for a division, which "asks 3 betabd sent « ym .\'A\'s'.--'--x\limn. Armstrong, Awroy, Ballan-- l'e'l_"'te'l B", fOHOWk_' ho 4 . }* tyne, Bishop, Blezard, Calidweli, Chisholm, Yras.--Messrs.Biggar, Blyth, Claney, Clarke, Clurke (Wellingion), Conmec, Dack, Dance, l{.l',. (Foront0),Craig, Creighton, Cruess, French, Davis, Drury, Dryden, Evanturel, Ferguson, Hammell, Hess, Hudson, Ingram, Kerns, L@YS, Fiela, Fraser, Freeman, Garson, Gibson (Ham-- Marter, _ Meacham, Meredith. _ Metcalfe, * ' ilton), Gibson | (Murou), Gilmour, Gould, Miller, _ Monk,_ Morgan, Osirom, Preston, | ° ( Graham, Guthric, Harcoum, Mardy, Leys, Rorke, Smith (York), Stewart, Tooley, Whit-- Lyon, MeAndrew, McHuy, McLaughlin, Me-- noy, Willoughby, Wood (Hastings), Wylio--31. Mahon, Mackenzie, Masier, Morin, Mowat, Nays.--Messra. Allan, Armstrong, Awrey, £ Murray, O'Connor, Phelps, ayside, Robillard, Balfour, Ballantyne, Bishop, Blezard, Cald-- ltoss (Miuron}, loss (Middilesex). Smith (York), woll, Chishoim, Clarke (Wollington), Conmee Snider, Sprague, Straiton, Waters, Wood Dack, Dance, Davis,Drury, Drydon, Eyvnnturel, (Brant)--52. Forguson, Field, Fraser, Freeman, Garson. TIIE DEPARTMENT OF ©EpUCATION ({ioslou ll'hnn'.'«mm. Gibson (Huron), Gilmour, 1 tnt es ebe Gould, Graham, Guthrie, Harcourt. Hardy, k .lf. Lrgl-,:htqn then moved the second lees, Lyon, McAndrew, Nckay, McLaugh-- reading of hbis bill to amend the Actrespect-- 1'"'~ McManhon, Mack, Mackenzie. Master, * ing the Department of Education. It pro-- Morin, Mowat, Murray, O'Conneor, Phelps, it e 1 of i : n 6: Rayside, -- Robillard, |_loss _ (HMnron), Ross ; Bofleu 1e repeal of subsection 2 of section (Middiesex), Smith _ (York), Snider, Sprague % 7 of the Act, and substitute the following:-- Stratton, Waters, Wood (Brant)--54, * Naq anah regulation or Order in Council ' THBE MANHOOD SUFFRAGE ACT, : ' | shall have any force or effect uncil it shall Mr. Meacham mo"\'ml the second reading be approved of hy the Legislative Assombly, of his bill to amena the Manhood Suifrage and, if so approved, the same shall bo Act. The provisions of the bill were as printed and bound up with the statutes of follows :-- \ 33 c s > tbf' year. _ 3 * x (1) Section 3 of the Manhood Suffrage Act is | Thia section originally read as s amended by striking out the word * Province" 1 h Ig . nfoumvs,--l in the eighth line thereof, and i ting i 1L t 'In case the Legislati un mwil 5 i the eighth line thereo1, an( inserting in lieu | said sossio ag.'."l'l"ve A"fi"""'}' at the thereof the word " Dominion," and by inserting e' n, or if the session does not aufter the word '"aforesaid" in the eighteenth | continue for three woeeks after the said ue of said section the words, " for boginning regulation or Order in Council is laid before to make said roll or for making such complaint the Mouse, then at the w1 as the case may Do. & ¢ | session of 'the L ""l' % ensuing | (2) Section 10 of the said Act is heroby * o --egielature, disapproves by amended by adding as sub--section 2 the follow-- s resolution of such regulation or Order in ing :-- f | Council eltl'rer wholly or of any part thereuof (2nd.) But no person shall beentitled to have the regulation or Order in Council, so far n hisname entered upon the assessment roll a dianppwvml of, shall have no 0"fc it F £ under lhqh.\lm'\.nmul .\nh'ruj.'(v Aot, whose age is | i the it t 1 ho . wecs lrom given at 22 or :inder, and whose name does not | | e lm? ot such rcsn'.ntlon heing passed.'" appear on the voters' lists for the previous year, 4 Mr. Creighton spoke briefly in support of without delivering or causing to be delivered | bis bill. ¥ | to the assessor an aflidavit signed by himself * j M o akt & P eA in the form or to the eifect set forth in Form A P The Minister of Education said this bill ! apponded to chapter 5, of the Acts passed in was one of those little f: 1@ T the fifty--second year of Her Majesty's reign, or bardly have orig i nted an f_,l.'ls that could an affidavit signed by one of his parents on his § { e originated anywhere but in the behalf in the form or to the effect set forth in pro ouud'hra,m of the member for North Form A, appended to this Act. Grey, No changes in the regulations were Hon. AMir. Fraser said Mr. Meacham had y made, but they were duly reported to the made out no case at all forthe bill, Under House subsequeutly, and none of them the next clause thereof he would give a vote © were made at all unless they had boeen for the Legisiature 19 8 MA who had resid-- proviously submitted to and upproved\b.v ed anywhere in the Dominion and came various deliberative bodies, such as t'ut into the Province the day before the elec-- » * s C & s Teachers' Associations, etc. 'They wore | tion. | * Mr. Meacham--Why not* | " Mr. Fraser--Because it would result in " M the colonisation of every close constituency C

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