1IIL "ABPOBDMDLL. | 4 /&/e |aimn °_ Wo . C C i nB s . eR k s o $ --~ \-- _'To amend the Act respecting snow fences it & * F amend the Mechanics' Lien Ac.-- Inspection of Stationary Boilers 07% S olos the E M especting the Examination of Stationa anfl Engineal'& Engineers and lnspection of St.nionur; p Boilers--Mr. Garso s n. ' woprier snz THE ROAD COMPANIES] BruL. The first clause of Mr. McKay' bi 4 % ay's bill t '-nR. GARSON'& RILL IN COMMITTEE, emend the general Road Compznies' Ac: £ /. fwes the main object of the bill. _ It is as Sniditits Aeimics ow ols olllows:--'Ev;ry Colunw Council may name Chalkt % $ aimd appoint by by--law an engineer to c &A Division on Mr. Whitney's Proposed out the provision of this Acfi and uo:u':::! C# Election Act Amendment gineer shall be and continue an officer of = such corporation until his appointment is l repoaled by by--law and another appointed mm in his stead, who shall have authority as |* THE REGISTRY OFFICE Oivis;ion. well to take as to continue any proceeding alreadly commenced under this Act, The Papiecth o \\;orld '*'engincer" in this Act shall mean civil engineer, land surveyor, or such per-- It :n::t:o:":hby l:: Fl"ngh "'dlD' son as any County Council may deem y the Attorney--General . competent to perform the duties required «--Mr, Creighton and the under thu. Act. _ The bill names the duties | Department of of the engineer, which are chicfly that of Education. inspecting roads or bridges upon the requisi= tion of one or more frecholders living with. Te t ol es ies Nee o in a mile from the said road or bridge, The rest of the bill provides the necessary ma-- April 1, 1890. chinery, etc. To--day was a very busy one at the As-- INSPECTIOX OF STATIONARY BoILERs. I sembly. More time was spent over Mr. Mr. Garson moved the House into Com-- . Garson's ** Respecting the Examination of :l.nllce }m ln: :yll respecting the examina. | Stationary Engineers and the Iuspection of i::l;,w':,on * :;'wu:;?:io.?::f;"e(if:iler:"d 'f::..;' S.tulionnry Builer;" than on(\' any OthO; fi:sl, cluuse ufl the bill emhudii.-n the scheme l siugle measure. This was in Committee of | Mr. Garson has in mind, It is as foi-- the Whols, where the bili was very badly | low 8 :« l F s uint | * (1) The Lieutenant.Governor in C 'll treated. Other discussions and divisions | shall abpolgt a "Charmmah """"B ""{'c'f took place on Mr, Whitney's bill to amend Trspeciors for. the Provincs of Onlasid, :-e'Oll:.tlT:o l'.lectulmuAc:; :nd Mr. ,:_3!'01(:::; who.seldutyllt shall be lto inspoct all boiler: )i 8 Di 0 amenc 1¢ ct respecticg or other devices under pressure, Anc Department of Education, the Government examine all persons who may apply for being hundsomely sustained in' cach case, (-xmnina:i(}n, aud Aasue grwl.e'd ccrtihcu_teu \brw A , to all applicants who are qualified to receive «Mr. French's bill respecting registry and | them.' wfll' foes was briefly discussed '"d' The remainder of the bill prescribes the **lost on a division." Other minor matters qualifications such inspectors shall possess, scceupied the House till afiate hour -- The ":'Id 'i°'i""'; their duties ""td f":';xkot'; ":"dr-" y olther I)I'UV s10nBd i'l'lfllllg out 0 e lirs House meets to--morrow (Wednesday) at 11 Mr. Meredith said he objected to the first b IM. clause, 1t was merely another schome for the The If IN Ct.)-\l:"('l;l'flfl- itt £ appointmeut of another set of Government e House wont into Committee on two viticials. or three Government bills thnat were down 1:1 c. Raeside went a step further and said for the third reading, and slight amend-- he objected to the bill aitogether. 1t was ments unaffecting the general purport of the legislation for a particular class, the Bro-- bills were made,. 'The bills in question were therhood of Engineers, aud the House the Attorney--General's bill to simplify the an«uld have nothing to do with it, There procedureo tor enforcing mechunics' liens was too much inspection altogether, Why aud Hon. Mr, Gibson's bill respecting con-- you could hardly do anything or go any. tracts of insurance. 'These bills were then where without being inspected in some way *eported for third reading to--morrow. or another, 'Thore were more lives lost by THIRD READINGS, the riding of unmanageable horses perhaps i The flollowxu{; bills were read a third than in a good many othexl' ways whore an ime and passed :---- inspector was provided. It was a wonder Respecting the culling and moeasurement somebody did not propose to have a iman of sawlogs cut upon Crown Lands--Hon. in=pected to see it he were competent or Mf', H."'ly' not to ride. He thought the bill unneces-- l To ircorporate the Arthur, Guelph & #»ry and opposed it. He moved that the | On'mr.:o Ruilway Company--Mr. Clarke Committes rise. s LW ?llmgm")' Mr. Garson defended his bill and spowod To amend the Registry Act--Hon, Mr. that there is groat public interest in the Gibsoun. measure. _ His mail is loaded eV:il'y morh» MORNING s®ss10X®, inz with -- commendations _ an sugges-- The Attorney--General then moved a tivns from mzeanufecturers aud othera motion, the notice of which has been on the interested in the qusstion, and there order paper for several days, namely, that is an almost _ unanimous _ support ol morning sittings for the remainder of the on their part _ of . the _ bill . zow sessiou, the morning sittings to last from | before the Houre. He thought Mr. Rae:-- ::,oi::n to one o'c!gck, um% the other li.ttil)gl side showed a lack of sympathy with work-- ave as usual. 'The motion passed without ingmen. The legislation propesed was not in munrnth _ for a class. Very few members of . the PUBLIC BILLS, Brotherhood of Engineers would be affected The House went into Committee on a by it. It was for the gemeral interes'ts Ofi number of public bills, viz. :-- the public, and so, apparently, would not | To amend the Act respecting conveyances receive the support of some hou,. members. to trusteos for burial grounds--Mr. Waters. Mr, Garson mentioned several cases in :llo amend the Act_ rusrectiug assignments which the employees of large corpont\qqs ;n 1 'refe_rences by iusolvent persons--Mr. nad signed a petizidon in support of the bill. "i!" (York). 35 Among these was one from the staff of Tus x0 amend the Municipal Waterworks Act Grose Printing Company and another from ";},"'- Phoips, \ the staff of Tho Empire. Mr. Garson re-- Gutcl)'ri'e"wud the County Courts Act--Mr. ferred also to the evidence of various .:{lt- s F sider-- To amend the Division C nesses before the Committoe that con llmost . Ecthels n Courts Act--Mr. ed the bill lasat year, which were & Lo as wholly in favor of the general scheme of Ao amend the law respecting powers of this bill saie in mortgages--Mr. Guthric. Mr. Hudson, as a member of the To amend the Registr Act-- 7 y v F ill (Hastings) gisiry Act--Mr. Wood Committee that -- considered j the _ bi * ) this ear objected _ to the. meas-- go amend the Pu:tmon Act--Mr. French, ure, az bo'ing uJunecenary in its main o amend the Act respect h j i i i 1 ns pecting the estab-- object and unwise in its detail . _ One ishment of municipal institutions in the i d i vir on that outlying districts-- Mr. Conmee Oniloils m olnce in it noarhorede Shd i To nmend the General Road C 3 would apparertly disqualify from nervice as Act--Mr. MeKay oad Companies | engineers many who how tilloc'li reaponl':ble To amend the Act to prevent t} | positions in that capacity, inasmuch as of noxious weeds and dil';uu afl'eclt?n'pir "'(: io wanak h ome Wracrd be betheogam: trees--Mr. Cluag § trui to manage an engine, would be, perhaps, nu-- To amend tho Su tatle 'Diee Plastioy A able to puss a technical examination. o --Mr. Presiman reo Flanting Act Hon. Mir. I«;ruer g:inud ouhti tl_;;tdtlm "yai ® was a mistake on the part of Mr. Hudson, M'rl"F::.';';"' the Surrogato! Courts Act-- inasmuch as the bill provided that such * * ' mon should be permitted to continue with--