M "tGiG"iarai, aliutrr could tr l his any right. .wummwwrz not road the hf'l'i"mihg 1 ota could not ambush i, Schools. He read quite the c Air I matter of fact there were nine SEPARATE PROTESTANT someonf' rig-f in this Province, sud, as he read the 1%; they could be established in ever cit . r y r. t',alt,t village tomorrow, and established by 'uioee can, methods as to control, es to the (Wing of notice and as to all thus concerned the machinery of the school. than could Roman Uatholio-"vutiiroe Schools. He would rewl'that Act ever again and see ii he was wrong, because they had heard It mites-gigs than Wes no such thing as Protestant '?eis/iiiite Schools bein established except under certain exceptions circumstances. Section 1 of this Act said..--" Upon the application in writ- ing of live or more heads of um.. ilies resident' in any township, city. town or incorporated village being Protestants. the Mnnicipsl Council of WC mil lownship, or the Board of School Trustees oi any such city, Minor Ineor- porated village, shall authorise the estab- lishment therein of one, or 'moroSsparito ISL-hon!" iur Protestants; and upon the application of tive or more heads ot Lunilics resident in my township, city, town or incorporated village, btsiucr colored people, the Council or such township or the Board oi tschool Trustees of any such city, town or incorporate} village, shall authorise the ossted.,lirshtnent therein of one or more Hepiu'nlo Scheme for colored people, and. in every such (use such Council or Board, as the cue may he, i shall prescribe the limits or the i section or sect-ions ot such schools." The hon. gentleman rend on to the 0th and 7th sections Without interruption. These two , clauses provide ..--" 1n any-0115' or tovrn the ' persons who nuke application, according to l the provisions of section 2 of this Act, may 1 have a Sopisrnte Schooi in ouch ward or in two or more wards united, as the said per- sons may judge expedient." Then the his: 1 ...v'tio Protestant Separate School shall be [ allowed in any school section, except'when , the tctushen' of the4rulslic School in such soo- tion is a. Roman Catholic." Mr. Fraser re- marked that this was the only qnuliticstio. c,mtaiued throughout the Act to the gel. trill power. Mr. Meredith-ripe, hear. . . . u Ri, .'HI. .'l'lllne-uu ----._, an ,7 Mr. Fraser said his non. friend all " hear, hour," but he would say this only applied to the cone of school section. and not to the case of Cities, towns and vii. lagesmnil therefore there might have been a Very goal reason in the minds of those reg. mating these lawn why there should not be u Bacon-l Protestant School in a. school ecc- tion w here there was one already taught by n Protestant teacher. Section 8 "idi.-."L. ' all cities, towns, meorpornted villager end i township Public School sections, in which Separate Schools exist, every Protestant or I color-mi person (we the case may be) send- ing children to such school, or supporting l the some by subscribing thereto annually ' nn amount equal to the sum at which nun-h person, if such Separate School did not er. tst, must have been rated in order to obtain the animal Legislutive Public. School grunt. shall he exempt trom the payment of all rates imposed for the support of tho Public School: oi such may, .tnwn. incorporated, village and School section respectively, and of all rates imposed for the purpose of ob. taining the Public Sctacol grunt." Mr. Iieroditls---'f inn. is a condition also. 'I here is no such condition in roger-.1 to the Roman Catholic Separate? Schools. N r. 1truser--No, but this is more liberal. b It does not require em! noting l me am topoiut out that there is no technicality out in the way of Protestsut t9sptrrtrte School supporters. Mr. Freser reread the clause together with the next succeeding one, which in an follows v-" The exenip~ ticn from the payment of school rates. In herein provided, shall not extend beyond the period during which "ch pereone and children to or lub- ncrihe u aforesaid for the support of such Separate School l nor shall the exemption extend to school "tea, or taxes imposed, or to be impyotl, to pay tor school houses, the erection of which WM undertaken or entered into before the '/etblPhtntust of such Scpernte School." he hon. Kentlemau asked the Home to mark that. the word "herein," as used here. Ihonhl show what was meant by the Pe.ctdiutr Iection. So that under this law, gins; related to Protestant Separate notico skull?" was no necessity. for at] tion ":13 il except for the origixiel peti- com; a m t 4trtsatise ".'r.r"'"P" might bo-- ;i0'l'l,'ld'ltl'fllQ not bean bound by uiy Mt lo ate, nor any particular rule; out, . us " h. ottomt to make a contribution,