A - -.. . CAC. . . . rifi .' " =" . 1-3-50 ai'd' 1tEiF'cTtu, _ ~-' g. c; 'Sil tNt.ti't'tttit" 1 "c""a, 1'tttt* 'T , ' the Protatnnt Province , ot . r mu, t are?" t. Ontario" its BO unfair as to throw any f _ - ' r t w v n [of obstacle in the way of all clauses rival - " in on at their 'fi Matt ttal 1 t hi 'her educntloul museum or never appointed titom,itt11 .iyttt thtstttse "'5 o . F" .= , . . _ Look " tho Provincial University. All clauses ..' uiity Councils passed them by tr'mtilarlr. " l were enabled to avail themselves ot tho advan- _'. at thor were generally lett unrepresented 0," times which it uttered without respect to creed " he Huis Selim] lio-trds. Thu oireq.ot this or itonomitttttion,attd the shine with the Rich WM Very injurious to time interested in Sepa- Schools. upwind: to the High schools flowed Pate Schools. Tttcy Wilma" " "a "" the two gin-at entrants of uducuttlory-ly"' trout intimation that they itr't,ht, h'We their the Pubthshools and one from tho Separate _ t%parate Schools for "lemcntarr cduoatiouat n tiettools-ttttd by his "ntcudtttant Mr. French purposes, but Unit the High School wnaiiot tor proposes that those stroniiiu_sliould be pte- lb them. and that they could have no part in its rented from unitiugttttttis paint l where they _ i administration. The IttX they might par. but united he proposed to crectn barrier and to any v, they Were not Wanted in the iiintiagetncut. the union than not be complete. 'c.. 'i'hnt wus the meaning of Mr. French's arncud. lie would virtually exclude the llama!) Came. mcnt,-to deprive titem ot Um riRitt, ot reprc" lice from a voice in the administration of "ss. sentntlon on High School Itoardtr--it it meant. Separate Schools. lln proposed that Municipal anything. Roman Catholics hitd never been and County Councils should he allowed to renrmcntcd on the High School Board of ignore them now its tormorly. It in the face ot Toronto nor on that of London. It they had t "sedimiguuius they hull tho f0.u.rugo to try been. nt least he had never heard of it, and it and avail thottusolves of tho pvivilegus of the Will the some in dozens null dozens of other . High Schools they ware welcome to do so. But Imnicip-lii ics over the Province. , they were to have no assistance in the removal . The Government took the View that elomen- of thew dittit:utries. lie protested, against this tary t Attention was good both for Proteutunt "nutudtricrtt. it was not required by the Pub. and Iloitmtttutholie, nod that higher educn- no School". Document no wrong had been done, ' lion would he open to all. irrespective of creed the Public Schoolii: and no wronl.r had been l ur color. "r anything eke. if " EPW'III'Cd that done the High Schools by the operation ot the those attending terepuvatcsc'ools Were pron-tit. "rneutttuetit. The High Schools to-dny were on by any distinction on the pane! the clot-tors more prosperous than ever before. The Univer- of l rustees to the lionral from sentlitut their any toulay was more crowded thnnovor before. ' cnttdrctt tts the iiigh Fchrrtr',ts, it wits sight and Public School-i were stronger than over before. proper tlytt 'Ay iaw tsltould he ciuonwd to "r. Moro was ex ended on sites and buildings now "WY" trts diMeulty. than ever bciporc. and the ntteudaneo was in. " as it no: dcsirnlilc that the House should opening (ivory any, Yet. without a single taet do all it could to induce Roman Catholics its tojustity him in his course,yws.delitrcrately pro- . well "sA'ruupat.ttr' to nvnil thciitsolvcu of op- pooed to make the law attain what it was before . Peri I',','),"); ot it higher educatlion i l if the iiiut- th" "1.5.1", tuuortrJtuettt. becumo law. or wvic t iscuttsvu trout the trout 'rotcstttnt "., . . _ . , ' standpoint it must he admitted that the hiclvw h :3"? ?,ytt/ah",'i,ihrr,' t,11'uyr//,'g,ttrd1,r.eal's'11t untl better !lys,y/.l.1e?1iyy received by Roman i 'l/le suggested "alt wittt [together iid pro. , t.. . . ... ' ' " . . 4 ' ' i , . . Ic/Ill,")":.?, the lieu-r tor tho _uroyP..i,".rr"y.')l .i not-ted lli:itthc iiotiu- should reject all liutllio ipli ht hoot pupils could mil: be multiplied by hill which he mm hirnrsell' introduced Neither thousands instead or by hundreds it would be f Mr M -rcdl'h'v two liill~i nor Mr (5,0; 'lilon'a bet or toi' the cducatiourdaud intellectual iii- 'dj' " i'S"l, 15..."ch mull. (di lie ifl,fdlfd'h dependence ot the country niid for it. iiitcllcc- I'll ' '1'l2 ii% "'1' Il,' i f l i s I'l' U; tual prosperity. it it "itpeyoy.t 'tha,t uy this (l'i'i the" ilousii that 'li Walt: it: yduty l ttt"tuuimettt to tho twain". 5cm"! Act the just now in unmistakable terms to express its l attendance at the High tiyuoyls had been tii- 'cullro contldclioc in the Confederation Act ot I 'igtr.a i,t,.rt'"i1.'d1Tti,' ),',',,).',s,'i,',ul"'J,.e?1i,.'i,ti/t. 1867. which It) unnrantcud certain privileges ' gnulo. 'iiiiiii of brln . pro-rrooslvc to the minorities (it (intnrio and Quebec, which I "rs mm. hunt a riaht to 'is. n" 1rijri' I; I cerium lion. members tvoyld now withdraw. I 'ientivGott ot Itis 5,'T,/hc.ciy""hc. Housso 'tiotuvottlsoutcttitruvtw ot the House could re- will ti not adopt it... The Home Could not mlopt l meuOw much bstcr than)", y', yyttiift, that , it cw" if it ticticrcil in tltv. News of the lender i haul urged around the Act. 0. 1893. and tho I of "m in rr.itiot, tl . t tl %is, . g". l litigation that had t'ollowed it. which was nl. Hilollii in? 'h',""",',,'.,',':? new iiy"I'2r" {1.3331113 l 1oypl, minim 1"".nlmim". fop good, and with in his manifesto of 1380. where he soul that l ,',,f/,.l"ie/.1ehd"h/tti,lf"/', it"): 'l1'y"runt.o will" "jrhourtlt sonn- might reg-ct limit such lnstit u- '/hr1.ii't "1|"; (lfi,'i'l.1"i?i,,"ii/lt2o/itrin f/lf, tt.1re,",i',t'ih"'it, li, b ct " "as the pill? of the .(v'm . Home, \i'mt tho purtV moat "cuivt,"m promoting I lit to make them its elite-tent as possiulc, l fe 1 ' . ti r' . l ' Pr ... . . . , nod to acellnit they performed tho functions tic 111,el", ton l' "Lil" . PWS," Ir, wife.? for which tin-y "my: dengue-ti. New. h'cpurtttu t J1" '"i')',""11' V "u"b tef',"", $1"?! "a: But" F'yltools worn .tlssigned. limit. to prepare tor paid" d?" 3; [eh in") ' I so l',' . " l re, f, cducnship intir yum-.1: tin-n who could not ii m "1- .. T " yup 1"." y " I UHt m utlu rtt'isv rot-win) lite udt'itin-tm-s of oiucatiou, ."p.listh,t 1?f':l Pt, :y.1;'deyiafi?.? of. tho Pro- mui their film l ion Wau nit-Lo to D'ctmru tltit 50m 'il.";?, II to '.ti'Jlyi'i) 'yeidi1/"/l, P.2"tfy.) ot "£0 ol iloninn i'utliolics for tho luiwucvi profession» L. . . J. lf { l ' I'".?.'. .2 _','" ..iy.N1,' Eh" . tyy/ly I"." :lu- higher walks of life: and how could 'u1l?dtie P.'.'", 'dir 'll)., I?"!.','.'"..".'.',. Itic, us {"1"} 3 tin; ht;- bt-li'tt-r 1l'////iii1r"//s,yc'i' equipping tilt in fur tkh"i1y'i'?//f./,'f, mYL'ig/H? ','c,"d'lyn,'l.ut,1e'rs"tr'd,.i', i '7 i'rll'tf I it ' . ' t a . ' I . . l . Mr. iloo,N '.',.'loy/U'lflls x; 1,t't'. the increases Iri,tlt.t.s..t.o..e, "ilu/fri. (nun 'witluiut' on the (ion. in inc numlu-r oi thow, who iliili written at the 11lyy.Lti,u.y 4": hf" ttad y.c/ileled the "" cLlr'ttntu is:iuiuittrtti;utc, It) like High t'echool, "in?!" l y,TI'crlfP. tyi' their r/?y.er.1...yir.. tho Im- from Irrru. in 1383 the nuutircrot Separate INN?" ('U'qmmcntf it w,",?. vyityir.t these Sclmolpupih 'rl"' wrote at Ilto tliielt 501mm "oils tlint the hitttlcs'of' l'rtCy.t.yittl 1eils "l'll"l"'"- _,"i'idl,1trl,.t"'? "l ly' J/YY/ey Divison if); .3313? "/,'.,it'/i, /d.t""/1r""i':rlm),rot.'/,d"%t'/igi' o " arm was: a. , , . ' V _ .. . . - . " "mm", 0170 I")? com. in "is /,'/l,t rote. n" m tlm House, had come from honorable gentle- Undcr tliciiioui-ut in! supLwrcrsot Hel'nrute men wlto avowed 1itt-'ru.sylyysay one timo 'he Soho/in: \Vcrti obit! lo poitst to t lic High m' .hool 1.t.ly..yy.'.i.y,t of the t.yysrllut ional "all". or On- "r noun-thing in thr, tulllllni~lrntion of which tuna. Min of the 1tsly.y.1ly.,t,C,l",tly1tiHiy..: It tut-r haul " voice. and lilld wus nu incentive to 'v."'s they why .'""' newnltcd W3 Act ttith " tilt-m to pit l. their children Corsvitol. "NW in ttttpri-ins' " cerium P0t'ttutt of tu,, Peo- i il--lm'r1:igltitlic Euler" Division. Mr. Hon; {Hoof the "this; and privileges which that Act suit: that Inspector Donovan reported that the tad conicrrcd upon ru/tnt.. lho Houre should hmrmm. between that-9 was 05t per cunt., y..it,iy,tyy.ey1? [you within Just an. it littd rt). nu cxtruotulin"ry but "Tum." most stolen assaults iroui without, und should place "uisCvctocy iruuiaw. Now that {not one "tltu', rnorr "l"."! ticord that the rlguts quilt- test M to tho l".m.n,.ml ell'cc: of "A: tend to minorities in Ontario and Quebec. and "ttttut/tit. xtltielt Mr. French proposed to 1tritrtleu' rightts mlurntatcnd therein, should lo ' rcpeal. Last your 53 IM't' Wm. of thow who PV.'""" rd initial. niirl iitviolnlc so far its logic. I Wrote from Sclif'll'itli' Schools when! the tut. in??? of "I"? ileum: WM ','tr"t.ty"'y Thor l. ttuiut.co:iatuinatioittoi' l iiiguh'cliools. of 'i/ol,',','),,.:)',' 'ie/dy/ in hm!" iii' a "YURI those who missed from Public Schools the pei- ti . . 1.31" "F. on t1'ypj,PP ll "my 1ve"t.eou- cenlngt- wat. only tr) per ctutl., Fit that tretwct n "tit l '5 ttuilips t,heir Congtitutltm to Wceety ' thetwo Giant-103 of pupils there this a ditrcrvrwe ll'liti enduttvoring to rcpl'it'o tho hi'okuii ports. at only one per cent. in furor of the Public l emotions Wouldnevcr become," luamoamteout, Schools. Most of these tlgurtrs could in: pulp» if question: ut "w" rind creod WcWit fouy" _iu thc 1u'tsu'pt 9am" nc'iuuymmrt.or Edu- being continually raised 11c fiii-untied to ho". cation forlust ycn'r. i'/ti'tp,'-.w.rijtysoy1'tttcriy:ve gentlemen ili,'i).'d,i'd, iu .lho 'ii'd't)C?i' of their in b.ucetrctrd.a.yfrcr' (lsr,lii,l,t?ichools.tiriortt ll.- routing" $'ttul 'C.".'. I l t tl 1 l ',il . "pity 250lll'1853'0 l'i'tNZIn new. and he could not my wlsiot thrw .m'", In. c" t not i."""~ti"cl ii we lil'iillilt'i)" how this incrensc hurl lit-on liroutrlit hint." whui 'i1% f, IT . 04"."i "ml: ' "if... imam, lint iuidtliti-utlit s',.,',i"'dt'1'i,t"t"ii/,'.ut/th't Mispicron und /i'/s'//0,Y ///'di'r"fjne1 anti-(mt; T o ic tiicrt'nu-q lll crest u 'mi ill lite igli s 'ar ' _ ' . ' . t I . , L 't -' L, Schoo N in" St-purulc School supporters. Grunt liiiitiiildiiriiki 'r"////,i"/,TiJivadlt tyy/ey',), 1di', minim-e:- had hecii tin-lilo during the punt few bills. it WM the "(tut I ," /"1"fi' v} .. yum-"u hop." no. Schools. The expenditure roizutlvn oi I the, [ionic '"/1 do) "in for oil hurt)": if in" it?" was 5036.531. while. and Kttlli'l'lllls ml minorities That Judd l 'all Y.'I it in" "2c'.'ca'1. ttlt "WWW" of int-ct: tlr, principle mum ii/r/r/Ci:: the iceisln- l pet ccpt. "l the cxpeudilurt'.iouuli tlw lil'uot'tlu- mum i/ir/sir, had bet b *u-ui in l iticrcasc lit the attouiunce "tnotmiceitoonlyld 1 its continuum "in; (21". a; "mus, 1/'/,"Ti'h'/,' ' til.'.Tl.'ct; linttltaru Wits another ry,"Pot.t why _ when ('oloninl 'cicreiiii'i',ii't Q]; /sl',f'dt")/i'.' I Ir. french a hill villi'ould not puns. lho 110th , Inuit-(l in [Lia country The pitta-tr C51 stitu- I '/"l1".Tt"./..?y, ill the guru. m-purulo Sign"); t lion of the Dominion had "in." umi' Ir/i' been I Rollins a {him to i'ei'lk'v'tilllltlloll on limit hi-liool l expuntlv-d from the iiiuciiillm-nt clemency and t, boon". lip.» Jurasu: would need very slrtiiig l Me-txt-ity of the Imptu'ial l'urliiiuuvnt in tth" I orulcoct- that its notion then wa', yuw"c before l '.t'll(illlL; protection to winning" Herue . nro 13. .it WON-d be justilicul m tvpculiug the Art. ill the. tlr.ut pint-e tiio Fotct%iiiii (it 17°31 y.e.e,"1i.!1:? " ."W' urpcd "by honorable, which wusmtcndctl to 'ir/iid, the Humanoid? ttev.t.'irutem uprostto that the. M'imrnte School Unlurio. or Uppcr Canada nail. then on} from ', Act won {i hit ',-ta/i,c. not! lill'll it won subversive I what won tsuppomed to be".... tiiv.iiii/itiG"oi%ii; l at the unizly l' spirit. 'lt,",11','1,1,'p2'c')yl in the t imiirrity of "GfiiC, 'l'hiq 'iii,"," iii." "rut i "use -" Illl y smut m tuneup on Ontario in its". - t J. I _ : . ', f l "Him supposed to ltnve. Admitting tltis to be the l,,':,"))")",','),'.,,, i,y'i1,ul'J"l,,,c',1 co/pile/li,),',",,."] I fl"'" try' the IPI!.".".')., the P"s3uWe of Mr. the Constitution G'iirii.wii'c'ii'iv"i., boned oiitliii I ?_'r1yt,c.1'1iy!.11".lyyy.t, 1vou.id b", "We'd-v he ctt'iu. SHIN principle of generosity to "tiiiTi'Uihrri. l Mica to 'tromote WM Well": ot llllll\'. Under The minority hnd liven tr.tmplct'l upon L . illi- l tro "WM" High 'scytel WHICH) and irresponsible lirccutivc which was will oi'tdvi , since the itineiidnzcnt ol 1566. Public and by it FitillliV Contract. \i'i'onuq JvC,'i't,i1'1,'i',',',1li"ie ' beparnte School .children were both to tar as', vias possible Ir/Gil/UU,. P'Gtiri'r " I gather under one teacher and one sysloiirof in- "tent introduced. and 'oi," grievances of life l ntrncuon, lfululy crusted onyuimrc. " cor- minoritv rcltlutlicd so for ns 'ti0,"Cl'i/1)nilt' l tninly existed there. and it Won unity which or (m- tlsty Wu", ahle Tttcn iiu'a'ii's. flu" ii the hon. stytt1crm.ryt opposite "washed lo de- ll. N.A. Act of 18m, iihicii 'c%'t'l','i'/'L' tiling. ull',', hire. Yet he yi.tli.1tr.tt.e.l,s,' prop: {rd torepeal principlea in itsmetliotl ofdonling with min. 1,l"'/t,'itc,r'ritr',",,'kvttl.cha,'e0t:'l, '/11 'igd1ii1'. oritlcu. 8 t, If thtry were to follow tho exanmlo I H- .. . .' ' , IC "putttlte "ftltchuuerial G' ' . ' ' ' . . people tlint tlisuiilun which he 1r.onoe.o" to so this innit 1auo)tSenc"tt,,int/e'itt"it.i/dt i, warmly iuiiicnt. r" as he perfectly Sine-ire in that they could be its just and 'd0ttt'i'ous l his proposition!" ntshial9tieperfeetlytauitusst its tho [lupin-in} Puriiauumt Was; Jen " they new binccrodn the one misc and they would not reopen " question that litid really )"biwd to bring .s't.ylatate 'ichftoleh.iltlryut been settled at Confederation and would not and , "PHD. School. children together Itt the tako trom the minority the privileges that had Py.blif School Ite, did not set, how they could been given them and. gtini'ttiiieed theiir then i aloof: tgint/go",:'?,,',",')';,',,,?', "lurid" which Let them show the minoritr that thov would i t . " . ' . 'gl'll,'hl ','M,'l'l2,'ll/i'el.1 n so " an ngl'i not take these rights from thcui.but that every I I